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Hi folks, new guy here....can you...

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...recommend about a 10 step (or however many) process for my first use of a helix syn tomorrow? Not an issue with anal play. Reading through the forums and wiki is very overwhelming of info. I just want to have a set plan to baseline by to start. I'm ok with multiple plans. : )Thank you so much in advance!

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Hello 7guy ! Suggest starting out with your new Helix-syn very gently. Learn what it offers you and please get relaxed while doing some easy breathing. Enjoy, treat the Wiki as a first quick read then as a reference work or BOK.

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Will do Rook. Thanks!

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Dark room, in bed, no porn or any other distractions, just lie there comfortably and "listen". Don't try to force anything, and know that great things can build very slowly from unexpected places. Our classical understanding of orgasm loads us with certain assumptions about how a sexual experience should unfold, from the type, location and intensity of the feelings, right down to how fast it should build. Using the aneros can defy expectations you don't even know you have. So I think more important than physical steps, is your mental outlook. Open up to it as a sexual experience of its own, rather than a new way of jerking off.

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Check out helix mmo on xtube. Runs about 45 min

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@7guy. Take plenty of time to prepare and get in right state of mind. As @rook said, RELAX while inserted to allow new feelings to flow. They start VERY faint, so have to be relaxed and open. Some light contractions at beginning to 'prime the pump' works well for me. Then its just listening to your body and enjoying all it has to offer.

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The helix syn mmo was instructional for future practice. Be observant. Lok up crimson wolf prewiring and the confident boomerang as well on the forum

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Thanks guys. I will follow as you suggest. I also did see the 50min helix video earlier tonight, very insightful. Read CW post as well, also a great read. Thank you!

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Here's the video link for future reference:

Agreed, it is VERY instructive.

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Here's the video link for future reference:

Agreed, it is VERY instructive.

By far it is the most accurate and instructive video on the net, by comparison to the others.

Just realise that there are several things that happen on the video that are very specific to that individual, for example he mentions his 'twitch' in his prostate as well as it feels like it's 'dancing' which i find does not happen but other things do instead. It is important to realise that your not looking necessarily for the responses in your own sessions.

For a long time I was trying to emulate his grinding movements (as well as forcing contractions which are in his case, involuntary also) when I realised his were involuntary and because of this I was forcing things unnaturally, trying to align my sessions with his which was a bad idea.

The only words I want to leave you with on your journey is this: good luck.

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Thanks friends for the advisement. No explosions occurred earlier today, but, I knew they most likely would not and know that I need to stay the course for however long it takes. I did feel I accomplished a small goal today of mind over matter on day 1. I will stay committed. : )

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Congratulations! You are off to a great start. I believe there was one other piece of info th at would be invaluable to you in your journey. Written by neros and another by rumel. Myth of th e super orgasm. Along the journey you would do well to look at it from that perspective and it took about a year before it sunk in for me. Because it really is difficult to quantify what these thinges are. We are different. Howe does one qualify what a dry o is to a mini to a super. Many who say they have it don't thrash about or shake, they felt like they are floating. Some thrash, some shake but feel no pleasure, others are flaccid but feel like they are on a rocket ship to orgasm. You may find yourself in th rows of orgasm but there is no precipice. No release. It just goes inn or slowly fades and you grasp to keep it and it fades out. The key is you haven't failed but you are feeling all these things without ejaculating. All these things in themselves can be called a super orgasm. Among the group what the majority have said is that time makes things better. Practice will yield many results. A journey with breadcrumbs but no real map. We are the voices in the wildness shouting that we found something over this way or that way. It won't matter, you will find your own way.

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Arousal, time, relaxation, and focus.

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Thank you Yank. I was comfortable and at peace with quality time (about 90 mins) at the time. I stopped early just to not feel that I was in control and met a goal. After some time of quietness (30 mins or so), did put some porn on the ipad just to get aroused to see if that would jump start. All in all, I'm good with how the relaxation played out. I'm ok with the marathon vs. the sprint. : )

PS. The 7 is for the Mick. My idol on the yankees.

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