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Exploring the unknown

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Hi,I am an over 70 heterosexual guy with BPE and have started exploring this feature of my body to see if will help reduce any symptoms and maybe do a little repair. I read somewhere that a prostate orgasm can be a little like clearing a drain, and thats perhaps what I had in mind when starting out.
I am now on my 5th session which started on my back and as the sessions have progressed I have achieved what I would call leg twitching pelvic gyrating and thrusting coupled with heavy arms and a warm glow from the stomach. I have also tried the side position which originally I discarded as a none event but after a couple of back sessions as above the side saddle position has worked quite well. I am not into meditation necessarily but I am able to deeply relax into the mattress or surface I am on and definitely know this is a key to oblivion if there is one for me.
I have suffered from ED for many years ( I think its retribution for my wayward youth and middle years ) and as yet have not heady sign of the magic erection that seems to be experienced by some here. This would for me be a good sign that something different is happening to my reproductive parts as this is usually helped with assistance from the pharmacy. I am a little apprehensive until I step up the ladder rung by rung to be experiencing a full blown Super O just yet as the old heart is older than it used to be although excercised as well as it can be.
The positioning of the perenium finger seems quite critical in all of this and I have covered this with an eye dropper bottle rubber top which works very well. the keeps things "On station" so to speak and was a good tip from your forum.
Well lets see where this all goes and I will be happy for any advice any can give if in similar circumstances.


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Welcome OpenGuy

I am about your age and E D/swollen prostate afflicted also. I am going to be following your progress. You sound like an articulate, reasoned seven decades guy. Please chart your progress and technicques in your posts or in a blog.


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Hi,I will be taking this slowly so don't expect an array of posts at high speed. I will let you know how it all goes ad hopefully this will help any others as well.

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