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Documenting my journey from the first Super O

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totally agree with your analysis- nipples have become a key player as has the area from my anus and perenium. It’s like playing with my nipples causes the perenium from the base of my penis to  my anus to move back and forth as if I’m masturbating! Then I can feel my prostate join in and pulse and sometimes the head of my penis will twitch! Awesome experience!


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Had a realization while having an orgasm.

Prostate is body's black hole. It contains infinite pleasure happening inside a singularity. You can tell the location of pleasure, but there is no single point of pleasure. If you focus on the pleasure, it will just lead you deeper and deeper, never arriving at the source of it. I thought it was interesting.


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Posted by: @pirontras

Had a realization while having an orgasm.

Prostate is body's black hole. It contains infinite pleasure happening inside a singularity.

That's an interesting metaphor, I like it.

Good Vibes to You!

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After few months of meditation and trying to improve myself in other ways, prostate orgasm remains inconsistent and is very rare occurrence for me.

Seems like semen retention doesn't really help either. I can't figure it out. It's like a block that I can't get past.

Thinking of ditching eating small doses of edibles, even tho it feels like they are helping me.

I think struggling to achieve PO is part of my other mental problems. I just can't get something to click. I'm also getting addicted to listening to literotica. I think it messes with my imagination, but if I don't listen to them, my sessions are completely boring.


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Posted by: @pirontras

. I'm also getting addicted to listening to literotica. I think it messes with my imagination, but if I don't listen to them, my sessions are completely boring.

Yes, they're boring but it's only temporary; stick with the widrawal effects for a while.  I've been down that road after ditching porn (I'm an addict).

As for substances, I can't comment.  I've purposely stayed away from them to avoid having another crutch impeding on my sessions.

Just me.

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I'm just over a full month of no THC, things are beginning to pick up again slowly. I managed some tiny Os a couple days ago and I'm getting some of the familiar feelings back. It's starting to be more clear that it was the right choice but it surely did not feel like it at first.  I got some calms-seas feeling last night and this was pretty exciting and unexpected.  

Micro-doses will help until they don't. In my opinion you should ditch the cannabis, but with the understanding that your sessions will probably be worse for a bit, that's just your lizard brain messing with you. Unless you want to get high for each and every session, each time you use THC will just push your sober Os a bit further away. 

Erotic audios really are the lesser evil, if they help you to stick with your sober sessions, I feel they are OK in short bits. 

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Posted by: @zentai


I'm just over a full month of no THC, things are beginning to pick up again slowly. I managed some tiny Os a couple days ago and I'm getting some of the familiar feelings back. It's starting to be more clear that it was the right choice but it surely did not feel like it at first.  I got some calms-seas feeling last night and this was pretty exciting and unexpected.  

Micro-doses will help until they don't. In my opinion you should ditch the cannabis, but with the understanding that your sessions will probably be worse for a bit, that's just your lizard brain messing with you. Unless you want to get high for each and every session, each time you use THC will just push your sober Os a bit further away. 

Erotic audios really are the lesser evil, if they help you to stick with your sober sessions, I feel they are OK in short bits. 

Ditching thc will be quite a challenge, as I never achieved any sort of orgasm while sober. I imagine this will set me back.


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Yes, basically it's going to suck for a while. Obviously, unless we can perfectly capture another man's experience, sample size is always n=1, so I cannot guarantee it will be exactly the same for you as it is for me. 

Now that you know that this is achievable, and also know the difference between sober-you and THC-enhanced-you, you'll have to find how to bridge the gap for yourself. It's also super important to know that sober-Os will probably not be the same as THC-Os, but this should not matter. Buildup will not be the same, lots of things will be different, but a Super-O remain a Super-O no matter how you get there. For me its just coming back without having to do anything specific, maybe you will luck out and your body will remember what it did when you where under the influence. Just don't expect things to be as easy or ramp up as quickly, at least at first. 

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Posted by: @zentai


Yes, basically it's going to suck for a while. Obviously, unless we can perfectly capture another man's experience, sample size is always n=1, so I cannot guarantee it will be exactly the same for you as it is for me. 

Now that you know that this is achievable, and also know the difference between sober-you and THC-enhanced-you, you'll have to find how to bridge the gap for yourself. It's also super important to know that sober-Os will probably not be the same as THC-Os, but this should not matter. Buildup will not be the same, lots of things will be different, but a Super-O remain a Super-O no matter how you get there. For me its just coming back without having to do anything specific, maybe you will luck out and your body will remember what it did when you where under the influence. Just don't expect things to be as easy or ramp up as quickly, at least at first. 

Yeah to me it's going to be about relaxation. I am a control freak, so letting go without weed is going to be a challenge. But I suppose it's for the better in the long run if I learn to super O without weed. I hate having it as a crutch.


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Posted by: @pirontras

I hate having it as a crutch.

Yes, it's just not that great after the honeymoon phase, no matter how long this lasts.

In my case I wanted my Super-O issues to be about anything except the weed, but as anyone could guess, the issue was the weed. In the end the Os would still kind of happen but they did not feel Super anymore, so they stopped making sense, then I experienced anhedonia, fun times. It's worth whatever amount amount of effort it takes to achieve your Os sober. 

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Thanks mate, hopefully I can catch your updates on how your journey without thc is going.

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Ive always been a very goal driven and controlling individual in my life. You’re sessions will get better without the porn. In time,your brain will re wire to work sexually without it. I’ve was always happy with just erotic fantasy in my head. I’m not 100% sure what I’m comparing to,but I’ve heard guys say they need porn to begin arousal. As someone who doesn’t watch porn,I can testify that porn isn’t required to become aroused. Thinking about some woman does the same thing. I mean,what did ppl do before porn? We’ve been around for like 10000 years. You can do it. 

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Right now I'm mostly waiting for things to go back to baseline, I never was a heavy user but I got heavy results, so whether this will take another 30 or 60 days is very hard to say. Plus some bad habits need to be ironed out, all in all if I'm back to regular S-Os before Fall I'll be very happy indeed, but I know it's all doable. I'm just sticking with a basic approach as I know I'm far less agile without THC, I'm sure this will make sense to you. 


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Had my first noteworthy "sober" session. By sober I mean no weed, alcohol. And almost no porn. Just few accidental glimpses which led me to have impromptu session.

I did not have a super o, or even a dry o, but a lot of mini o-s. What's more, this sessions was the most relaxing, enjoyable session I had in a while. It felt almost therapeutic. i saw a lot of erotic and pleasant images in my head.

I recently decided to try out using a piece of folded toilet paper under the P-tab which definitely was an interesting experience. It created more instability for aneros which led to more movements.

After the session I'm still super horny (hornier than before the session) and feel very good, almost as if I was on some drug like ecstasy (I never tried it).


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That's great ! I think a little peek at porn during a session can be fine and cannot really be compared with watching intently. I used to think zero use would be better, and it could be, but I've had great results just catching a glimpse like you did. 

The paper towel trick is also great, it catches extra lube and prevent slippage, too. It's probably one of the few things everyone should be doing by default. 

Posted by: @pirontras

[...] almost as if I was on some drug like ecstasy (I never tried it).

After getting on (and then off) the THC train, I became quite drug-curious but more than that, even more drug-wary than I was before. With the results I got, I don't think any drug is really safe for me. But there is still a lot of research you can do without actually partaking, I read a lot of trip reports, watched videos, read some research papers etc. I'm now pretty sure that various Super-O experiences can closely mimic some specific drug effects, without the addiction and body destroying effects of the stronger stuff,  but of course I won't ever get to try this out... 

Traditional use of DMT and Salvia Divinorum by ingestion comes to mind. Smoking both of these like is popular now, on the other hand, seems quite brutal and not similar to any fun Super-O session I ever had.  I would really not be surprised to know that some calm-seas really feel like using ecstasy.

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Posted by: @zentai

[...] The paper towel trick is also great, it catches extra lube and prevent slippage, too. It's probably one of the few things everyone should be doing by default. 

I wish I tried it before. As for extra lube, I have no problem as I use my homemade lube with bees wax

After getting on (and then off) the THC train, I became quite drug-curious but more than that, even more drug-wary than I was before. With the results I got, I don't think any drug is really safe for me. But there is still a lot of research you can do without actually partaking, I read a lot of trip reports, watched videos, read some research papers etc. I'm now pretty sure that various Super-O experiences can closely mimic some specific drug effects, without the addiction and body destroying effects of the stronger stuff,  but of course I won't ever get to try this out... 

Traditional use of DMT and Salvia Divinorum by ingestion comes to mind. Smoking both of these like is popular now, on the other hand, seems quite brutal and not similar to any fun Super-O session I ever had.  I would really not be surprised to know that some calm-seas really feel like using ecstasy.

The first (and maybe only) super O I had was on LSD. I'm not sure if I had more super O's or not, I kind of don't remember. But this one I do. The only way I can describe it was heaven, I touched hands with God, and became one with the universe. However I do not think I will ever try it again, because it had quite a negative effect afterwards.

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Congrats on the progress. Feeling great after is how it’s supposed to be. Coming away from a session pleased with progress is how it builds. It’s how it built for me. Just keep the old siege mentality in check. Plan the next session time and go into it chilled. If the paper works,use it for now,any tactic that works is worth doing.

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Posted by: @helghast

Congrats on the progress. Feeling great after is how it’s supposed to be. Coming away from a session pleased with progress is how it builds. It’s how it built for me. Just keep the old siege mentality in check. Plan the next session time and go into it chilled. If the paper works,use it for now,any tactic that works is worth doing.

Thanks for the support bud!


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Posted by: @pirontras

The first (and maybe only) super O I had was on LSD. I'm not sure if I had more super O's or not, I kind of don't remember. But this one I do. The only way I can describe it was heaven, I touched hands with God, and became one with the universe. However I do not think I will ever try it again, because it had quite a negative effect afterwards.

This is achievable sober, but the difference for me is that it would only happen very rarely, probably the way it's supposed to be. There's no reason you can't reach that level without the LSD, but it's likely that it's much easier to do with the drug. Honestly, this is probably not a good thing. I know that in my case being able to replicate this level of experience over and over was a major issue. THC being legal and cheap here compounded the issue. At least there is some self-regulation with sober sessions which make them inherently safe.

Knowing that you could probably go back with LSD and not doing it, this is quite the powerful decision.  


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Posted by: @zentai

This is achievable sober, but the difference for me is that it would only happen very rarely, probably the way it's supposed to be. There's no reason you can't reach that level without the LSD, but it's likely that it's much easier to do with the drug. Honestly, this is probably not a good thing. I know that in my case being able to replicate this level of experience over and over was a major issue. THC being legal and cheap here compounded the issue. At least there is some self-regulation with sober sessions which make them inherently safe.

Knowing that you could probably go back with LSD and not doing it, this is quite the powerful decision.  

I think a lot of it is self confidence and feeling like you can do it. It's like taking a potion of luck. Even if you think you've taken it but really it was water, you will still feel lucky due to placebo effect. I think I put more trust into drugs because I am a very uptight person and drugs help me relax and feel like someone else.

As for not taking LSD again, it's sort a necessity for me and not "a decision". The last LSD session I had ended up with me going into hell. I don't want to reveal more, but it was basically as bad as it gets. I am a bit better now, but taking lsd would be dangerous for me.

At least I can achieve some mini O's sober now so relying on drugs is not a must anymore.

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Posted by: @pirontras

I think a lot of it is self confidence and feeling like you can do it. It's like taking a potion of luck. Even if you think you've taken it but really it was water, you will still feel lucky due to placebo effect. I think I put more trust into drugs because I am a very uptight person and drugs help me relax and feel like someone else.

Yes, you're probably right, part of it is also that it removes both pressure and responsibility, as "the drug is doing it". Placebo effect can also be quite strong and build on itself with each successful session to become real confidence.  When I did not use the right strains, cannabis did very little to me, or what I suppose it does to people who are smoking small doses to get a little bit high.

The right strain combined with Super-O practice sent me so high that someone witnessing it would probably call an ambulance. So I concluded that the "push" needed was quite small, it just needed to be the right one. It's really the synergy between Aneros practice and the drug that made the effect so strong. Maybe your experience with LSD was similar, but even stronger because of the nature of the drug. 

Posted by: @pirontras

As for not taking LSD again, it's sort a necessity for me and not "a decision". The last LSD session I had ended up with me going into hell. I don't want to reveal more, but it was basically as bad as it gets. I am a bit better now, but taking lsd would be dangerous for me.

I get this. I had some pretty strong negative experiences, but I'm sure that previous sober experiences helped to make things less scary, plus obviously THC is not really known for bad trips at small doses, while the same can't be said about LSD. I also have a pretty poor memory in general and remember little from sessions, so even the worst experiences faded pretty quickly, and my journal entries are not too bad. Some entries are unsettling but they do not really take me back to the sessions. I think this helped me avoid long term effects, but I can't say I recovered 100% and it did leave some kind of void. Nonetheless, I'll be very pleased when the sober Os come back and I'm sure they will be perfectly adequate, they're just more work. 

Posted by: @pirontras

At least I can achieve some mini O's sober now so relying on drugs is not a must anymore.

I hope your mini-Os build up to Super ones soon !




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Posted by: @pirontras

I think a lot of it is self confidence and feeling like you can do it.

This is so important..belief. You really do have to believe. You’d had good sessions and progress drug free,so you can see pleasure is generated without drugs. You can do it.

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Thanks for the support fellas, it means so much 🙂


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Been having a lot of fun lately. Weed is still involved, but I finally started having full body O's and some super O's again.

There are several things that made the difference. I make sure to read to some erotica before the session and only listen to music during the session. No other distractions like porn. I also noticed how important it is to be happy outside sessions and to actually feel good about yourself. I usually cling to being unhappy, but ever since I realize I need to be happy to achieve super O's, I can basically turn off depression.

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Gentlemen, I have officially arrived. Yesterday had a full blown session of chained super O's, that made me release sounds from lowest to highest possible pitch. I now understand what "almost too much" means. It was incredible.

I don't know how many orgasms I had, but it felt infinite. I also had 10+ ejaculatory orgasms afterward that made my eyes roll into the skull.

Last week I bought progasm jr. and I couldn't believe how small it was compared to progasm. I of course wasn't disappointed because the form itself felt promising. So I popped it in and the waves started.

Last week I also had an amazing aless session because I was too lazy to clean up for a normal session.

I can just say that the thing that made all the difference in the world is my state of mind. I am addicted to feeling depressed (yes, I know it sounds insanse) and I realized that while I'm depressed there's no chance I'll get a super O. So now I basically contain all my negative feelings and don't dwell on them. It's funny how the promise of a super O actually improved my mood and life.

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@pirontras Congrats on finally getting there!  Your points on depression are well-meant but I find them too esoteric.  Please elaborate! 


Posted by: @pirontras

I also had 10+ ejaculatory orgasms afterward that made my eyes roll into the skull.


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Posted by: @faith-manages

@pirontras Congrats on finally getting there!  Your points on depression are well-meant but I find them too esoteric.  Please elaborate! 

Thanks! It's sort of difficult to explain, but I will try. For half of my life now I've been struggling with depression. I never went to see a specialist, but it's pretty evident.

Not knowing how to deal with it I would indulge myself to cope - listen to sad music, eat junk food etc.. Over the years it became a habbit. If I felt down, I would just turn on sad music and dwell on things I can't change and things I will never have.

It became the worst when I took lsd and then after a couple of months quarantine started. Let's just say it became very bad.

For years now I knew I was basically addicted to feeling depressed and being depressed was a part of my personality, so trying being happy was scary because I didn't know who I would be then.

So a few weeks back I realized that with me being miserable I will never be able to have amazing sessions without any worries. Ever since then I changed my music into something nice and positive, stopped dwelling on negative thoughts because they  do not change anything.

I wouldn't say that I'm happy now, but I sure as hell am not miserable. I found that I can turn on and off my depression like a switch. It feels like I can "freeze it" inside of me. To me it feels like a form of stoicism, although I do not like subscribing to any life philosophies.

I think I had the beginnings of this realization last summer, when I had most progress with aneros as well. Now that I applied it more fully, my sessions improved significantly. It feels effortless now as I don't even care what the session will bring.

I'm sure there's more waiting for me, but I will come to it at my own pace, because even my last session felt "almost too much".

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Man that's amazing !

Posted by: @pirontras

So a few weeks back I realized that with me being miserable I will never be able to have amazing sessions without any worries.

So the drive to have S-Os was a bit of a trigger to stopping being depressed ? That's crazy, in the best possible way ! I'm very happy for you, and I wish you the best going forward. Don't give up !  

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Happy to hear the amazing progress and success. It’s been a long road but you’re winning!

I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but.. Maybe it’s about time you tried to break these cycles you get lost in. Next time you want to listen to sad songs,eat junk food and feel sorry for yourself,why not force your ass out of the chair and go down to a gym,lift heavy shit,then go eat a meal with about 40% protein,40% carbs and 20% fat.You will feel better,trust me. You’ve  spoken before I think about porn addiction,that’ll be adding to your depression in a big way due to its effects on your reward circuitry. Get a gym membership,doesn’t matter if your out of shape,gym ppl love to see new ppl there to improve themselves. Get on a healthy diets and swap some habits out for healthier habits like reading etc. (no,not erotica) 😉 and long walks taking in the world via mindfulness. 

I believe you can right a lot of this stuff with a change of lifestyle. If you do these things,they aid your journey too. Healthy body,healthy mind = better journey!


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@pirontras Great points and I asked you to elaborate because it's not too dissimilar from some of the stuff I've been going through myself.  Thanks for the further clarity.  I don't know how to just turn off my feelings like a switch, though.  That said one of the things I've noticed is that for so long I've been going into work and been extremely tired in the early mornings and not getting a good enough sleep time the night before, that even now recently when I have a morning off and am feeling pretty good, as soon as I walk in the office it's like I have to fight the bad feelings returning when there's no reason for them.  Maybe I just need a new job, but also there's that thing where it's become learned behavior from feeling a certain way that has become a habit for me...I hesitate to label it an "addiction."  However it's an interesting idea.

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