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high arousal constantly frustrated

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I'm severly frustrated. During sessions my arousal levels are through the roof. I mean really really high. If it was normal penile stimulation I would have came 3 or 4 times round that's how high it is. It just never seems to really end. It also takes a lot of imaginary power to get me that high. I mean really dirty porn scene style imagination (much more effective than actually watching porn). Which i won't be able to keep up for long because... I'm not that imaginative kinda guy.

I'm also feeling my prostate most of the day As a source of arousal (i think it's also the fecal matter that is brushing up to the prostate that is responsible for that). It's just now gotten to the point i'm severely frustrated that i'm always on the high edge of arousal (whole day round) but never really get off.

Is this something people can identify with? and is there anything i can do to alleviate this (except jerking off?)

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AneRico has some good ideas and the one of his that I think you should try is stopping the "imaginary power" completely and just focus on the Aneros. Relaxation is always the key and just focusing on the Aneros may just clear your mind and lead to the next level.

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Hello JSTR,
You wrote:
I can completely identify with this sensation.

When I started I went through this phase. It felt as if I was at the tip of beginning an orgasm that would just never happen. It was extremely frustrating! It wasn't until I discovered KSMO than I finally was able to cross over into orgasm. KSMO taught me how to relax amidst all the arousal. With me, all the arousal energy would build up in my chest and abdomen. It felt as if I was stuck doing a crunch most of the day. KSMO helped with redistributing the arousal through very relaxing Key Sounds. Not easy to do when aroused, but when I was able to, it helped relieve the arousal in my chest and relax into the sensations. I realized I was trying to make something happen instead of letting it happen. Once I was able to relax into the sensations instead of trying to change the sensation, that's when things really started happening for me.

You should check out Jack Johnston's website and read the forum. Mog's entries are the ones that helped me the most and I know he's a member here as well. I think you'll realize that sounds too good to be true, and perhaps it is for some. For me, a skeptic if ever there was one, it has helped me take a huge step forward.

Best of Luck!


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just for my info. I thought when attempting prostate orgasm you should refrain from any penile stimulation for atleast 24 hours (but longer is better)

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It's just now gotten to the point i'm severely frustrated that i'm always on the high edge of arousal (whole day round) but never really get off.
Is this something people can identify with? and is there anything i can do to alleviate this (except jerking off?)@AneRico & @Longshanks gave you some good tips to try and I support those ideas. Your dilemma is a bit opposite to most men's difficulty, namely not sufficiently aroused to have a good Anerosession. 'BF Mayfield' and others have often noted the necessity to be aroused prior to beginning a session but he has also on occasion noted that being overly aroused can be equally hinder-some.

If you are overly aroused you may focus your mental energy on simply providing yourself a physical release (ejaculation). If this becomes your focus then you are likely to miss the pleasurable, yet more subtle, sensations your body is generating and miss the prostate orgasms as well. It is possible your Aneros use (without penile stimulation) will lead to a HFWO triggering a refractory period and the sense of release you may have focused upon but is that what you want? It may be and that is OK too. Frustration results from unmet expectations, it seems to me you may frustrating yourself because you are expecting something but it is not happening. You may not be consciously aware of what that expectation is, nonetheless, it is there.

I invite you to re-read this 'BF Mayfield' post for some insight. "First I decided to adopt a "beginner's mind" for the task. This involved not only putting out of my mind all of my previous efforts with the Aneros, but more importantly, the process by which I achieved a traditional penile orgasm. I really tried to clean the slate, and in effect open myself to different forms of sensation. Sensations that WOULD NOT INVOLVE ANY DIRECT PENILE STIMULATION WHATSOEVER. I also removed from myself the burden of expectation that plagued me for many months of frustration. Another element that became clear to me over time was that one cannot force this to happen, but rather encourages it. So faced with that realization, I made the conscious decision to enjoy each of my sessions with the Aneros for what it was as opposed to what it wasn't. After all, even absent this Super Orgasm, I was having a lot of fun just trying to find my way, and the consolation prize of a traditional penile orgasm with the Aneros (ejaculation with the Aneros inserted) was(is), well,... not a consolation prize at all, but an intense, fantastic, experience in its own right."
Good Vibes to You !

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Frustration over session progress is normal, but unfortunately can be counter productive. If you sit through each session with your device expecting a grand climax then you're pretty much setting yourself up for fail right away. I found that after a decent amount of session I started to enjoy the small subtle sensations a lot, and those became what I looked forward to each time I sat down for a session each night. Enjoying each session for what it is makes them far more enjoyable than if you ignore them and are merely waiting for a big satisfying climax at the end. High arousal is good, but if you expect too much it will work against you.

Good Luck!

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im not frustrated in the sense that i didn't get a super o. i'm more frustrated because my prostate feels like an impending orgasm all day, i.e. on the edge of orgasm. which is just plain annoying.

penile stimulation is maybe a solution. but i noticed there will then be no progress with the prostate orgasm.

i tried what longshanks said... its oke ish. seems to make less progress but i will try to keep it up for a while and see how it ends up

btw what is hfwo?

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hfwo= hands free wet orgasm, or a hands free traditional orgasm.

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@longshanks - what is KSMO?

Hello JSTR,
You wrote:
I can completely identify with this sensation.

When I started I went through this phase. It felt as if I was at the tip of beginning an orgasm that would just never happen. It was extremely frustrating! It wasn't until I discovered KSMO than I finally was able to cross over into orgasm. KSMO taught me how to relax amidst all the arousal. With me, all the arousal energy would build up in my chest and abdomen. It felt as if I was stuck doing a crunch most of the day. KSMO helped with redistributing the arousal through very relaxing Key Sounds. Not easy to do when aroused, but when I was able to, it helped relieve the arousal in my chest and relax into the sensations. I realized I was trying to make something happen instead of letting it happen. Once I was able to relax into the sensations instead of trying to change the sensation, that's when things really started happening for me.

You should check out Jack Johnston's website and read the forum. Mog's entries are the ones that helped me the most and I know he's a member here as well. I think you'll realize that sounds too good to be true, and perhaps it is for some. For me, a skeptic if ever there was one, it has helped me take a huge step forward.

Best of Luck!


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KSMO stands for Key Sound to Multiple Orgasm. It is a technique which uses a low frequency sound which you emit using a relaxing breath. This sound stimulates the Prostrate and other surrounding bits. It is surprisingly simple. You should try a search on this Aneros forum as well as the forum. Lots of good information. It has helped me and many others.

@longshanks - what is KSMO?

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i tried ksmo. interesting, but i had more progression with relaxing technique. one thing i do notice is. even though there are some slight involuntaries in my legs under the surface. they are nowhere near as high as they should be when i'm in a session with a highly aroused prostate.

i.e. highly on the edge but far from autofucking and full body involuntaries. which seems very contradictionary. it makes me a bit afraid of how far the arousal scale will go, i thought i already nearly saw the top... but then the body doesnt seem to act like it

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Honestly I don't believe in the whole "No ejaculation" belief. I have talked to other aneros users that still have normal orgasms, and healthy sexual lives with their partners. One told me to just go a couple days without ejaculation before an aneros session, and they have super-o's.

Really is the aneros worth being frustrated all the time? It should be fun, and make your life more enjoyable. My advice is to go back to normal ejaculations for a week, then go 2 or 3 days without before your aneros session.

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@jja2 - I think it really depends on the man. If you can have somewhat regular ejaculatory orgasms that don't interfere with your ability to have Aneros sessions where you are sufficiently aroused, then go for it. For myself abstaining from ejaculatory orgasms really helps me sustain a much higher and consistent level of arousal. I only felt frustrated the first two weeks I tried getting into this practice, then it was not a problem after that.

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