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Has anyone checked with their doctor on this?

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I am thinking of getting one but I worry about risks. I asked my doctor about this device and he never heard of it. I explained to him what it does and even showed the website to him on my smartphone. He told me to avoid its use because of possible damage to the prostate. He said the prostate was not designed to accept recurring pressure.

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the device was designed by a japanese urologist for the purpose of safe self-administered prostate massage. see this website:

i have shown the device to two different urologists (one of whom is a national expert on prostate/pelvic pain syndromes) and also shown an aneros video to one of them (with a young guy flailing around on a bed having orgasms).

neither had any concerns.

other things to consider:
- there are 10,000+ posts on this forum. every once in a while somebody squeezes way too hard, or otherwise overdoes it, and reports pain. but the overwhelming majority do not have any problems.

- the prostate is surrounded by musculature that contracts severely during ejaculation. its purpose is to be put under sudden pressure so it can empty its contents into the ejaculatory ducts.

- the aneros does not put much pressure on the prostate, because it is controlled by your pelvic floor muscles

- the nerves in that area are very sensitive to both pleasure and pain. if this was doing harm, there would be a pain signal, and it would not feel good, but bad.

i am somebody who is known for medical hyper-vigilance, and i don't have concerns with the aneros.

if there are any concerns i have it is about the lube:
- i don't trust water based lubes, and the weirdo polymers they contain, as i don't want them absorbed by my body

- by putting any lube in your rectum with regularity, you risk changing the make up of the microbiome in there, which could affect your pooping. but people on this forum have never mentioned this as an issue.

i asked my GI doc about lubes, and he was not concerned.

if you still have lingering concerns, but are on the fence, you could choose the models that put the least pressure on the prostate. those would be:
- the eupho syn
- the peridise


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@jsr0367...I've been using various ANEROS models frequently over the past 3 years or so...I had some issues with pelvic discomfort after a session in the early days of my use. This was brought on when I tried to assist the movement of the ANEROS device manually...also I've experienced occasional discomfort after an intense SuperT with ANEROS inserted.

Since totally refraining from manually manipulating the device, I've had zero problems. I use unrefined coconut oil for my lube. Also, the only device I will ejaculate with while inserted is the smallest Peridise. When I do have a SuperT with Peridise, I try to totally relax at the PONR and let the orgasm happen without clenching so as to minimize the strength of the muscular contraction that drives ejaculation. This usually results in semen oozing from the penis rather than shooting like a bullet, and seems to prolong the pleasure of the I might suggest that if you do not manually move the device yourself or sit in an odd position with ANEROS that putts too much pressure on the prostate, you should have no problem. I use Helix Classic, Eupho Classic and Peridise. I tried Progasm Jr. but for me it seemed to be too much pressure on the prostate, so I've put it aside for now. I usually have a couple of sessions per week. Good luck...I wish you a successful journey!

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Yes, I too avoid ejaculating with the device inside.


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The only pain and discomfort that I have experienced since I started using an aneros (about 4 years ago) have either been because of piles, which I had before I got my first prostate toy, or slight bruising of my sphincter mussels from pulling out the device rather hastily.

Oddly enough, my piles have improved since I started using my helix.

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@jsr0367, quite the reverse. I began using an Aneros three years ago. I was at the point of having a massive heart problem. The cause was the incredible stress that accompanied ejaculation. I found it difficult to Ej regularly and was very frustrated. Of course a doctor would have advised no sex! For me that would have been a fate worse than death.
By chance I came across the Aneros site and began using. For me it has been a life saver. Somehow the gentle pressure on the Prostate reduced its tension. Sex is now super safe, my Ejs are frequent and stressless. I notice a tingling all over me that is new and exciting. My Prostate goes about its business stresslessly. I have no heart stress. My 'rrhoids have disappeared. My required amount of ED dose is reduced to a fragment. I don't have super 'o' but I am alive, that must count for something.
Most Drs treat symptoms and rarely see the needs of the whole person. Also of course litigation fears means they follow what is medically acceptable and so we have many people living safe 'half-lives'. There are some Drs who appreciate the complexity of the needs of a whole person and can see between the gaps.
Misquote: it is better to have lived than to have never lived at all.

In answer: if in doubt, don't.

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I'm an Aneros and prostate/anal pleasure seeker since 2004 and I've never had any issues. No pain, ever. Well, every now and then I have a TO with a toy in and it is super intense, and I get a slightly "sore" feeling for a minute or two afterwards, but then I feel better than I did all week 🙂

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I can hear Leonard McCoy saying, "Dammit, Jim, I'm just an old country doctor."

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Hello everyone. I've been an Aneros user I believe since 2004. When I first started using the Aneros I brought the subject to my regular doctor. I've mentioned to him what I started using and my concern was doing any damage down there. He made a note of the website name to do a check on it and see what the whole thing was about. On my next visit about 3 weeks later he told me he went to the sight and did some research and he said, I give you the green light to use it. He said no harm in massaging the prostate. He said it was actually healthy thing to do. I also asked him as to how long I could massage myself and he said that my prostate would let me know when enough was enough. And true no damage has ever occurred for all these years that I've been massaging my prostate. I do use enough lubricant and when that is not enough I can tell the difference.

Now I have a second incident. I had a co worker that in conversation mentioned that he was suffering from prostate enlargement (BPH) and has been on medication for about 8 month and of course is been under the care of a urologist. I mentioned to him about the Aneros and how maybe it can help him with his issue. He asked me many questions and on his next appointment he brought up to his specialist. His doctor right away approved the use of the Aneros. Apparently he knew about it. A couple of month later I brought the subject again and I asked him if he was going to try the Aneros and to my surprise he already had purchased the Progasm. I said wow you went big. He smiled. Then he said "you see my smile" and I said yes. He mentioned that not only he felt much better because he didn't feel the pressure any more from his prostate but the pleasure was incredible. After that encounter I had moved on to another company and never saw him again. So apparently I did a good thing by bringing it up. I almost didn't but I saw the suffering in his face because of the pain he was going through and he opened up to me which I'm surprised because those things are hard to talk about. And he is only in his twenties so age don't matter to BPH. Anyway in my book like my doctor said to me. GO FOR IT!! Its only going to make you feel better. In my case VERY GOOOOD!

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Thanks for sharing that story! So cool you helped a friend! Glad to hear that doctors are on-board with Aneros more and more!


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From all angles there is not problem with an inserted Aneros provided it goes in easily and is comfortable.
It can be difficult with folk with BPH to find the inner sphincter opening with one of the larger models as the enlarged Prostate seems to push the sphincter to the rear so the insert angle may need to be more acute.
It also is interesting that the rectum accepts the Aneros and does not try to expel it. In fact it will play it all night, it welcomes it!
The only problem I see is apart from common sense hygiene is the type of lubricant used. It is the lube that can irritate the linings or be absorbed.
It seems as if we need to experiment with the ones most used by members and find the one which suits us personally.
It is very helpful to have input from the members as to what works for them. It is also good to get cautions.

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I use silicone lube for my Helix. I got this silicone gel at Walmart for $10. It sticks to the device and lasts. It feels amazing inside of me. I used two two days in a row and had three orgasms back to back each time...

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