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Exposure to sunlight and libido

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Thought I'd post my recent experience as I feel this is a very important facet of health in general.

I am 28 years old and have generally had what I considered to be lackluster libido for most of my adulthood. My bloodwork recently showed that everything looks pretty good on pen and paper including vitamin D and testosterone, but I had suspected for years that my testosterone might not be where it ought to be. I normally took a vitamin D supplement since I don't go outdoors very much.

Not too long after getting the thumbs up from my doc on the bloodwork I decided to try sunbathing a little every day to see if that would make a difference. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now, shooting for around half an hour of sun each day, but I saw a pretty decent difference after just a handful of days.

Normally I'd masturbate about once every day or so, but since I've started sunbathing I've been masturbating more often. Usually once a day lately, but one day I masturbated three times.

Arousal seems to come more naturally now. Looking at porn seems to have a greater effect, and things that might not have registered on my radar before seem to catch my attention like someone's voice. Sometimes I'm even horny for no reason.

The biggest missing key to me figuring out the prostate play, aside from lack of motivation to stay consistent, has probably been a general lack of arousal. I would try forcing it with porn and even then it wouldn't get me very far. Now that my libido is higher, sometimes distractingly so, I think I may finally be able to progress further with prostate play. I've been able to feel some nice sensations sometimes but they've almost always been more like an itch than anything satisfying. It's so much easier to feel these sensations when there's genuine arousal coming from within without being forced. I've tried off and on with this since I was 19 if I remember correctly.

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Exposed to sunlight is necessary for healthy endocrine function. Take a few minutes to also touch the ground with bare feet (or hands). Called grounding, this causes the red blood cells to take on a negative charge and then they repel each other resulting in easier flow of blood. 

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I'll have to look up grounding, but I am aware of the skin being an endocrine organ.

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Skin is actually an exocrine gland, that is it releases outward (sweat, oil, moisture, etc. Endocrine glands secrete to internal ducts or the blood). I believe the endocrine boost from the sun largely comes from UV entering the eyes.

As for grounding, I spoke with an electrical engineer whose wife had seen a naturopath who advised her to do grounding. He ridiculed the idea as BS and set out to prove it with some of his electrical equipment. To his astonishment, there was a measurable electrical flow between his wife and the ground. I asked what she'd do in the winter (Canada here). He put a metal post in the ground and ran a wire to a metal plate for his wife to put her feet on for grounding. I have also seen electrically conductive mats advertised that plug into a wall outlet [the two top blades of the plug are plastic; only the ground pin connects].

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