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hmmm... was THIS s...
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hmmm... was THIS something? (progasm jr with pillow under hips)

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Hi All...

last night i tried another session and almost gave up, but then tried something which MAY have been helpful.

- first i stretched a little...
- used aneros lube
- Vaseline on device
- first device was Eupho
- laid on right side, left knee to chest
- gave it ~45 mins

I did get some nice non-vol contractions, was ok enough... nothing to jump up and down about

decided to switch out device, and put in progasm Jr...

also decided to lay on back (put a pillow under my hips...

up until now, never really had anything real useful come from progasm (but also never used this position).

after a few mins the progasm seemed to be pulled up inside and, kind'a like a bent finger tried to "scope" around
the back side of prostate (as if that is possible)...

imagine a long finger that is UP and IN THERE that can bend and press down on prostate from above...

the device (and my internal muscles) seemed just to LOCK in that position!

i could almost feel a very "special spot" being touched by the tip of the device... but it was vague... and not well pronounced...

after a little bit, this really started feeling really good...

an erection came over me... pretty SOLID at one point and i could feel the urge to PRESS and RELEASE and PRESS and RELEASE
the device and my muscles... at one point i was thinking (whether it was HOPEFUL THINKING or a REAL URGE -- not sure) that i wanted to ejaculate.... (a part of my thinks just HOPEFUL!)...

not thinking it was an orgasm, but.... could have been really close...

teh feeling went away... but i was able to get it going again...



was THIS the "sweet spot" people talk about?

never felt the device that deep and "behind" the prostate before...

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Like it reached up and pressed a button? Yeah the Progasm models are really good at that. @-) :)) i could almost feel a very "special spot" being touched by the tip of the device... but it was vague... and not well pronounced
That's how it starts. Stay with it. Let it come and go. Relax into it and enjoy it for what it is. Feelings like that can fade out and come back stronger. You might have the feeling that you need to do something extra to hold onto it, and that if it fades away then you've done something wrong. But sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing at all.
Unusual sensations are good, some of them can surprise you.
was THIS the "sweet spot" people talk about?Usually the "sweet spot" refers to "just the right spot" along the perineum, the part that the p-tab should sit on. Touching the prostate just right could be considered a sweet spot, but that's not typically what people are talking about when they use the term.

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never really felt much at the "external" sweet spot.... though, perhaps i have and just thought it was something happening inside...

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@melsenior yes that is right you dont feel anything on the out side.Sort of think of it like a car battery. This point inside being touch and that point being touched on the outside causes a spark on the inside. Those that have used perdise will attest that the spark created with the perdise is different coz there is no connection on the outside even though there is a spark. When the perdise is used you notice that there is no sweet connection externally and you miss the feeling until the peridise gets going and makes your day.
Not sure the eupho is the best to be using for a beginner "if that is what you are"? because it requires strong muscles down there. You would be better off training with helix or a model of that size. Pro jr is the right size but maybe a bit difficult to use because of its shape but you may have found a way for it to work so all is good.

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sadly, i dropped WAY too much COIN on these! i have (in my quiver): helix, mgx (?), eupho, progasm jr

me - "Hi, my name is mel and i have a problem"
group - "Hi mel...welcome!"


thanks... i bounce around all of these (not all in same session!) trying yo ID the model that works best...

i have had good luck (sometimes) with eupho and now pro jr (but never anything of note from other 2)

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You are very close to a super O. IMO laying on my back feet flat on the bed is the easiest position for me to super O. Keep are close and you will never regret your purchases again.

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I have the Eupho, Helix and Pro Classic. The Helix is my go to, but when I want my prostate to wake up it is def with the Pro. The Pro sends me over the top 'cuz it's just so big and presses on my prostate just when I need it. My contractions include a lot of "f bombs". The Eupho is the nice guy. Gentle and tintillating but still keeping my prostate awake. You have to figure out your formula, and change it as needed.

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