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Fur growing on Helix

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I just took out my helix from the spot I usually keep it and I was really shocked. It had a trail of white fungus I guess on it. It was only on the p tap and the black line that connects it to the base. It was a white spikey line covering both sides of the p tab I cleaned it off and I am assuming it's from Lube that I didn clean off but it's odd that there's was none on the big part of it. I'm also concerned because I was about to begin a session and I want to know if it is safe. Thanks!

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I would clean and disinfect it really good before using it @BlueX4. I assume you have a classic helix not a syn. You don't say what lube. I'm picturing some kind of mold but don't know. Put it in the dishwasher by itself, then maybe a disinfectant soap soak for a while and alcohol. It should be safe after all that. How long has it been hanging around like that?

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For Helix's visit to the dishwasher, choose a spot on the upper rack to keep it away from a heating element down in the bottom. Remove Helix after the final rinse, before the dishwasher shifts into it's drying cycle.

If you find a recurrence of the fuzz, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), diluted with 3 parts of water to one part of vinegar may help kill the fungi spores on surfaces where you keep your toys. Google: .

If this happens again after cleaning the toys and their storage area, consider adding some natural, plain yogurt to your diet for a few weeks.

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It turned out to be just the lube I cleaned it off and it hasn't come back!

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