I'm not sure what category to file this in because I'm new, so please forgive me.
I've read the Aneros wiki page about how to clean my Aneros Helix Syn, but so far after three uses, my Aneros is starting to smell (at least from up close). Of course this is bound to happen given it goes up my rectum, but I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for either eliminating the smell or making it less smelly. The obvious techniques are, of course, ensuring that my rectum is clear, but I'm looking for more creative solutions, including how to store it.
I already wipe my Aneros with a baby wipe and an anti-bacterial wipe after each use and then clean it vigorously with soap and hot water. Perhaps you have specific soap or wipe recommendations?
Anyone want to call me stupid, just say so. I've had success with denture tablets in deodorizing other toys before. They're easy to get; it just requires soaking. Just don't use with vinyl-based products. (Helix Syn is mostly silicone, so it shouldn't be a problem.)
To me, this is one of the downsides of silicone. You must go to great lengths to get rid of the smell. I've concluded that there's no need for the toys to be near my nose, thus the smell is effectively a non-problem.
You could try putting it in an alcohol solution (at least 30%). Or maybe hyrogen peroxide (3%).
Clean with bar soap and an old toothbrush. Allow the air to circulate round it whilst it's drying.
I also find that oily lubes act as a barrier, preventing any smell getting into the silicone.
i use soap and water, no smell. Honestly, scrub enough and it stops smelling.
Some things a fun to sniff (pussy), some things are not. Keep your nose away from the Helix Syn, no problem.
The smell totally turned me off to my Vice. It is really an issue for me. I ended up putting it in a paper bag with some baking soda for a few days after no type of cleaning seems to work. That seems to have done it though. I recently bought some 91% Iso Alcohol that I have been using to clean my Fleshlights, so I am going to try that next on the Vice. I have nothing to loose as I don't use the Vice now because of the stink it creates. It should not be this difficult to clean IMO.
As an aside to the smell, which could be attributed to the micro pores/texture on the surface of the Vice/DeVice, can that kind of silicone be buffed/polished to a smooth finish, like the plastic Aneros'?
It would be interesting to see if it can be polished to a reflective, smooth texture, like the Feeldoe's.
Has anyone tried this, and if so, what were your results?
I cleaned mine thoroughly and smelt it, it was fine, the smell had gone. I smell it two days later and it's the worst sour sh*t smell I could imagine. How is this thing cleaned?
The solution to the issue of smelly scum on my Helix-syn and Vice was to give it a bath on the upper rack of the dishwasher when routine scrubbings with bath soap or dish detergent no longer did the job.
I agree with @AreJay and @Badger that this is frequent issue with Silicone toys that have a slightly roughened surface. Recently I bought another brand of platinum cured silicone toy with more pronounced surface 'pores' and the 'scum' accumulation is more serious.
I found that a dishwater run followed by a thorough wipe down with rubbing alcohol clears the scum and leaves it odor free.
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I suggest you try "oxi Clean" Laundry Stain remover.
Wrap it in a towel soaked with OXI for an hour.
The stain and smell will be removed.