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First timers impressions

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I know this is fairly unoriginal, but figured I would share my experiences as others have. Well I've been reading all about this product for a week and ordered it, anxious for it to arrive and finally it did. Yup, smaller than I expected. Got my towels out and a copy of the directions and all. Cleaned myself out and used the baby dropped to get 2 tsp in me. THen lubed up the aneros well and took my time, slowly getting it in. As promised at a certain point it slid in on its own. Did not feel the pressure of having to pee nor did I feel the foreign object sensation. So immediately started on my contractions. Felt warm, but that was about it. Then started the holding pattern. Didn't feel much, Tried moving aroudn positions. Would occassionally feel some trembling in my glutes, some tingling at the base of my cock. A few times I'd feel the aneros move on its own, I think those were involuntary contractions. Occassionally would feel something in my stomach. Did not get strings of precum as many said, just one or two globs welling up. Made sure not to touch my penis and also made sure the tab was always near perineum though it's about 1/2 inch too high I think. Well then I got up to check on something running on the computer and sat down on the chair, just the edge so the handle did not have contact. Wow. That certainly started soem different sensations. I started shaking and suddenly got this intense feeling that I needed to expel. So ran to the bathroom and just let it go. Should I have somehow overcome this feeling? So out it came. And now I have some shaking and shivering going on. So what do I need to be doing?

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So after a two hour break I decided to try it again. I only got it in for about 15 minutes before the urge to purge was just too strong. I could tell there were some wonderful feelings caused by the device, but I can't seem to get over that feeling. Any suggestions?

B Mayfield
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If you read through the forum you'll find very few individuals who have become orgasmic right out of the gate. For most it requires some time and patience, and learning some new techniques for creating sensations. A more traditional (albeit more intense) orgasm is available "right out of the box" with the Aneros, either through penile masturbation or as an adjunct to your usual activities with a partner. I encourage you to try these "traditional" activities with the Aneros in place (if you've not done so already) only in that it gives you a terrific "fall back" activity to look forward to in the event that you are not successful with your pursuit of the "non-ejaculatory orgasm" in any given session.

The "non-ejaculatory" experience is NOT an automatic process, in the way that the penile orgasm is. It requires mental focus and the building of sensations that initially feel "non-sexual". Have you ever stretched your body at your waist and felt a tingling/tickling sensation deep in your abdomen that was pleasant? These are the kind of sensations that your looking to build upon. Sensations of the abdomen, rectum, anus, prostate and perineum (by way of the Aneros' abutment tab). Finding your individual recipe for rhythmic breathing, anal/rectal contractions and proper mental focus will be what your exploration is all about.

However, given that you've just started with the Aneros, I would recommend that you experiment for a while. Have fun with it, mix it up. Check out the forum yes, but don't get too hung up on any technique or suggestion at this point. Again, just have fun with it for a while. I think that the postings will be more valuable to you anyway, once you've had some time to experiment with the Aneros on your own.

With regard to your experience of needing to evacuate during your Aneros session, it's happened to me (and others) too! In the end I think it has a lot less to do with the Aneros itself than with ones system. In my case I was able to identify that my "cleaning" process with the enema, was a little too vigorous. If I do use an enema now it's only a small one, designed only to clear out my rectum. Larger irrigations can get the lower bowel involved and if peristalsis (contractions of the bowels) occurs, you're pretty much committed to cleaning out your entire system. To answer your question, no I don't think you should have overcome the feeling. The truth is I don't think that it's possible to do so, it's an involuntary process. I remember one of the first times I had the "non-ejaculatory" /Super O experience. This huge orgasmic wave hit me and all of a sudden at the same time I started to feel abdominal cramping, like I had to evacuate. For several seconds it seemed like the orgasmic wave might win out, but very soon the cramping took over. You know what they say.."sh..happens!" Well,... anyway, it ended my session. Since then I've gotton more in tune with my system, knowing when I'm empty and how to clean when I'm not.

Have fun!

Good Luck,

B Mayfield

B Mayfield
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Forgive me, for some reason your second posting didn't appear on my screen at the time I made my initial response. I am curious if you had any further experimentation with the Aneros. Again, I'm just wondering if you're kind of.... just getting your system going, if you know what I mean. Timing can be important here, that is, (not to be graphic) but how your bowels move during the course of a day. I've had been periods of time myself, where, for whatever reason, my system just wouldn't tolerate the introduction of anything in my rectum. Add to this, that one starts anally contracting and it can be like "priming a pump", it just jump starts peristalsis. Just curious, are you new to anal play? If not, have you ever experienced any reaction like this before? If anal play is new to you, perhaps you just need to become more acquainted with your system. If you haven't done so already, give it another shot and see what happens!

B Mayfield

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NO problem. I had no expectation of reaching a super O. My only idea was to see what sort of sensations it brings. In the several days since my initial attempt, I have not tried again mainly because my bowels have been in constant spasm. I get a lot of cramping and spasms. I have not done much anal play before, but the little I have done has usually resulted in a similar reaction. It's a feeling of having to evacuate, but there's nothing there, and the contractions are very intense so the entire bowel feels like it just wants to come out. Am beginning to think that I should just not be doing anal play at all.

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I am not a doctor... having said that, are you getting any air inside during, before, or after insertion? Have you tried inserting a regular dildo and working it in and out? Just some ideas.

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So, after several weeks off, I was in the process or pleasuring myself when I had this desire to try the Aneros again. It slipped in easily this time and I enjoyed the feelings more. I actually found that sitting on the edge of a chair or standing up really helped to squeeze things nicely. I did not get hard but definitely had some wild sensations. My legs and abs were quivering for a while and it wasn't as intense as a penile orgasm, but I definitely felt this wave flowing through part of my body. Unfortunately after a while when I decided to finish what I had begun, I didn't feel much at all. Oh well. I will keep experimenting.

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I was fascinated by what I read on this site and when I placed a order for the Aneros couldn't wait for it to arrive . . . It arrived yesterday, I have to say I am far from impressed. First of all inserting it was very uncomfortable and somewhat painful but I persevered. When it was fully inserted it felt very uncomfortable and although I left it inserted for about 30 minutes and followed all the instructions about breathing etc the 30 minutes couldn't pass quick enough and I was glad to remove it. I have since tried two further times and have had exactly the same experience and I must admit I'm not exactly keen to try again! - if I'm doing something wrong I don't know what it is, for me the best this experience could be described as is just unpleasant!. If anybody has got any suggestions I would be very interested to hear them as I would still like to experience what others descibe here.

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