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I was wrong to ever doubt the "Do Nothing" Technique!

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Hey folks, it's been a while since I posted, but I'm afraid I actually haven't had too many sessions recently. In fact, until 3 days ago, I was almost 2 weeks without one, due to lack of time and always being busy. Well, 3 days ago, I decided to have another session, going for the "Do Nothing" technique as I usually do.

Except this time, I remembered I read somewhere to try to lay in the position you most feel comfortable in, which for me, is on my right side, with my legs making my body into almost a "Z" shape, but with the top leg (the left leg) slightly higher than the bottom one, as it's the position I can most easily fall asleep in. So, I lubed up my Aneros, stuck it in, laid in said position, and did absolutely nothing. Kept telling myself "Expect nothing, don't rush, take your time" as sort of like a chant, something else I read here, and, well, it certainly worked. Seems my buddy here finally located where my sweet spot on the Prostate is exactly, as sudden I felt my penis go to maximum hardness (that phrase just makes me laugh for some reason) in half a second, and my heart rate increased and whatnot. I didn't have much time this session so after getting it to do that twice, I called it a night.

Second night, also didn't have much time, but I still managed to get it on the sweet spot relatively quick by doing nothing. It's not until last night that things got going.

Well, same as the last two nights, by doing nothing and laying in that position, it landing perfectly on my prostate, and I decided to experiment with it. I would occasionally move the aneros every-so-slightly with my internal muscles until I found a nice spot, then literally hold it there for as long as I could. From doing this, I felt my first P-Waves! I see why everyone loves them so much now, haha. I would switch doing that with, once again, doing absolutely nothing, which worked just as well, and by doing this, I felt the Aneros seemingly move on it's own (Possible autofucking?) It was very slow, but it still excited me a lot! My favorite one, though, is when I felt the Aneros move in extremely deep, and felt the P-tab almost pinching me, as if the Aneros had locked-in on it's target! There were also some slight butt quivers during this, and it felt pretty darn nice.

That's about all that happened last night, but let me just say, I am excited from this progress! I was a fool to ever doubt the "Do Nothing" technique, and I'm certainly glad I read almost 200 threads on this site and I think the entire Wiki. Knowledge is indeed power, or in this case, pleasure!

Just wanted to share with everyone! Thanks, guys.

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Congratulations on your progress @JoshPodge !

Can`t say I`ve experienced nearly as much as you have, but it seems I have to continue doing absolutely nothing for a while more then 🙂

Not that this lowers my expectations, but whatever 😉


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I'm no expert, and of course it varies from person to person, but totally try laying in your most comfortable sleeping position for a while and do nothing. It's worth a try, eh?

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I will give it a go next week. I will let you know what i find.

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Congrats man, that sounds absolutely awesome! It's really motivational to users that haven't had that to see that one among them DID break out and everyone knows that they can do it too.

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Sometimes the 'do-nothing' approach works best as your experience shows!

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