@imp , @Rob92755 , @JohnHope & @Panoguy , Guys, I appreciate your sincerity in trying to help but you're only feeding the troll and dissipating your own energy. Let's help those guys who are truly on their quest for self discovery and not suffering from confirmation bias issues.
Good Vibes to You !
Yes גּוֹי yes, ignore everyone saying otherwise, keep using prostate toys without question, if they are skeptical they are trolls!
Hahaha, @LiquidFire, you're a hoot!
You claim to be open-minded (I'm assuming with regard to things sexual, else why be here?), but you then state that the "sexual revolution has been a curse upon us". You speak of "Evil" and "negative entities" (what are those??), and say that "man & woman are endowed to each other"
You go on-&-on.
So, go ahead ahead, truthfully tell us that you are not practicing evangelism... that you're not preaching Christian morality. I dare you.To be clear, I'm a straight guy, I've been married to my wife for 33 years, and have 2 wonderful daughters. I've no sexual interest in other men... but I also feel that I have absolutely no right telling others that how they live is "unnatural", "evil", or "against nature". As long as they aren't hurting me or others, what they choose to do with their own bodies is their business, & none of mine.
I've personally found prostate massage helps relieve BPH symptoms (which BTW truly suck), with the benefit of feeling really, really great. If that makes me evil or gay or unnatural in your eyes... well, I guess I'll have to live with that!
Following your logic, yep I've jerked myself off in the past (pleasured a dude... Myself), so I must be queer. I use an Aneros device, so I must be doing something inherently evil or against nature.
These are my interpretation to your words, how far off am I?
I'll state it again... I hope you figure things out, & become less conflicted about your feelings with regard to prostate massage & human sexuality.
I really mean it, I wish you well.
As far as response, I'll respectfully read your reply, but I'm done with contributing to this conversation.
Yes it has been a curse, what happened to society after the revolution? Destruction of the family unit, marxist ideas, rampant drug use etc. "I dare you" to say these haven't been amplified by the revolution. Negative entities is what I refer to as the metaphysical beings with malevolent intent, it would be naive to believe they don't exist. And yes man and woman are meant for eachother, how could it possibly be that a man and a man or woman and a woman were designed for eachother? The level of cognitive dissonance would be astounding for one to believe anything other than heterosexuality was what was designed by nature. Again, you keep claiming things that aren't true. I never said I was Christian. I am simply a skeptical person who respects the natural order. You saying that people should be left alone as long as they aren't hurting you or others is the reason why society is falling, this hedonistic notion of "let's all ignore eachother as long as we all feel pleasure" is absolutely preposterous. Good for you that it relieves BPH symptoms, but I didn't ask for positive experiences, I asked if you experienced anything negative. Where in my logic did I say that masturbation was queer? I hope your ideas of how we should live our lives becomes less conflicted and I really mean it, I wish you well.
Oh shut up already!
Heterosexuality is not designed by nature or God or anything at all.
Heterosexuality has simply been the mode that has been the fittest in our survival, to date.
Methods to spread our genes that are ineffective, die out.
Methods that are currently ineffective, can be influenced, positively and negatively, by Humans.
If other models exist, and have a better chance to propagate the species, then natural selection would work and this alternate mode could become the dominant model.
- a possibility to design the complete DNA sequencing of your offspring, and
- the possibility to have a computer system generate that DNA from your design, and
- the possibility to have a way to grow a sperm + egg combination, or an already inseminated egg, from absolute scratch, from your design, using basic chemicals or organic matter (eg. a pint of your blood + your own stem cells), and
- no woman is involved in this process, genetically
Would you not consider that this method might eventually become cheaper, more practical, safer, more efficient than the current heterosexual model? (ok, there will be other consequences, some might be negative. And I'm not saying that I would prefer this method over the current method of conception - sliding a cock in and out and shooting lovely jizz so it is overflowing is far too satisfying, in my opinion, whichever type of sticky hole it may be)
So, if both systems are in place, which one would be faster and more effective to propagate the species?
Whichever that is, that would become the dominant way. This is how natural selection works. But the process doesnt really care if the method is natural or man-made.
None of this "nature designed it" hocus-pocus that Christian Creationists or Intelligent Designists like to speak about.
Not sure why you're in the ANEROS forum in the first place but here goes...
Please read this article https://sexualalpha.com/how-to-have-a-prostate-orgasm/ on the history of prostate massagers and how Aneros became the go-to for toys in this industry.
They also answer the question "Is There A Correlation With Prostate Milking & Being Gay?" so I hope it gives you a better perspective on things. Curious to know your thoughts after reading the article. Have a great weekend!
@martygraham excellent article.
I love the irony of a troll spouting about "what nature intended" while communicating that thought on a computer which was built out of components serving a purpose contrary to what nature intended.
Why do we keep feeding this troll's feed? What's to be gained? Knocking sense into the author; not likely to happen.
Thank you for sharing and I hope you feel better now.
No i fucking dont!
Physcially i occasionaly get pain when i orgasm but it is not as bad as it once was. Psychologically i feel the damage is likely irreparable. I sometimes get quite annoyed at some of the posts people make here, people are entitled to their beleifs and also entitled to warn others of issues surrounding this device and its effect both mentally and physically.
This device to some of us is one that is harmful, i am proof of this and if i can change even ONE persons life for the better in warning them then it is worth my time posting here.
Deceptful? Huh?
Deceptful? Huh?
This is hilarious. The ignorance is strong here, not only op.
The original poster sounds a bit conflicted and confused about all things sexual/sensual. If he comes from a Christian background, then he is adequately misinformed. If he is coming from a more worldly thought process (which it sounds like to me) then he shows how he has allowed his own life meanderings to cloud his understandings. I am a Christ-follower and I have never read in the Holy Scriptures anything about what is not allowed or is improper for a man and woman who are in a covenant relationship. So, all things anal are open to the consumer of such. If it is not your thing, then don't do it! There are some things here in the forums that I raise an eyebrow to, but to each his own experiences as each determines. My wife and I enjoy some perineal and anal fondling from time to time. We have even enjoyed insertion of a variety of playful things...gave and received. This does not make me gay, sinful, perverted or any other label. It does say that I/we are adventurous and enjoy all that life has to offer. We do it all in a Christian framework. Each will determine their own. The only negative I have at the moment, as it relates to aneros, is that I do not yet own one. Coming soon, I hope.