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If MMO's are possib...
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If MMO's are possible through keysound and other energetic techniques is the aneros still worth it?

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You don't really need either, yet they both teach you what mmo is but that doesn't mean they are the same.
The N-joy wand, Aneros and the ksmo have distinct characteristics and this has relevance when combined with the others and -'less'
Also buggering the asshole with an N-joy wand two consecutive days is a bit too much, using ksmo two days after each other is also not recommended. Aneros you could vary models.

And sometimes your body just has a preference for one over the other. Also you won't have prostate orgasms generally with the ksmo UNLESS you're experiencing the after-effects of something (especially the N-joy wand) that has been probing and relentlessly exerting pressure on all the pleasurable spots

And you'll underutilize the 'energetics' if you're unaware of subtle energies.

So each is complementary and adds to the whole.

My favourite at the moment is -'less' and the N-joy but it takes a certain amount of daring to even attempt to get something that big up your ass, warm weather aids in allowing more stretch, but even then, every time I do it it's hard to believe it fits and it's always a little uncomfortable getting it in(out is easier, just shit it out). But despite the pleasure it gives I'm hard pressed to do it two consecutive days, even more than twice a week is rare as there is always a certain amount of apprehension.

Anyway you need to try different things before you can see how silly your question is

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It's a legit question so I don't know what's triggering your menopause symptoms. Anyone else have a response that makes actual sense?

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I don't see anything especially offputting in @Ehm's message.

What I read is: Knowing any of the numerous MMO techniques does not invalidate any other. They each have unique qualities that often complement each other.

So...short answer, "no" with an "if." Long answer, "yes" with a "but."

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I don't see anything especially offputting in @Ehm's message.

What I read is: Knowing any of the numerous MMO techniques does not invalidate any other. They each have unique qualities that often complement each other.

So...short answer, "no" with an "if." Long answer, "yes" with a "but."

Referring to it as a "silly question" is rather snide. Don't you think?

So what is a unique quality offered by the aneros which isn't offered by keysound and vice versa?

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>So what is a unique quality offered by the aneros which isn't offered by keysound and vice versa?<
Both are equally valid in achieving SMMOs as I'm sure you already realise.

It seems that some, including myself, have got themselves onto the Super-Highway, taking advantage of their complementary nature, by using the two approaches together (I don't mean at the same time!). For me, I think I remember that it was the Aneros that first alerted my body and mind to the possibility of multiple orgasms.

I don't think I hindered my progress in pursuing both together but I took care originally not to mix them.

Being in the lucky situation of being now able readily to explore the big Os A-less I don't think there is much to choose between Aneros and KSMO. But if you are looking for a subtle distinction I find that the Aneros tends to promote lower-torso orgasms with strong pelvic and ejaculative-tendency characteristics, while KSMO does the same but also promotes whole-body paralytic, motionless ones with a powerful additional focus upon the shoulders and arms.

Nowadays I find the Aneros and KSMO mutually supportive and I don't now have to concern myself with mixing them because I just do what comes naturally - with or without the Aneros!

Good luck.

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