How do I get the bu...
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How do I get the buzz back?

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I've been at this Aneros game for a while now. Going on ten years now actually. Time flies. Anyway, I can remember waaay back at the beginning of my journey, getting a rather strong buzzing sensation in my prostate during and after my sessions.

I honestly can't really remember the last time it's happened to me. I haven't had as much time with my toys over the last two years as I'd like. I moved in with my girlfriend, and finding the time to get lost in a session has become fairly difficult. I just wanted to know if anyone has had any luck getting "the buzz" back after losing it.

I should be clear: I have never had the earth shattering, mind bendingly euphoric, convulsion inducing, super orgasms some people on here claim to have. I have however had a ton of very strong, very pleasant, prostate-centric orgasms that I absolutely love getting lost in.

I miss feeling that intense buzzing sensation I once had. I often wonder if I was on the right path to those crazy super-os people talk about here, and somehow I managed to go down a different route to where I am now. Anyway, thoughts? Discuss.

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I'm dealing with a similar thing. I used to feel buzzing in my prostate most of the next day, but now it's limited to just after my sessions. I'm powering through it though and I see light at the end of the tunnel.

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@McRhombus I don't get those intense Super-Os anymore (after about 3 years). I do get fairly regular Aless now through a combination of occasional but regular Aneros sessions, semen retention and infrequent but intense edging sessions. Good luck to you!

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