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Documenting my journey from the first Super O

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Posted by: @zentai

So the drive to have S-Os was a bit of a trigger to stopping being depressed ? That's crazy, in the best possible way ! I'm very happy for you, and I wish you the best going forward. Don't give up !  

Thanks man. Yeah it seems that super O's are a great motivator

Posted by: @helghast


Happy to hear the amazing progress and success. It’s been a long road but you’re winning!

I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but.. Maybe it’s about time you tried to break these cycles you get lost in. Next time you want to listen to sad songs,eat junk food and feel sorry for yourself,why not force your ass out of the chair and go down to a gym,lift heavy shit,then go eat a meal with about 40% protein,40% carbs and 20% fat.You will feel better,trust me. You’ve  spoken before I think about porn addiction,that’ll be adding to your depression in a big way due to its effects on your reward circuitry. Get a gym membership,doesn’t matter if your out of shape,gym ppl love to see new ppl there to improve themselves. Get on a healthy diets and swap some habits out for healthier habits like reading etc. (no,not erotica) 😉 and long walks taking in the world via mindfulness. 

I believe you can right a lot of this stuff with a change of lifestyle. If you do these things,they aid your journey too. Healthy body,healthy mind = better journey!


Thanks for the advice. I actually been on a diet that works for me for few months and been exercising at home. I have a bench and dumbbells that go up to 47kg each, so they are plenty for me 🙂 As for other good habbits, I will take my time building little by little. If I overstretch myself it will all crumble (happened many times). Considering my life was basically destroyed 3 years ago I consider where I am now a great win.

Posted by: @faith-manages

@pirontras Great points and I asked you to elaborate because it's not too dissimilar from some of the stuff I've been going through myself.  Thanks for the further clarity.  I don't know how to just turn off my feelings like a switch, though.  That said one of the things I've noticed is that for so long I've been going into work and been extremely tired in the early mornings and not getting a good enough sleep time the night before, that even now recently when I have a morning off and am feeling pretty good, as soon as I walk in the office it's like I have to fight the bad feelings returning when there's no reason for them.  Maybe I just need a new job, but also there's that thing where it's become learned behavior from feeling a certain way that has become a habit for me...I hesitate to label it an "addiction."  However it's an interesting idea.

Oh man, I'm sorry. Honestly, it sounds like you're suffering from a burnout. I've been there, which resulted in me changing professions altogether. My advice would be to get out as soon as possible. The longer you take, the longer the damage of a burnout will take to repair.

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Once more I had an amazing session, using progasm jr. It seem like I have achieved an ability to have multiple O's while I use some thc. It's not ideal, but it's still amazing.

I find it that what helps me to finally get to the O is trying to resist it instead of trying to get one. I challenge myself to keep quiet, to not move or not show any pleasure on my face. It's like I'm challenging the aneros to give me so much pleasure I start moaning. And oh boy does that work! Eventually I give up and just moan "fuck me" and the pleasure ramps up even more. It's amazing!

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So jealous!  I'm a relative Newb but never had feelings like you are having.  Congrats!!

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Posted by: @hankey01

So jealous!  I'm a relative Newb but never had feelings like you are having.  Congrats!!


Thanks and don't give up! It's a slow process for most of us. As you can see I still have a long way to go myself.


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Whatever is working! This is great news!

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Had an amazing session last night. Seems like I now have a pretty great success chance when THC is involved. I did have great dry O's and even some super O's, but what was different was the final climax, which resulted in super T. I was basically screaming tortured by an orgasm that lasted for like 30 seconds which was followed by another minute of dry orgasm. This was the first time ever that I only ejaculated once in the evening. I just felt so satisfied I basically passed out.


Edit: I think the most crucial part for any session is to not listen/watch anything while having a session. Prior is fine for the sake of arousal, but if I feel like my own imagination is not enough for a particular session, my session usually just ends up being crap, so it's probably not even worth having a session if I don't feel "initial arousal" or anticipation.

This post was modified 2 years ago by pirontras

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Good work brother!!! Pleased for you.

Posted by: @pirontras

Edit: I think the most crucial part for any session is to not listen/watch anything while having a session.

And the crucial takeaway for the masses is that listening and watching to erotica/porn for most guys is disruptive to the focus required to ascend the stairway to super-o.



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Posted by: @helghast


Good work brother!!! Pleased for you.

Posted by: @pirontras

Edit: I think the most crucial part for any session is to not listen/watch anything while having a session.

And the crucial takeaway for the masses is that listening and watching to erotica/porn for most guys is disruptive to the focus required to ascend the stairway to super-o.



Thanks for the support man! Yeah, it seems that it's kind of like extra wheels while riding the bike. You feel comfort and are afraid to remove them, but it's crucial to remove them if you want to learn to "ride"


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Happy New Year to whoever reads this!

I read opinions here that say that unplanned sessions are the best. Well, I think I had my best session and it was highly anticipated and planned for weeks. It was sort of my New Years eve celebration with some weed, pizza and of course aneros session.

By now I can consistently have super O's when smoking weed (not with edibles tho). This session somehow felt elevated.

I woke up already feeling a bit horny and anticipated a great session. 1 hour before I started listening to some erotic stories (balabolka is a great text to speech software). When it came to the session I chose my favorite - progasm jr.

I mentioned already that my favorite thing to do is try not to make a sound and wait until super O's make me moan against my will. Well this time something different happened. My mouth was open and it felt like I had a giant ball gag stuffed in there. I couldn't close my mouth nor make any sound involving my tongue or lips. But I still was making sounds. They were mostly grunts. They were muffled by my imaginary ball gag (mind you I never in my life had a ball gag in my mouth).

While I was being tortured by orgasms the "elevation" happened. It felt like some cosmic entity actually stuck a finger up my ass and lifted my being outside my body. It was super intense and I was almost crying and arching my body like someone possessed. 

My sessions don't last very long, an hour max. I'm not sure if it's because the super O's are too intense, or I just have not enough will power not to touch my dick, but it feels enough for me (at least for now). What's interesting is that first ejaculatory orgasm is nice, but I usually instantly go for the second one, and the second one is way more intense. For the second one I switched to progasm and I'm pretty sure it ended in super T (I have no actual idea), but it feels so intense that I'm basically screaming.

So yeah, this session was something else. I have a certain kind of "resolution", which will require me not to use weed until mid of february, so for now I will be having sober sessions. I already anticipate that the first sessions with weed again will be incredible.

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It's been a while since my last post. I've been stuck in a plateau that I couldn't get out of for a long time. For the last few months I've greatly reduced my porn and weed usage during the sessions and it have finally yielded some results.

My sessions have slowly been getting better and better, even tho I still couldn't get actual orgasm. So today I've tried smoking some weed after 6 weeks of sober sessions, and I think I had the best session yet. Probably had the most intense and powerful super O. I could only describe it as "almost too much". It made me gasp for air, and even scared me a little. I probably looked like someone getting viciously raped by a ghost. I was shaking so badly I thought I'd fall off the bed. It was amazing. But I couldn't continue afterwards. I didn't feel ready for anything stronger.

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A Super O is from another dimension. The time stops 🙂 Congratulations on the advancement.

 What is your goal currently?

Obtain sober satisfaction or reconcile the use of marijuana + aneros in a (functional) way?

If you do sober sessions, what is the result?

Do you get P waves sober?


Good Lucky 

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Posted by: @soul-pleasure

A Super O is from another dimension. The time stops 🙂 Congratulations on the advancement.

 What is your goal currently?

Obtain sober satisfaction or reconcile the use of marijuana + aneros in a (functional) way?

If you do sober sessions, what is the result?

Do you get P waves sober?


Good Lucky 


Thanks mate. I'm not sure about the current goal. I guess sober super O? I'd say current result is beginnings of dry O. It's fun, but not spectacular.


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Continue with the dry Os aneros.

Make a restriction (healthy and responsible for time)  , for example : "for 15 days I will only be able to use aneros and they will be my form of sexual pleasure " (No sexual activities, no nipples, no weed). There is a possibility of progress (sober) because the body will be able to understand this as "this is the escape valve so it will be right here".

I did that and the orgasms gradually improved and lasted longer and longer (Except in my case I don't use weed) . Of course, I can't be sure if that was a deciding factor for me because there's a lot of things going on. I remember that I was dependent on the nipples to generate any sensation and whenever a session went bad I leaned on them and became dependent on that loop.

Today I definitely don't need to use nipples in any way in aneros sessions. They have their place when I decide to just encourage them outside of sessions. Really no longer necessary to do during sessions. All the pleasure that comes is prostatic and anal.

If you need to release sexual pressure , do it free of charge and objectively . Ex: "I have a desire and I've completed my restriction period , today is the day to ejaculate". Release the sexual energy and restart the process. Watch for increased prostatic/anal response.

Do it according to your limits, healthy😉 .

Good luck

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@pirontras, congrats on the gasming results.

@soul-pleasure, interesting strategy that I might have to try.  Ever since you mentioned regulating nip-stim it's been a reoccurring thought for me.

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Try this 😉 ! Perhaps you are interested in abdominal breathing as well. We were discussing this technique a bit in an older post

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Just a quick update.

I incorporated something that I call "non-commital" sessions into my routine.

I noticed that most of my sessions were highly anticipated and planned, and ritualised. This made them automatically full of expectations. I also got tired of lying on my bed for at least an hour, so my sessions became rarer and rarer. Mostly once a week.

So I thought, why not just stick the aneros in while I sit and play video games? I usually multitask anyway while I game, so why not try it out? My reasoning for this would be that my body would slowly be rewiring and the sessions wouldn't have much expectations and I could do it quite often.

Well, I've tried this a couple of times already - and the results were actually better than my sober planned sessions. Few times I even had to pause the game because the pleasure was quite exquisite.

Can't wait to see where all of this leads.

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Yesterday had an incredible session worth of documentation.

It was great regarding multiple dry O's, but extraordinary when I've decided to end it with ejaculation. I had 3 full ejaculatory orgasms one after another. I've never experienced something like that. Couldn't even believe it. Orgasms just kept on rolling when I thought I was already done. What a feeling!

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Posting my post here as a reference for myself

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Ever since my big breakthrough with a sponge padding hack I've been having a lot of fun. I'd say every session now involves me having enough pleasure to the point of moaning and shaking a bit. I can still see a lot of potential, but I'm not really worried about it anymore because I know I'll get there in time, and every session is amazing anyway, so I don't really care.

So anyway, last night something interesting happened, that never happened to me anymore. I had a lot of erotic dreams. I know this might sound weird to others, but if I ever had erotic dreams, I never remembered them. I never had a wet dream either. So these erotic dreams also brought something amazing. I woke up having aless dry orgasms. Not once, but twice in a night. I can't be sure, but I think I dreamed I was being fucked and that caused my orgasms. I attribute this night's fun to my recent rewiring breakthrough. I think my body is finally learning to recognize the real pleasure aneros brings and now it even brings it with no actions from my part. Well, I'm definitely not complaining. This morning my prostate is full on buzzing and I can't wait to have a session later in the day!

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I've noticed a new development in my journey. Sometimes when I'm working or simply doing something on the internet I will play with my PC muscles without much thought. It's sort of automatic and I barely notice I do it.

And this (un)fortunately leads me to having aless p-waves and sort of orgasms. They aren't that pleasurable per-se, but I get my lower body trembling and involuntary contractions and a bit of moaning. Why is it unfortunate? Because I can't really control it. Even now I have to make some pauses while typing it because I need a few moments to stop moaning.

I'm sure in time I will learn to control it but for now it's an interesting turn of events in my journey which I thought I'd document.

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