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Documenting my journey from the first Super O

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Posted by: @rumel

They are indeed, we call those the Calm Seas of Orgasm, it is about as close to nirvana as many of us will ever get.

Good Vibes to You!

I had full blown "melt into the universe" feeling the first time I had my super O on lsd. It was pure nirvana indeed.


Posted by: @bogusbro


When I first started, I had some crazy shaking, almost like seizure shaking. It was kind of fun, but I could tell it wasn't doing much for me at the same time. I think my body was getting used to the pleasure, and was almost going on overdrive. I am normally calmer during my orgasms, but still have some shaking, mainly my legs shoot up sometimes, or I start humping the air


This is me as well. It feels like it's the body is trying to get over something to fully utilize pleasurable feelings

This post was modified 4 years ago by pirontras

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When these sensations happen to me, I view them as the lead up. My ass has gotten to the point where it can clench the aneros pretty well, so it stays in a good spot while this happens to me. I know I'm getting closer to an orgasm when my pelvis begin thrusting on its own. It normally mellows out. I say, just let it happen, and find out where it leads to.


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Depends on arousal. Calm seas is a wonderful orgasm. But so is the bone jarring barrel rolling Mach 10 fighter jet orgasm. Hard is good sometimes 😉 

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Just some of my thoughts.

I now realize how important mental state is in making any kind of progress. I think for me, rewiring has also been quite impactful on other things, including spiritual level.

After taking lsd and having a first super O, I had a very very bad trip which caused me to block my ability to have any kind of prostate related orgasm for 1.5 years. I probably blocked some chakras or something.

I am now finally able accept certain things and it certainly translates into great sessions. And each session helps me to accept myself even more. I think I still have miles to go, but considering dark place I've been in, it is like seeing light after such a long time.

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Been a while since I posted. Have a new job, with a lot of stress, so couldn't really play a lot. Getting back to it. The problem I noticed now that I get orgasms, but they are really strange, as I get all the orgasm behavior like moaning and shaking but the pleasure is very subdued. Feels like it's something like 10% of it's full potential. Don't get me wrong, it still feels good, but the body's reaction to such nerfed orgasms seem like a big overreaction.

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Posted by: @pirontras

[...] with a lot of stress [...]

How high is your stress compared to when your Os were at their full potential ? Stress and anxiety will decimate your orgasmic potential more surely than any other factor... By definition, decimating would only remove 10%, so stress is even worse !!

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@pirontras, if you’re like me, a new job means you’re trying hard to make things happen, in a situation where you may just be getting used to the various levers you have to effect results.


I almost did a coffee spit-take with @zentai ‘s remark.  Yes, I too had looked up “decimated” at one time and he’s right about the mistaken common use.

Congrats on your two journeys, and I’m glad to see you dropped by.  In the more-personal one, I suppose your body so hungers it is like it’s trying to steal a base.  But that’s not how successfully hunting “the fawn” goes.  After 3 months off of Aneros, my first session was mainly “just” forearm and back tingles.  The sessions after that increased in power.  Try to go easy on your self-assessment of your performance.  Now, onward and upward in both spheres!

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I do a lot of those little "Does that word mean exactly what I think it means?" searches and at first was pretty sure that only 1/10 was left and that I had a perfect fit for the situation, but alas, the dictionary won again... I still think that stress is the issue, as @pirontras adapts to his role the Os should come back.


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Hey if I remember the Wiki correctly (and I do because I just looked it up), one of the milestones is "Large muscle quaking (no pleasure)."  So that would seem like you're on the right track.  I too had a pretty stressful and physically demanding job this Spring/Summer, and while it might not help pleasure, I think that the act of relaxation and meditation that Anerosessions are all about might help you with the rest of your life.  At least I hope it can!

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Thank you for the replies and support guys. The stress has been quite bad for few months now. Although I did not have a super O since August probably. Seems like I lost my mojo even before the new job.

I think stress was a factor, but it might also be that I started watching porn again. This means I am not focusing on my body enough.

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Posted by: @pirontras

I think stress was a factor, but it might also be that I started watching porn again. This means I am not focusing on my body enough.

This makes sense, porn creates outwards focus on a screen. On the other hand, for some reason I feel like music "happens" inside my head and is not an external thing, and it helps me focus inwards. Maybe this is worth a try ? 

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Posted by: @zentai
Posted by: @pirontras

I think stress was a factor, but it might also be that I started watching porn again. This means I am not focusing on my body enough.

This makes sense, porn creates outwards focus on a screen. On the other hand, for some reason I feel like music "happens" inside my head and is not an external thing, and it helps me focus inwards. Maybe this is worth a try ? 

I do listen to music and erotica read by a software, it is awesome, but I do think it has same negative effect as porn does on concentration


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What about crashing waves sounds, crackling fires, rain, AKA caveman radio ? 


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Posted by: @zentai


What about crashing waves sounds, crackling fires, rain, AKA caveman radio ? 


I usually listen to flowing river soundtrack

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This goes to show we are all very different, even in the Orgasmic realms. Nature sounds really turn my attention inwards, as I melt into the sound, and there is no real beat or repetition. With "real music" it does like you said, commands a part of my attention on the music itself, but again I feel I'm still in my head. I've had great Os listening to classical music for example, in this case I think familiarity with the material is comforting to me ? 



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Posted by: @zentai


This goes to show we are all very different, even in the Orgasmic realms. Nature sounds really turn my attention inwards, as I melt into the sound, and there is no real beat or repetition. With "real music" it does like you said, commands a part of my attention on the music itself, but again I feel I'm still in my head. I've had great Os listening to classical music for example, in this case I think familiarity with the material is comforting to me ? 



To me classical music is way too intense for sessions. For me it must be insignificant sounds preferably those that do not really change too fast.

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I've been silent for few months now. And frankly, so was my prostate. I still have weekly sessions, but it seems I've lost my ability to have prostate orgasms - at least for now.

Since I am documenting my journey, I realized it's important to document lows as well as highs.

The reasons for this low could be several. Poor mental health, stress of a new job, falling back into porn as a stimulant (being unable to get properly aroused by my own thoughts alone).

I did start exercising regularly, but haven't felt much of a difference in change of libido.

Mentally, I don't even think I want to achieve super O's anymore. My motivation is gone somehow. I guess first thing would be to ditch the porn and try to get into good mental state.

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Posted by: @pirontras

My motivation is gone somehow. I guess first thing would be to ditch the porn and try to get into good mental state.

Sorry to hear about what sounds like hitting bottom for you.  

I hear you about porn; some don't realize how destructive it can be to the body and soul.  I'm on my third week of abstaining from even glancing at porn and I do see a difference in my overall sexual wellbeing.   My imagination for fantasies has improved tremendously and it has also has a positive effect on my sessions.


Good luck to you; I hope you find your old self again  soon.

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@pirontras It’s the porn brother,it always was. I think you quit for a while and started to progress,unless I’m mistaking you for someone else. The reward circuits and burning out,so pleasure doesn’t accompany the work,and the aneros is doing its work,the brain just can’t fulfil its side of the contract,take a break,recharge the batteries and go again. 


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Sounds like Super-O burnout to me. Most people will probably never get there, I guess you have to experience it to "know". Just do something else for a while, the Os will still be there for you when you get back. If you keep on trying, you'll just be wearing yourself out with some low-quality Os every once in a while, not worth it. Maybe you need a month or two or even more for your reward circuitry to return closer to baseline, it sucks but I have not found any other fix for this.

Quit the porn, stick with the exercise routine, don't worry if your dick doesn't work right for a while,  you've had decades worth of orgasms in a year (think about it, it's true) and your system is all out of calibration... Don't give up ! 


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Thank you for your support fellas! I will report back once I manage to get out of this shit.

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Stick around anyway, even if you're out of action for a bit, your advice is still valuable. Keep us posted ! 


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@pirontras, may I suggest you press on your proverbial 'RESET' button, turn the page.  Reintroduce yourself to your favorite toy and act as if it's the first time you're having an Aneros session.  Any sign of progress, however small from this restart moment will become a win for you.


I've done this before but for something entirely different from prostate play.  It worked for me.


Good luck from all of us who (or is it whom; I never know) care.


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Posted by: @ggringo

 act as if it's the first time you're having an Aneros session. 


I don't know if anyone else has had this fantasy, but one of my favorites is that I'm someone who has purchased the aneros for health reasons and has no idea about the sexual side of the device, and accidently get hooked on it.


I got this fantasy from reading an article about a man who got "addicted" to the pleasure of the aneros when he started using it in conjunction with medication to treat a urinary tract infection. 

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He he he! A fantasy? It’s reality for a lot of guys lol 🙂 Im kept in check with a Chastity cage.

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I guess I lived your fantasy, like all addictions, it's fantastic right until it's not. I don't regret it, but what you want is balance, otherwise after a while the Os don't mean anything and don't make your life better. 


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Sorry to double post,

Posted by: @pirontras

Since I am documenting my journey, I realized it's important to document lows as well as highs.

I was a little vague with my last answer, I might as well share my own lows.

I just wanted to add that I'm pretty much where you are right now, for me it's cyclical in some way, and it's really tied with how "real life" is going. I can go from hitting amazing Os every sessions, to being at the same place as someone who's been struggling for a long time, chasing things, wondering if I will be able to go back to where I was, or even reading older journal entries and wondering if it was really *that* good after all.

When I started to see the Os as a reward that I give myself for my daily life efforts, things started to make more sense. Stress, bad habits, existential dread = no Super-Os for me. Now, knowing I need to fix some things and actually doing it are not the same, but at least it stops me from making things worse by having dud session after dud session. If I feel like I'm making progress in life, then a session might be worth it, but if I'm struggling with the same things I did when I had my last dud, then I won't try it just in case it magically works. 

So keep working on fixing things in "real life" and I'm positive you'll get back the keys to the "fantasy world". Don't give up ! 


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A new development. I am still trying to figure this whole thing out. But I kept noticing "reverse kegels" in various threads. So I read a bit more about it and thought i'd try it. I think before I would sometimes do it unconsciously.

It did work quite well. I got multiple mild orgasms today. Whenever I made reverse kegel, I would feel that something was pushing INTO me, rather than out of me. Even when I didn't have aneros in. It's a weird feeling, which I don't know how to explain better. With this method my goal was to keep reverse kegels while my body tried to contract them. It resulted in aneros moving more than usual.

My orgasms were also strange. I was gasping, moaning and shaking, but tbh I didn't feel much pleasure from all of it. None of the orgasms were better than a traditional penile orgasm.

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Been abstaining from masturbation and porn for as much as I could and it definitely improved things.

Had a great session yesterday. Had few full body orgasms, no supper O. My nipples were super sensitive - might be the first time I was able to feel them so much.

I was using progasm and felt incredible need to milk my prostate manually. What a feeling. This was the first time I used progasm to fuck myself with and had endless dry penile orgasms.

So yeah, porn seems to be the main culprit in stopping the progress. Having "full tank" doesn't hurt things either.

Edit: also forgot to mention: I was listening to "Swan Lake" while riding. Was a different experience, as the music would sort of help my imaginations.

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@pirontras You know what you’ve got to do brother,or not do 😉


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