Has anyone tried "W...
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Has anyone tried "Worlds first Digital drug" CD before.

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It is a CD from Binaural-Beats that contains various frequencies. Some of which release endorphins which lead to Aneros-like sensations.

I recently brought it the other day, and the results ive got from it have been nothing but great. Despite most reviewers saying it is "new age Hockum".

If you havent tried it, i can only recomend it. (it has to be the cd, not the mp3 from torrent sites).

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i tried stuff like that before and got nothing out of it lol...

kinda like im getting nothing out of aneros =[

the lord must hate me or something cuz guess what? im also allergic to marijuana .. i dont think he wanted me to have much fun in my lifetime

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[QUOTE=Ghettygreen;88784the lord must hate me or something cuz guess what? im also allergic to marijuana .. i dont think he wanted me to have much fun in my lifetime

What you bitchin about, hayfever?

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Actually - I just tried this today. Something called I-Doser. Each file is named after something - usually a drug.
I actually felt something. Was quite surprised.
I've never tried drugs (other than drinking), so I can't compare it to anything, but it sure reminded me of the feelings I get when the pleasure waves start.
One other note - with the Aneros, I've only experienced pleasure waves so far...

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Hi, I bought and listened to the I-doser tracks. I was open minded, eventually I deleted them all from my i-tunes. My own opinion is that their marketing of the product is incredible. Did it help or make any difference with the aneros use. Answer is NO. I found the hynoaneros file sold at this website a LOT better.

I feel foolish that I was taken in hook, line and sinker to buy the I-doser, but just chalk it up to a 25.00 experiement. I would NOT reccomend anyone spending their money on it, unless you have extra money to burn.

This is just my opionion, others my have different experiences.

Actually - I just tried this today. Something called I-Doser. Each file is named after something - usually a drug.
I actually felt something. Was quite surprised.
I've never tried drugs (other than drinking), so I can't compare it to anything, but it sure reminded me of the feelings I get when the pleasure waves start.
One other note - with the Aneros, I've only experienced pleasure waves so far...

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I haven't seen anyone utilize this yet. Though, in my profession we have had information that it is becoming more common in adolescents thru the usage of their headsets w/ MP3 players, etc. Of course, all is entirely legal. One word of caution, is they are finding some individuals may be predisposed to seizure activity (or if they already have a seizure disorder) w/ the tune usage.

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After using this program for just over a week, i can only say ive got nothing but positive results from it. I feel more relaxed, my brain seems to absorb info more easily. i dont seem to care about silly little things anymore. and most importantly on a medatitive side, i seem to understand the ego better and learn to cast it aside so to speak. Of course i still have a long way to go.

Just remember, to thosese who want to try this. you must buy the cd, or try the .FLAC recoring (which i have no idea to its effectivness).
MP3 will simply not work.

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Just an informational side note. FLAC will work just as well as the CD, as it is a lossless compressed audio format. (In addition to being free, open specification, and open source. Which is a good thing.) So no audio information is lost in the compression. See the web site:
FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec

Where as with MP3 files, it is a lossy compressed audio format. So supposedly irrelevant information is irreversibly thrown out during the file encoding to MP3 to get a small file size. This is more the case the lower the bit rate it is encoded to. Thus you get smaller file sizes with increasingly poor audio quality.
Lossy compression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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haven't tried this one yet; however, several of these recordings rely on sub-sonic effects generated by two or more "guide tones." Kelly Howell's website, -- Brain Sync - Your Brain Made Better -- describes the various background tones and how she applies them to improve emotional response, or learning, or other cognitive effects. She labels them as, gamma, delta, theta, beta , etc.

I've found that the total bandwidth or dynamic range of the recording system isn't as important as the smoothness of frequency response (lack of spikes) across the frequencies of the guide tones.

Ear buds with a peak around 200 hz can be a real 'deal breaker.' I tossed a couple of pair of pair of buds before I found a pair that worked well for me. Generally, if you can hear the guidetones or the 'beat frequency' try for something else.

Playback through a speaker is a waste of time and money.

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Playback through a speaker is a waste of time and money.

Normally that's the case with binaural beats and Kelly Howell definitely.
Still..I used to be into the brainwave generator where you can make binaural beats yourself depending on what state you wanted to induce. There was a technique called xbox x...where you could get the same effect listening thru the speakers as thru headphones...it works for me! And it's also ideal to block out other sounds, like noisy neighbours
