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I have always had a high sex drive . In my teens and twenties I masturbated many times, daily - often afterwards I felt tired with little energy for much else. Sound familiar?

About 5 years ago now I started practising a technique called 'injaculation' whereby I masturbate and orgasm but the ejaculate is witheld by pressing three fingers onto a certain spot on my perenium which retains the semen. This has been very useful in my aneros play, as I now can still masturbate and enjoy the orgasmic "release" without the loss of energy or fluids and better still I can keep building my arousal so that now the only wet orgasms I experience come from my prostate stimulation.
The extra energy I have as a result is very noticeable. Eventually I hope to be able to withold my ejaculate by "powerlocking" my kegels muscles and therefore not having to use finger pressure. I am still a long way away from this. Sometimes when I am super horny a small amount of fluid will escape. But this is normal and the majority of times I am able to retain my semen . I hope this description helps someone . Try it and see !

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Hey @SweetSpot.

I hope this description helps someone.

Yep, it's quite good. But to be fair, I knew this stuff already - so I didn't had to twist my mind too much.

About 5 years ago now I started practising a technique called 'injaculation' whereby I masturbate and orgasm but the ejaculate is witheld by pressing three fingers onto a certain spot on my perenium which retains the semen.

In german that's called "der sächsiche Griff" / "the saxonian grip". The spot you are pressing should be (roughly) the perineum pressure point that is hit by the p-tab of the aneros.

This has been very useful in my aneros play, as I now can still masturbate and enjoy the orgasmic "release" without the loss of energy or fluids and better still I can keep building my arousal so that now the only wet orgasms I experience come from my prostate stimulation.

This is very interesting! In my book, injaculation is by no means any better than ejaculation - the semen just travels to another destination but the hormone-release (which causes the tiredness) is still triggered. I'm quite amazed this works out for you! So my wild guess is, that you actually don't injaculate (semen goes into the bladder), but that you hinder your semen from leaving the seminal vesicle & prostate altogether.

Eventually I hope to be able to withold my ejaculate by "powerlocking" my kegels muscles and therefore not having to use finger pressure.

I tried that too for a long time. In fact, that's the technique the vast majority of MMO related books and web-seminars suggest for men (e.g. B. Keesling - How to make love all night). I don't want go be disencouraging, but I think, that's a dead end. You may succeed, but it seems to be a tough skill to learn (I only partially mastered it). Instead of suppressing the muscles spasms (which is not very erotic or relaxing), it's far easier (and better!) to just not build / ascend your arousal on the "build-in" spinal-orgasm-reflex path. That's what anerosing is all about anyway. The trick is not to clench your pelvic muscles in order to hold back the muscle spasm, but to keep them relaxed right from the start to prevent them to build up any tension in the first place. It's harder to reach the orgam-threshold though, because muscle tension is usually a big helper for that. I had a very nice conversation about this topic with @DarkOrb a while ago.

Cheers, Unfug

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I am practicing semen retention. Have gone 30 days at a time. The Aneros gives me relief after a session. Best of both worlds. No tiredness and I keep my precious fluid. I read where it takes our body 7 days to produce one quality ejaculation. We lose a lot of nutrients and testosterone when we ejaculate. Just started this 3 months ago. It's like I am going thru puberty again. Very interesting. A lot of articles on line about it. I never knew about this before. Learning new things about the male functions that I never knew.

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@Woodbine Hi! I too practice SR and currently on Day 25. Couple questions for you: Have you had wet dreams yet? About how long after SR should I expect one? After 30 days, how will I know it is time for an ejaculation? Would I be able to continue indefinitely?

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From what I researched you can go indefinitely. The longest I have done was 30 days. I have had some discomfort in my testicles at times but the Aneros releaves that. Remember it's not bad to release every once in a while. It happens. I have had no wet dreams but I feel better more vitality. I used to release often and came upon SR and it's benefits. I notice that when I do finally release it's like the very first time and the volume is amazing. I'm going to continue on this journey and the Aneros journey as well. Good luck.

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Thanks @Woodbine I feel great with SR. I stim my prostate about once a week and that does help. I have had no wet dreams yet.

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I would do more research on pressing the perineum. My advice I would not be pressing on the perineum at all. I believe even Mantak Chia even talks about the dangers of pressing on the perineum even though it is in his book.

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Thanks @Woodbine I feel great with SR. I stim my prostate about once a week and that does help. I have had no wet dreams yet.

I believe the only suggested SAFE way to prevent ejaculation past the point of no return is clenching of the pc muscles.

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Thanks guys. How I am doing it is not having a wet orgasm. Just don't ejaculate. It's a challenge and it teaches you self control.
