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Intense orgasm from new dildo,Is This what a Super O feels like?

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Been playing with anal for just over a year, started with dildos,till I found Aneros. Been making steady progress, unsure how to catagorize my reactions, had some very strong good sensations sessions. Anyway bought a new dildo 11" fat dildo. Can barely get 5-6" in me, fine line btwn. pain and pleasure. So I had an orgasm with this thing in me, started with a tingling in my head and slowly worked its way through my body, had to pull myself off partially because of the pain but mostly the sensation was intense, when I puuled off my prostate started throbbing, but I wasn't cumming, as i jacked the pleasure built up til I came with long very slow contractions. It felt like many of you describe as a super o, or T, except there was no cum, but I was spent. What just happened?


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So you were masturbating traditionally throughout the orgasm, it felt like a strong or enhanced traditional orgasm, but you didn't ejaculate, and you probably had a refractory period...?  Perhaps you had a dry orgasm, but then there wouldn't be a refractory period.  My guess is you just blocked your ducts with your dildo, causing retrograde ejaculation (look it up to see if you agree).  But maybe not, maybe I am wrong.  If it felt really good, why not do it again!  I personally remove pressure from the abdominal side of the rectum (i.e. prostate-side) when ejaculating with a bigger dildo in me because I have experienced retrograde ejaculation and I don't like it (and because the pressure on my prostate becomes painful during ejaculatory contractions).

Oh and to answer the title question... personally my prostate orgasms are qualitatively drastically different from my ejaculatory orgasms (if that is indeed what you experienced, just in slow motion), so if you did in fact experience a retrograde ejaculatory orgasm, then no it isn't the same.  And the contractions are different.  In an ejaculatory orgasm, the contractions are impossible to control.  My prostate orgasmic contractions are controlled by me.  Of course their are the auto-fuck contractions, but I control those movements too--the moment I stop tensing muscles the auto-fuck stops. 

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Not sure what it was, the throbbing prostate, had heartbeat type throbbing, not connected to the orgasm, contractions were in my penis and my rectum, seperate from my prostate,weird as that sounds. So this morning,I decided to see what would happen, if I treated the dildo like an do nothing aneros session, unbeleavably, after about a minute, my 2nd sphincter felt like it was kissing the tip of the dildo, some how causing it to tap my prostate, had to go to work so I never had a chance to see how far it went. Have to take a day or 2 off to give my newly stretched ass a rest. I recommend trying to treat a dildo session, like a aneros session. I think you just have to find the sweet spot. Even though it can't move your asshole may react in ways you don't expect. Would like to here the results. 

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Posted by: @tbob

I recommend trying to treat a dildo session, like a aneros session

that is practically all I do with dildos! I keep them in place or move them vvvveeeerrrryyyy sssssllllooooowww, letting my muscles do the majority of the movements. 

so maybe you did have a prostate orgasm. Further experimenting will tell.
