Is it or isn’t it?
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Is it or isn’t it?

Bill Bately
Member Adventurer
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 167
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  1. I’m a longtime user. Have many models. Quite happy with my Aneros models. Also happy with occasional ales too. Question. When I first started my sessions were l-o-n-g. Like one or two hours. Now, I’ve got them down to between 15 and 40 minutes (after about 9 or 10 years!).
  2. My usual routine is I’d read something a bit racey. Get in the mood. Lie on my left side. With some nipple play. It would get better and better and after about 15 to 30 minutes I’d get a distinct high and what I’d call a dry O. This would always be accompanied by an “emission “. But only precum. And not too much. But sometimes I’d wonder if it really was an O. Or if it’s just the pleasurable movement of the pc out of my c***. But I’m satisfied. I’d like to hear from others if that’s how their sessions go. 

Ggringo, silverdragon, Ggringo and 3 people reacted
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Posts: 1420

Distinct high? Emission? Sounds like orgasm to me. You’ll have to accept things for what they are,or you’ll end up chasing the dragon some what. A common pitfall is guys constantly telling themselves what things aren’t,and convincing themselves they are close but not quite there. Even though they’ve been there all along! 

Bill Bately, Ggringo, Bill Bately and 3 people reacted