Has using Aneros pr...
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Has using Aneros products improved your diet..?

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Being how a nice empty rectum is a pre-requisite for a good session and given the fact that I'm not into the whole enema thing, I'm lead to wondering if any of the brotherhood has intentionally improved their diet as I have because of Aneros use.
I've increased my fruit & veg intake loads, and feel better for it.
Furthermore, may I recommend eating kiwi fruit with the skin on, I find that a couple of these beauties every day causes the express to pass through without stopping for passengers (or ghost shits as they have been christened here..!)
This, coupled with improved prostate health and multiple orgasms make a rare win-win-win situation.
Happy shitting everyone;)

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My focus on my health increased significantly over the last two years! After all, who wants to give up having incredible Prostate orgasms! I've lost weight, taking my vitamins more consistently, now I've got to exercise a bit more and I'll have what I want...a healthy routine!


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It has increased my general awareness of my whole physical and mental state... So it ends up easier to maintain a great health... And that includes diet.

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No ... but improving my diet, losing weight, and building muscle tone has increased my enjoyment of the Aneros! Also, high fiber = fewer "Klingon stowaways" after a session.

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Okay, I've had lots of changes emanating from my aneros use including diet. I've been interested in diet for a while especially since diagnosed with diabetes. Low carb, high protein, high fiber foods. Neuropsych testing suggested adding a lot of fish oil for mental fitness.

But Ive become aware of the energy effects I get with aneros riding and qigong. I'm very aware of my energy level and balance. I often feel bloated, lethargic after eating. I read a book called "Wheat Belly" which recommends eliminating wheat products entirely from one's diet not just for sensitivity but for the addictive qualities of wheat. So I'm experimenting with a basically wheat-free diet, not for celiac but for balancing my energy levels and health. I just started this but it feels promising.

I'm also exploring several supplements like cordyceps, curcumin extract, AMPK activator, l-theanine, kava, vit D3, aloe juice, probiotics, multivitamin. I exercise for strengthening my core muscles, high intensity interval training once a week, bicycling in the good weather. Tai chi for balance and grace.

All of this except the diabetes is a result of my experiences with riding aneros or to improve those experiences. I've been able to come off or decrease many of my meds since these changes. They're all interrelated IMO. Now if I can lose a few pounds and get a flat belly I'll be very happy.

My rides have gradually improved but I still have something preventing me from reaching higher levels. I suspect it's an emotional scar but I don't know. I'm exploring sensual massage for this. Healing touch seems to release emotional tension in me. The common denominator in all this is me and my particular background intersecting with aneros awaking my prostate. Amazing!

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