From reading many of the threads, I see that I am not the only one to strike out the first time. Maybe just too much expectations or in too much of a hurry. Either way, zip for my first time. I am not new to anal play as my wife often massages my prostrate with her finger or enters with me a strap on. At times it is very pleasurable especially with her finger - so I am pretty sure that there is something down the road for me. Do I just keep trying. And how much lube is too much? Thanks for any advice anyone can give.
Yes, stay with it, and while you're at it be sure to read through BEE LINE. There's a tremendous amount of info for the newbie to be had there. In so far as lube is concerned check out my response to QD here in the forum (half way down), you'll find some comments regarding my current state of thinking on lubrication.
B Mayfield