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fullness vs movement

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greetings all,

first time blogger here. purchased my helix back in november, started to make some progress (dry o's i believe, some involuntary shaking) and decided i would give progasm a shot a couple of weeks ago (got the ice). for whatever reason, the fullness is nice but i seem to enjoy the movement of the helix more.

or, am i looking at this wrong, and the progasm has more movement over time? i am going to go back to the helix for the time being but am disappointed that relaxing with the progasm doesn't seem to get me as far from an involuntary body response standpoint.

for whatever it's worth, i try to start my sessions with 30min of nothing followed by really small movements for maybe 20, with harder thrusts for the next (on and off) 20-30 mixed in with relaxing and doing nothing. a little impatient with the time aspect (i don't wanna wait more than 2hrs), and i read that some users just take it out at the same time every time regardless of the sessions progress. might try that from now on.

sorry, kinda went off topic, but i am really curious about what others think on the main subject.

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I have a similar experience. Reading the forum, ours is NOT universal.

I started with the Helix Classic about 6 months ago. I believe that I am rewired as of about 2 months ago.

I decided to try both larger and smaller. I very recently ordered the Progasm JR, the Eupho Classic, and splurging the Peridise set of 4. I tried the Progasm JR first. I felt very little other than "fullness". Like your experience.

I then tried the Eupho Classic. I think it is a little better for me than the Helix Clasic, but not by much.

However, the Peridise (next to the smallest) is EXQUISITE. I will try other sizes later - probably the smallest first.

My experience with the new devices was NOT what I expected. In fact, I almost did not order the Eupho Classic.

For me, nipple stimulation augments the Aneros sensations GREATLY. Listening to music with a strong beat was quite helpful for a few months. It still helps now, but not nearly as significantly as earlier.

Hang in there with your Helix. If your experience continues to parallel mine - you will be an Aneros-maniac SOON.

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yeah i my experience the progasm may feel like its not moving enough but with time it can rock your world. Its all about time and practice. The helix will move more just because its smaller. The decision is up to as to which device you prefer to use. Both devices will eventually get you to where you want to go.

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