Help stop the P-wav...
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Help stop the P-waves

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Hello all,

Been looking for advice on the forum by reading old discussion and sending private messages to discussion authors. Haven’t found much helpful and seems like those individuals are no longer active.

Tried the Helix Trident, and have not used it in almost three weeks. Stopped because started to feel something. Seemed to get better and go away after a week, but pain and the sensations, guessed called p waves have been very intrusive in my life.

Saw a medical doctor and embarrassingly told her all about it. She said I have internal and external hemrroids, along with internal dematitus. She checked my prostate and it was okay, did not really fee anything.

Based on urine test, prescribed antibiotics for bladder/prostitis.

Doesn't look like there are any medical experts out there on this. Am I wrong??

Have no plans to use the aneros again.

Has anyone have any advice to offer???

What therapies are available to help???

Are there any herbal supplements, diets, exercises to help???

Any alternative treatments???

Any other ideas??!!

Thanks all.

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sounds like you were feeling p-waves, and h-waves lol

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Saw a medical doctor and embarrassingly told her all about it. She said I have internal and external hemrroids, along with internal dematitus. She checked my prostate and it was okay, did not really fee anything. Based on urine test, prescribed antibiotics for bladder/prostitis.

I am certainly glad you had a physician perform an examination on you and from her findings it is very understandable why you began feeling discomfort following your Aneros use. It does sound like your Aneros caused some irritation to your pre-existing hemorrhoids. The painful urination may be the result of an unrelated UTI. The internal dermatitis may be caused by an allergic reaction to one or more of the chemical compounds found in the lubrication you have been using. These are all solvable problems with healing time, good hygiene and appropriate lubrication choices.

Doesn't look like there are any medical experts out there on this. Am I wrong??

While there are some members of this forum who are in the medical field (I am not), this forum is not the appropriate venue for specific diagnosis or suggested treatments for actual physical problems. We can only suggest possible avenues for information exploration, you should not rely upon us for expert medical advice.

Has anyone have any advice to offer??? What therapies are available to help??? Are there any herbal supplements, diets, exercises to help??? Any alternative treatments???

An internet search for Urinary Tract Infections will offer numerous web sites which discuss that topic in much greater detail, likewise with the topics of hemorrhoids and dermatitis.

From your previous post (Need Urgent Advice) you said

I keep having a reoccurring feeling in my preneium area that is very warm and pleasant and does not seem to go away. It gets stronger under stress and anxiey. I want it to go away and never come back. It is interfering with my life.

This is a much trickier problem to deal with as it is mainly a psychological one. You are apparently suffering from a form of cognitive dissonance between "...warm and pleasant..." feelings along with associated stress and anxiety. I'd recommend you read the Getting Help paragraphs in the Aneros WIKI and pursue some professional counseling on strategies for reconciling the conflict.
Good Vibes to You !

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