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lve heard aneros can be good treatment, specifically the peridice which l do have but hardly used, l was just wondering if the do nothing technique (as l havent mastered the contractions yet) while seated will actually help and what frequency can help. as a recent flareup has become quite annoying, they dont seem major just the annoyances that come with them.

that said l havent seen a doc about it, and while l dont like self diagnosing.. most information lve read leads me to the assumption that its the likely annoyance lm having at the moment, and given lm seated allot working l at least want to try something to help.

so the frequency in addition to how long l should keep the peridice inserted thats helped others would be somewhat useful to know as technically its one of the few models one can sleep with and l would like to get rid of the annoying part of what l feel is a recent flare up rather than rely on creams and such which are only temporary relief.

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I think I may have contributed to my current situations with a few times masturbating with the Paradise/Aneros. Though my main problem is I'm bound up. I'm swearing off of those sticks of string cheese to see if that helps... I'd suggest simply using the Paradise (which was originally sold for hemorrhoid treatment) while lying down, and I think you're meant to do some contractions, but simply having it in ought to promote blood flow. I'm no expert though lol.

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l tried tonight, tho l wasnt laid down, tho while l know results wont happen overnight... l definitely feel more comfortable in the respects of irritation that requires itching.

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A lot depends on where 'rrhoid are. I find that the narrow necked one like the SGX were helpful. There is some info on the high island site. For me some oil lubes are less irritating, washing is less irritating than paper.

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I use proctosedyl roid cream with my peridise. Its like vaseline but has the relief built in. Relax completely and the peridise moves in and out just the tiniest amount by its self.
It wont cure your roids just like that you need to use it every now and then for at least 6 months to get it to reduce your roid problem. It does not cure, just helps keep under control. I use prostate massages moslikly 5 days out of 7 too so that maybe helping too.
Lower your stress levels too that does wonders over time.

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The Peridise will move with just your deep breathing. It's the increased blood flow to the area that is supposed to help. High Island's web site has some testimonials. Their forum is not up to date, but there is some helpful info there.
I have read about Hem-B-Gone by nolie's naturals and that sounds really good. Some good reviews.
All natural ingredients, taken in a capsule. Guaranteed. You might want to check that out.

That irritation can put a damper on your aneros sessions. Hope you get relief.

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lve never suffered irritation much, tho after one session so far just sitting with the peridice while doing my usual routine for a few hours l definitely feel less itchy today after a few days of annoyance.

however l read up that the need to go can be caused by haemorrhoids, in fact most mornings (well evenings, as lm a night person) when l get up my routine can be pretty annoying to and fro from the bathroom, and given what lve recently read up lm wondering if this could be the cause of my need to go problem, that is to say what needs to come out is putting pressure on the roids but isnt ready to come out lol.. as l usually find l need to sit on the throne once or twice before l actually go despite feeling the need..

after that its never usually a problem. but lm contemplating sticking to the peridice for a little, its just the frequency of use l should be aiming for to help.. tho l am kinda wondering if l had internal ones if it would cause issues when lm using aneros for something other than a medical accessory.

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Lots of lube and you will be fine. once a day for maybe a hour. Keep your ring lubed inbetween sessions to stop irritation. Ther a pain in the arse but they get better with time.

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to be honest its mainly been itching, tho it hasnt been so bad since the night after l used the peridice.. lve since had a session with the helix.. l must admit it had been a week or two since my last use.

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Sounds like you have piles too on the inside like me. Well lubed butt hole with the hemorrhoid cream I suggested helps but when you are in the middle of a roid attack nothing seems to help that itch much at all.You just have to put up with it and keep treating it. Its a bitch it can go on for months. I feel your pain.
I do think that both aneros prostate massagers and peridise do help get it under control eventually but it take a long time if you are as bad as it sounds. Been there too.
Keep it up and apply that cream right the way inside your ring too.

Even now while under control if i have been using aneros heavily and then stop for two or three days i can get itchy but just lubing just a little eases the itch. That or another aneros session 😉 LOL

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@braveneworld, there is a device called the Hemorr-Ice, usually sold at Dr. Leonard's, but now available at Carol Wright Gifts. It's a plug-like device that you store in the freezer, lube it up, insert and set on it until no longer cold. It does a good job relieving the itching, and helps reduce hemorrhoids.

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@Badger thanks i will have a look for it.

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l took a gander, also looks to be on amazon as well, regardless anyone know where l could get one in the UK? looks like its going to cost me at least 30 or so if l went somewhere like amazon which is a bit steep for what l read others paid for it in the reviews (its currently show as $32 which is a far cry from the $12 some others have paid for it).

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