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Holy... how I got my first Super-O!

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So before I begin, I had experienced a few of what I'd call dry orgasms. Relatively short, maybe 20-60 seconds, but very pleasurable and near the level of a traditional orgasm.

What I experienced last night just completely blew those out of the water.

A description of the Super-O

For about two solid hours, I was in a perpetual state of something beyond orgasm.

It started totally unexpectedly. Suddenly, while I was in the middle of typing on my phone to search up a video to watch, I felt this wave of "numbness" wash over me. Initially I was almost annoyed and trying to focus on typing on my phone, but the feeling grew stronger and I closed my eyes and leaned into it. It started with a rapid build up in my groin, in kind of a fuzzy, numb way, and at some point it reached a tipping point. At this point, I felt like there was this sudden descent, and then I felt this wave originate from my extremities going in. Without warning, I almost immediately entered a state of infinite bliss. These endless rapid waves started coursing throughout my entire body (maybe around 200-300bpm), and these persisted for those entire two hours at varying degrees of intensity.

At the same time, I felt like I had been sucked into space, like my limbs had all gone completely numb, and like I was floating.

During this initial onset, I would describe the waves as "horizontal", like they were pulsing throughout my entire body at once. A few minutes into this (it seemed), these waves briefly shifted to "vertical", where it felt like they were traveling upwards from my feet to my head. The passed after a bit and the waves went back to being "horizontal" for pretty much the rest of the session.

During this whole thing, there were also a few sensations that I distinctly remember. I felt like I had "echoes" of my penis, like multiple of them parallel to my own, all erect (even though I'm pretty sure I wasn't actually erect at any point). I also felt like my hands kind of melted away, like my right hand which was resting on top of my left "fell through" it, several times.

At no point did it feel like any one orgasm was over and a new one was starting, so it really did feel like 2 hours of continuous orgasm. But while it was happening, it did feel like there were moments where there was an orgasm building within the orgasm, renewing the intensity all over again.

Interestingly enough, I didn't have hardly any large involuntary muscle contractions or vocalizations during this whole thing, which makes me wonder if there are even further depths of pleasure, but it's hard for me to even imagine what that might feel like. I was actually trying to move as little as possible in fear that I might lose the wonderful sensations. My neck started getting really uncomfortable though, so I was forced to move it to a more comfortable position. Whenever I made a conscious movement like this, there was a marked dip in the bliss I was experiencing, but luckily it very quickly came back as soon as I stopped moving (phew!).

I finished this whole thing off with three wet orgasms. The first one was super interesting and felt absolutely nothing like any wet orgasm I had experienced before. I didn't get hard at all, and basically just rapidly squeezed/toggled the head of my penis, since it felt right. Keep in mind this whole time I'm still in the middle of this endless Super-O. The sensations kept building up, in pleasure waves even greater than what I had felt for the last two hours, and eventually I started cumming, not with a sudden jump in pleasure like with a traditional orgasm, but with this wave that kept building on top of the Super-O waves, gradually appearing and also gradually going away, lasting maybe 20 seconds or so. I expected the Super-O waves to go away at this point, but amazingly, they stuck around at maybe a bit of a lower intensity. Over the next half hour or so, the next two felt a bit more traditional but still somehow beyond, needing a bit more concentration on my penis to cum, with each one diminishing the Super-O waves further.

What I did to get there

This was a looooong overall session.

9pm - My husband went out to go get a massage, so I had some time alone and decided to play. I started out with the setup specified in this post:  https://www.reddit.com/r/ProstatePlay/comments/e8wxiy/my_way_to_reach_multiple_super_os/ , using FlipFlip while sitting at my computer, with some porn audio in the background. I used 3 toys, starting with an Aneros Helix Syn, moving up to a slightly larger hard plastic Aneros knockoff, and finally trying out a new "thumping" prostate massager I recently got. This felt pretty good, but nothing I would have categorized as an orgasm or anything. Just kept at it and enjoyed the sensations.

10:20pm - Expecting my husband to return home sometime soon, I relocated to the bedroom and went back to the knockoff Aneros, since the thumping toy felt a little bit too big/intense. There, I used a somewhat similar setup, where I put on my noise cancelling headphones and listened to binaural beats while using the "Scroller" webapp for reddit to view images. The position I've gotten the most success out of had been laying on my left side with both my knees drawn slightly upwards, not quite all the way up to my stomach. Kept at this for a while, again just enjoying the sensations. At some points getting closer to what I might call a dry orgasm, but not quite there. I also experimented with applying a gentle pressure at the head of my penis, just putting my index finger down my foreskin and letting it rest there, maybe with some gentle rubbing as long as it felt like it was contributing to my "internal" pleasure. Read some stuff about "sulcus" massage on the Aneros forums so gave it a try.

11:15pm - Husband gets home and I take a break. We chat for maybe 10 minutes before I go back to the bedroom to continue playing. I started really getting into things and after swapping toys a couple of times, I had what I consider to be a very minor dry orgasm, but enough to be a distinct event. At this point I wanted more and started thinking about advice I'd been reading online, particularly about using cannabis.

12:00am - For reference, I've never used cannabis or any other psychoactive drugs before, and generally avoid even alcohol or caffeine. I really felt like I was right at the edge of a breakthrough though, and I finally mustered up the courage to ask my husband if I could take a hit from his vape pen. This was a pretty significant moment for me, but obviously it ended well. I tried taking my first hit, not really knowing how much or how long to inhale, so I think it was a pretty minor, shallow breath. Went back to the bedroom, but nothing felt very different.

12:22am - (Yes, I noted the time because of how significant this was for me, haha) Went back out to ask if I should be feeling anything. Tried taking another hit with a deeper, slower breath this time. Went back and still didn't really feel anything different.

12:40am - At this point I'm really committed to feeling something, so I go back out and take two really deep draws from the vape. Head back to the bedroom, and still don't really feel any different, maybe a little something. At this point, I have my knockoff Aneros in (which is probably my favorite toy, even though it was like a $7 purchase). Still looking at my phone, I followed some links and started browsing twitter. Stopped the binaural beats and watched a couple of hot video clips, feeling pretty good. Decided that I wanted to watch a specific video and opened up my browser to search it up, and that's when the Super-O suddenly snuck up on me.

2:30am - Husband climbs in bed and I decide to finish things off with a wet orgasm. If you're familiar with Mindgasm, I remember having a distinct sensation of my "Top" muscle aching, like it had been thoroughly exercised.

2:50am - After cleaning up and putting toys away, laying in bed I again felt amazing sensations coming on. When I focused, I again felt sensations very similar to when I started this whole thing. A gradual fuzzy/numb buildup in my groin, followed by hitting a tipping point with incredibly pleasurable waves originating from my extremities. These waves fell away relatively quickly though, and I think I'd classify this as a "normal" aless Super-O, as opposed to the insane 2 hour continuous wave I had just experienced. I was able to feel this build-up/release a few more times, but looking at the clock, I realized I should probably get to sleep and called it quits with a final traditional wet orgasm.

The Aftermath

I feel an extremely heighted sense of passive pleasure right now. I tried writing down some notes right after it happened, and as I was writing those notes, without a toy in, I was able to sink into feeling extremely pleasurable waves. Even as I write this now, I can sink into feelings of bliss as I remember what it felt like last night.

My game plan for the future is to do what I've done before to get to or near dry orgasms. Then, if it doesn't naturally flow into a Super-O on its own, I'll take another couple of hits of cannabis.

My hope is that I'll be able to replicate the experience in the future, ideally without needing cannabis. It'd be fun to incorporate my husband into things as well. He's mostly understanding, but not particularly enthusiastic about participating. I suppose it all sounds a bit like bogus mysticism mumbo jumbo to him. Hopefully, this is just the first of many happy Super-O experiences!

Glandrake, divine_oblivion, SeekingPelican and 21 people reacted
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Posted by: @soundplan

At no point did it feel like any one orgasm was over and a new one was starting, so it really did feel like 2 hours of continuous orgasm. But while it was happening, it did feel like there were moments where there was an orgasm building within the orgasm, renewing the intensity all over again.

A week ago, I broke my record for the longest Super-O run. I thought I had had an exceptional one with 46 minutes of pure happiness and sexual pleasure, but I see that it is possible to go up to 2 hours!

Congratulations on this accomplishment!

Like you, what was amazing about those 46 minutes was the overlapping orgasms. Every 5 minutes I would tell myself that the last 5 minutes I had just experienced was the peak of pleasure of the session. And I was wrong every 5 minutes because the next 5 minutes were even more intense and the pleasure even stronger.
This journey is truly amazing!

Zentai, Zentai and Zentai reacted
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You boys watch your asses with them vapers. It was said lots of young ppl have developed popcorn lung from them. It was also said it’s because they use them for dope. Apparently vaping dope is not what they were designed for,and it’s dangerous. Of course that might be total rubbish,as it was in the news after all,maybe check it out. 

Congrats though on your orgasm success. 🙂

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Vapes are fine if bought from a legit dispensary. Never buy black market ones. 

Weed is amazing for prostate play. Enhance feeling by 30x and gives you so much patience.


The floating thru space super O is the best
