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Gummies just put me to sleep

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I even tried half a gummy, I just get sleepy. No P awakening. 

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Maybe the drug thing is just not for you mate.

Dont get pinned down by this prostate awakening thing. That just means learning and rewiring to use it. I don’t remember some switch obviously turn in,I just ramped up over time.

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I try with very little gummies and that also Indica. I enjoy it . But i am a newbie who just started 5 months ago. So no prostrate orgasm and do not focus on achieving super o. I am just enjoying the journey.  I think just relax and not focus on destination of p orgasm. Just my 2 cents. 


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I've had gummies and they never get me in the mood like smoking or vaping. Most gummies are gonna be indica which will put you sleep.

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@the_bishop What varieties do you recommend?

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I’ve put in another post how my prostate orgasms seem really tied to me taking liquid THC. I can have the orgasms without liquid (just had some today completely sober while sitting on the couch thinking erotic thoughts), but they’re definitely stronger and take over my body/mind more with liquid THC, in a way that smoking or vaping doesn’t (don’t have a lot of experience with gummies). 

That being said, I don’t consider myself a big user. Only started using a few years ago, after doing prostate massage but before achieving prostate orgasms, and use THC about 3 times a week on a regular basis, with some longer breaks sprinkled in (I definitely don’t like to be high 2 days in a row). If I use too much or too little, my orgasmic experience isn’t optimized, so I’ve been trying to figure out how much to use. 

I would say weirdly, to optimize my experience, I really shouldn’t take too much. Right now I have a concentrated THC liquid where the recommended dose is 0.25 ml, which amounts to about 14 drops. I’ve found my optimal dose is…3 drops. More than 4 drops, I feel too high and can’t fully enjoy my orgasms, although I still have them. 

This is all to say for the OP, maybe a half gummy is too much, especially if you’re not a big user. I can’t tell if I only need to take 3 drops because my tolerance is so low, or because I can have these orgasms so easily that they’re contributing to my high feeling. Figuring out this dosage, I’ve thought “I’m barely taking anything this time, I bet I won’t feel anything” and then later “I should have taken less, why do I feel so high when I’m nowhere near a half dose?” But then later I’ll feel back to normal, so it’s not like the high lasts any longer then usual, I just feel too high during my session.

On 3 drops there’s usually a time where I think “I’m feeling somewhat high, I wonder if it’s enough to have prostate orgasms” and then pretty immediately my eyes will roll back in my head and my head will go back in ecstasy, even if I’m doing something mundane like watching the news (which I’ll then turn off just in case I start associating news with orgasms, which I don’t think would be good). But I can also cut things off if I focus and do light regular stuff like house chores if I need to (which I rarely do. If I take liquid then it’s always because I want to have an orgasmic session and/or sex. But I wanted to test out how high I really am off of 3 drops, and it seems like not much, it’s just that my orgasms are intensifying my feelings). But if I let things happen naturally, my orgasms will just roll in, one after another.


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@caesar713 Any particular strains or brands?

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@cba92 I have used different strains/brands and don’t feel any difference in ability to attain super-o’s/prostate orgasms, I just have to figure out the right dosage based on the amount of THC present in the liquid. Maybe indica feels a bit more relaxed than sativa, but not noticeably so for me. One side effect is that taking liquid in general does not make me feel relaxed and I can have trouble falling asleep, as the orgasms are just too good and powerful, and I’m extremely hesitant to take liquid around anyone besides my wife, as my prostate orgasms can be hard to control. But smoking/vaping has led to relaxing highs where I don’t get super-o’s, even if I objectively take a higher dose of THC. 

Probably not very helpful in terms of your question, but in short, for me it’s about the amount as opposed to the type. 

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Totally understand you, I also always fall asleep

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@caesar713 Thanks for your insightful, informative deep submission

When you say "THC liquid", do you mean a 'THC tincture'?

I use a tincture with similar dose recommendation.

I am still 'titrating' (slowly adjusting dose to optimal).

Thanks again for your observations.



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