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Aneros sounds too good to be true, just stick a toy into a cavity designed to be exit only and expect grand results? Why did nature put such a supposedly great sexual organ inside the most unclean part of the body? I accuse aneros of being evil in the title because I am a purely straight male who has never had a gay thought in my life and I have heard of people on this forums who say that begun to turn bisexual from their sessions which I don't want happening to me. Male and Female is how it was intended and exchanging male sexual energy with another male is unnatural. I have also heard of people who have once been "rewired" who move involuntarily and without their control in normal life. They also feel a strange electric energy within them. This sounds to me to be as if negative entities have taken refuge in your body? I would like to ask people of these forums, you list so many good effects of Aneros, can you list me some negatives?

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@LiquidFire , I'm astounded at your approach to human sexuality in today's world! Maybe you should sign out of this forum and find one that portrays straight males only.

BTW, Aneros is very real with very real results.

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@LiquidFire , I'm astounded at your approach to human sexuality in today's world! Maybe you should sign out of this forum and find one that portrays straight males only.

BTW, Aneros is very real with very real results.

I was expecting this to be one of the very first replies. I've been lurking these forums for a long time and I have grown very suspicious of Aneros. My approach to human sexuality is one that built human civilizations and societies where a man and a women were endowed to eachother. With the advent today of things such as transgenderism, homosexuality, bdsm etc. A large increase in "degeneracy" can be seen, with sexually transmitted diseases, unhealthy sexual practices and whatnot. By unhealthy I mean things such as fluidplay, 'pozzing', polygamy, one night stands etc. where human sexuality is now viewed as a fickle thing that should be toyed around with by people with no respect for themselves or society. We are now seeing the collapse of civilization, sexual liberation has been a curse upon us. With such a viewpoint, you may be asking why I'm even on this site; I'm an open-minded person who wishes to explore all things. You didn't answer my question at the end though, there are many purported positive effects of using aneros devices, what are the negatives?

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Aneros sounds too good to be true, just stick a toy into a cavity designed to be exit only and expect grand results? Why did nature put such a supposedly great sexual organ inside the most unclean part of the body? I accuse aneros of being evil in the title because I am a purely straight male who has never had a gay thought in my life and I have heard of people on this forums who say that begun to turn bisexual from their sessions which I don't want happening to me. Male and Female is how it was intended and exchanging male sexual energy with another male is unnatural. I have also heard of people who have once been "rewired" who move involuntarily and without their control in normal life. They also feel a strange electric energy within them. This sounds to me to be as if negative entities have taken refuge in your body? I would like to ask people of these forums, you list so many good effects of Aneros, can you list me some negatives?

Are you serious or are you just a troll?
or maybe integrist?

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Are you serious or are you just a troll?
or maybe integrist?

I feel like Aneros is a troll, making men believe in things such as Super-Os and whatnot which are probably just elaborate marketing schemes.

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I feel like Aneros is a troll, making men believe in things such as Super-Os and whatnot which are probably just elaborate marketing schemes.

I'm very new to these pleasures, but I can tell you that this piece of plastic is working very well. Marketing has nothing to do here.
It has already made me a better, happier man.
Have you ever heard of Tantric sex? It's very spiritual, quite religious in a sense.

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@LiquidFire, the Aneros was originally invented as a medical device to deliver massage action to a guy's prostate to promote prostate health and ultimately sexual health in the male. But it has erotic benefits for men that have used it over the years. Here is an article on the history of prostate massage and that of the Aneros which you may read from the Aneros Wiki.

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I'm very new to these pleasures, but I can tell you that this piece of plastic is working very well. Marketing has nothing to do here.
It has already made me a better, happier man.
Have you ever heard of Tantric sex? It's very spiritual, quite religious in a sense.

@BigGlansDC I still have the question to you though, what are some negatives you have experienced during the time you have been using Aneros?

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@LiquidFire, I have been using the Aneros since early June 2012. I used the Aneros assiduously following all the Aneros directions for use. Hence I have not suffered any bad effects. The only negative that I received from the Aneros was that it required years of patience, four or five years, before I achieved my first real breakthroughs of Super-O's and MMO's in mid September 2016. Since then, all my sessions with Aneros and Aless have been overwhelming positive! I invite you to enter in to all that the Aneros has for you!

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This can be subject to different interpretation by many people. The only thing I can think of that's somewhat of a negative is a thing call Aless after using Aneros. Those are pleasurable feelings that can happen a day or days after a aneros session. In wrong place or situation it can be distracting or embarrassing. Especially when it comes out of nowhere. My wife knows about it, we have a very happy active sex life, no I don't need to hide it. And no, I'm not interested in being bi sexual or anything else of that matter. That's my experience.

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While I do not believe that using an Aneros product produces the results that some suggest (orgasms etc, I've not experienced them after a long time using the toys, and I am highly sceptical of anyone that says that they have had success), I would say that OP is either a troll or has some very messed up ideas about life.

1. When you masturbate, do you touch your penis in order to do that? If yes, why do you touch a penis, given that following your own thoughts on the issue would suggest that you are gay for touching your own penis.
2. Do you touch your penis when you go to pee in the washroom? If so, why are you touching your penis, don't you think it is gay!!!?

(Note to everyone else - I am sensible and do not think any of this is gay, and homosexuality is valid and I am LGBT friendly)

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Oh deary me!!

Aneros sounds too good to be true, just stick a toy into a cavity designed to be exit only and expect grand results?

That's a shallow way to think about it. There are techniques in the Aneros wiki that answer the technical and spitirual aspects of what you are intented to do.
So simply saying what you are saying is ignoring the wiki, which you should have been aware of given that in another reply you have written "I've been lurking these forums for a long time". It is not simply inserting the toy and expecting results.

Why did nature put such a supposedly great sexual organ inside the most unclean part of the body?

Come off it!
Consider this!
1) Your mouth, which contains your tongue, one of the erogenous organs in your body, and used for kissing, and experiencing a loving pleasure between a couple, is also one of the most dirtiest places on your body: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060804120107AAgDQI7&guccounter=1
2) Your penis gives you an amazing orgasm and pleasure feeling, but is also the place you pee from! It is also the place you ejaculate to make a baby. From the same hole in your penis as you pee from!

See also: http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Misconceptions#Hygiene

I accuse aneros of being evil in the title

There are far worse things in the world than Aneros, all of those things being more evil. Things like civil war, genocide, lying politicians, drunk drivers, infidelity. I would also add another concept that is evil, which I suspect may be involved, but I think it would be perhaps too contorversial.

because I am a purely straight male who has never had a gay thought in my life and I have heard of people on this forums who say that begun to turn bisexual from their sessions which I don't want happening to me.

Don't you think that some of those men are looking at weird porn (pegging, sissy fetishism etc) which is becoming more prevaliant, and it is that porn instead of Aneros that might be driving any tendencies towards bisexualism?

Also see: http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Misconceptions#Homophobia

Male and Female is how it was intended

Says who?
The romans and greeks that had bisexual relations? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Rome

and exchanging male sexual energy with another male is unnatural.

What, you don't think it's ok for men to be in a club and bantering about a lady they just saw? or a man they just saw? and how they would want to ask them out?
What about tribal cultures that shared sexual experienced between men? An example I just saw when searching was "From a tribe of semen-drinking men to the community of brothers sharing a wife, amaze yourself with these 10 shocking tribal sex traditions"

I have also heard of people who have once been "rewired" who move involuntarily and without their control in normal life.

Don't believe the hype!
Also how is that different to: loss of control via alcohol, loss of control due to your boss saying you have to do something but you feel you cant say no, or that a religious scripture says something you dont agree with but still have to follow it?

They also feel a strange electric energy within them. This sounds to me to be as if negative entities have taken refuge in your body?

No, there are no such things as demons. And what's wrong with having extra energy in your body?

I would like to ask people of these forums, you list so many good effects of Aneros, can you list me some negatives?

Yes. Lack of success with Aneros can cause people to become paranoid, disheartened, and angry, causing them to vent and take reactionary actions.
It can also lead to potential addictive results: http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Advanced_Skills#Managing_addiction

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Oh fun, a homophobic troll against the liberty of consensual sexual expression. What are you doing here?

Cool that you think you are “open-minded”, and it’s nice that others are answering you without trolling you back. But your way of talking has no place on this forum. This is a place of respect, not a place for spewing homophobia and anti-sex nonsense. There are many gay and trans people here, and many supporters of liberty of sexual expression.

You say you just want an answer to your question. Why did you include all the hate with your question then? Just ask your question plain and simple.

The one thing I am happy about is this is the first truly hateful and appalling message I’ve seen in year of being here, and seeing as this is the internet, that is an impressively small amount. Cool forum.

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@LiquidFire By the way, you clicked on "I agree" to the terms and rules on this site, in which it is written: [h=4]"General Rules[/h] While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, profanity (or attempts to bypass profanity filters), insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters."

I find your above posts insulting, and though your post isn't purposeless because you seem to have a question (though I question the validity of your reasons for posing it), you have buried it inside an inflammatory post.

OK enough. I am off to stick some delightful wickedness up my evil evil butthole. May I encounter no demons!

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I would just say with all due respect to Liquidfire I started prostate massage for health reasons ie all the "old guy" things slow urination dribble etc.I am thankful everytime I visit a public restroom and watch somone my age struggling to pee and I can be done and walk away.I don't know why the prostate is located where it is but I know it resembles the clitoris as far as feelings produced.I have talked to men about the drugs they take making them feel dizzy or sick how can that be Gods plan for us? I know two men who have had prostate surgery,and have read about all that goes with that such as urinating during intercourse,which doesn't sound like the way things were planned by the Creator.Im not saying massage is a cure all.I just think when you bring God into this discussion you raise more questions then you answer.Im not the most articulate or knowlegable on these things just my 2cents.

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@GGringo , @Morexp , @BigGlansDC , @Spikester71 , @lonewolf8 , @divine_oblivion , @evergreen , guys you are being trolled. There are some members of this Forum who post with 'Troll' like rhetoric espousing their opinions as if they were facts, when in fact their arguments occasionally state outright falsehoods and the logic is often tenuous at best. In my many years reading nearly all the post on this forum I have seen a number of these posters. Many veteran Forum contributors, myself included, have responded to these posts in a sincere effort to educate and dialogue with the 'trolling' poster. I hope you don't get caught up in these posters rants. Responding to these posts is likely a futile waste of your time. You can help Aneros Team deter such postings by reporting bothersome posts, if enough members object then action may be taken to curtail this behavior. The best response to such 'trolls' is NO RESPONSE once you recognize the pattern.

Good Vibes to You !

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@GGringo , @Morexp , @BigGlansDC , @Spikester71 , @lonewolf8 , @divine_oblivion , @evergreen , guys you are being trolled. There are some members of this Forum who post with 'Troll' like rhetoric espousing their opinions as if they were facts, when in fact their arguments occasionally state outright falsehoods and the logic is often tenuous at best. In my many years reading nearly all the post on this forum I have seen a number of these posters. Many veteran Forum contributors, myself included, have responded to these posts in a sincere effort to educate and dialogue with the 'trolling' poster. I hope you don't get caught up in these posters rants. Responding to these posts is likely a futile waste of your time. You can help Aneros Team deter such postings by reporting bothersome posts, if enough members object then action may be taken to curtail this behavior. The best response to such 'trolls' is NO RESPONSE once you recognize the pattern.

Good Vibes to You !

How am I being a troll? Just because I bring up my views which don't seem to be compatible with yours, doesn't mean I am being a troll. I think that what's happened here is that a feedback loop has been created and everyone's beliefs have been propped up by everyone else on the forum. There is nothing wrong with me being heterosexual and disagreeing with things that fall under the LGBT umbrella. I have a simple question and that is what are the negatives of using aneros because all I seem to see is people shilling for the use of the devices sold by claiming a lot of positive things.

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This can be subject to different interpretation by many people. The only thing I can think of that's somewhat of a negative is a thing call Aless after using Aneros. Those are pleasurable feelings that can happen a day or days after a aneros session. In wrong place or situation it can be distracting or embarrassing. Especially when it comes out of nowhere. My wife knows about it, we have a very happy active sex life, no I don't need to hide it. And no, I'm not interested in being bi sexual or anything else of that matter. That's my experience.

Yes these are the things I would be concerned about, I wouldn't want this overshadowing my normal life. Is it possible to stop the aless?

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Oh deary me!!

That's a shallow way to think about it. There are techniques in the Aneros wiki that answer the technical and spitirual aspects of what you are intented to do.
So simply saying what you are saying is ignoring the wiki, which you should have been aware of given that in another reply you have written "I've been lurking these forums for a long time". It is not simply inserting the toy and expecting results.

Come off it!
Consider this!
1) Your mouth, which contains your tongue, one of the erogenous organs in your body, and used for kissing, and experiencing a loving pleasure between a couple, is also one of the most dirtiest places on your body: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/i...7&guccounter=1
2) Your penis gives you an amazing orgasm and pleasure feeling, but is also the place you pee from! It is also the place you ejaculate to make a baby. From the same hole in your penis as you pee from!

See also: http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?...ptions#Hygiene

There are far worse things in the world than Aneros, all of those things being more evil. Things like civil war, genocide, lying politicians, drunk drivers, infidelity. I would also add another concept that is evil, which I suspect may be involved, but I think it would be perhaps too contorversial.

Don't you think that some of those men are looking at weird porn (pegging, sissy fetishism etc) which is becoming more prevaliant, and it is that porn instead of Aneros that might be driving any tendencies towards bisexualism?

Also see: http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?...ons#Homophobia

Says who?
The romans and greeks that had bisexual relations? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homose...n_ancient_Rome

What, you don't think it's ok for men to be in a club and bantering about a lady they just saw? or a man they just saw? and how they would want to ask them out?
What about tribal cultures that shared sexual experienced between men? An example I just saw when searching was "From a tribe of semen-drinking men to the community of brothers sharing a wife, amaze yourself with these 10 shocking tribal sex traditions"

Don't believe the hype!
Also how is that different to: loss of control via alcohol, loss of control due to your boss saying you have to do something but you feel you cant say no, or that a religious scripture says something you dont agree with but still have to follow it?

No, there are no such things as demons. And what's wrong with having extra energy in your body?

Yes. Lack of success with Aneros can cause people to become paranoid, disheartened, and angry, causing them to vent and take reactionary actions.
It can also lead to potential addictive results: http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?...ging_addiction

It's different with the penis which has been designed as a primary sexual organ by nature to be inserted into the vagina. Nothing has been designed by nature to enter the anus. Is there any natural lubrication? It is anatomically designed for sex? No. I would also like to say that urine is sterile and fecal matter contains dirty bacteria and is naturally repulsive to humans because of its unhygienic properties.

Yes, there are many things that are evil. Why didn't you mention the controversial subject? I would wager it to be circumcision, as I have seen it discussed here before. For those of you who don't know, circumcision is a evil practice that has been designed as fear based mind control. If you would like to learn more, I would suggest watching 'American Circumcision' on Netflix or Eric Clopper's Harvard Presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCuy163srRc

And what do the Romans have to do with anything? Why would they have an authority on the subject?

That's not what I meant by sexual energy. I meant actual intercourse, not discussion of sexual matters.

I never claimed it to be demons. I do believe though that there is more that meets the eye and perhaps entities with negative intentions that cannot be observed by humans may be hijacking aneros users, see: Kundalini Syndrome.

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@LiquidFire By the way, you clicked on "I agree" to the terms and rules on this site, in which it is written: [h=4]"General Rules[/h] While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, profanity (or attempts to bypass profanity filters), insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters."

I find your above posts insulting, and though your post isn't purposeless because you seem to have a question (though I question the validity of your reasons for posing it), you have buried it inside an inflammatory post.

OK enough. I am off to stick some delightful wickedness up my evil evil butthole. May I encounter no demons!

Why are you so triggered? Never had someone present opinions counter to yours?

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I would like to ask people of these forums, you list so many good effects of Aneros, can you list me some negatives?

http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Health_Issues#Your_Psyche & http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Health_Issues#Safety

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LiquidFire....seriously? You expect people to pay attention with that attitude? Go somewhere else where u can be tolerated. Thank you.

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Poor @LiquidFire is a bit conflicted. Circular logic, bringing up his/her magical dieties & his/her own questioned sense of what is "good & evil"... yep, conflicted. If he/she weren't, he/she wouldn't have been lurking these boards in the 1st. place.

Dude/Dudette, Aneros is a brand of a sex tool/device/toy/whatever you want to call it. Sex toys (including prostate toys) have been around for centuries, probably since Adam & Eve (to put in your terms). These forums are for those who've chosen to use said devices, and want to discuss the experience.

Do your own research, & make your own decisions as-to whether you want to try or not... either choice is ok.

Playing moral judge here isn't ok.


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http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Health_Issues#Your_Psyche & http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Health_Issues#Safety

Rather than linking me to some wiki pages, could you perhaps tell me of any negative experiences you have had yourself?

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Poor @LiquidFire is a bit conflicted. Circular logic, bringing up his/her magical dieties & his/her own questioned sense of what is "good & evil"... yep, conflicted. If he/she weren't, he/she wouldn't have been lurking these boards in the 1st. place.

Dude/Dudette, Aneros is a brand of a sex tool/device/toy/whatever you want to call it. Sex toys (including prostate toys) have been around for centuries, probably since Adam & Eve (to put in your terms). These forums are for those who've chosen to use said devices, and want to discuss the experience.

Do your own research, & make your own decisions as-to whether you want to try or not... either choice is ok.

Playing moral judge here isn't ok.


Explain how my logic is circular. And where did I ever bring up magical deities? Where did I ever make up a false sense of good and evil? What do you mean adam and eve in my terms? It seems foolish for you to be making up so many assumptions. And who said these forums were solely for people who have used aneros devices? I never was a moral judge, moralism isn't relativistic, every human is born with an innate understanding of natural law. Everyone knows what's right and wrong. It would be satanic to believe that you can choose whats right and wrong. (Satanism - the belief of occult involution, therefore the rebllion agsinst the natural law which governs intelligent beings' ability to understand the universal law of morality)

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@LiquidFire What people get from using these devices varies widely from person to person. I've never experienced an Aless session, would be good, but it's not the end of the world. I have never experienced a negative from using my Aneros device just a lasting feeling of well being between sessions. I started using it in the belief that it would help with prostate health and only time will tell if that is true but I'm not prepared to literally 'sit on it' and hope for the best which it seems is the default position for most men.

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Hahaha, @LiquidFire, you're a hoot!

You claim to be open-minded (I'm assuming with regard to things sexual, else why be here?), but you then state that the "sexual revolution has been a curse upon us". You speak of "Evil" and "negative entities" (what are those??), and say that "man & woman are endowed to each other"

You go on-&-on.

​​​​So, go ahead ahead, truthfully tell us that you are not practicing evangelism... that you're not preaching Christian morality. I dare you.

To be clear, I'm a straight guy, I've been married to my wife for 33 years, and have 2 wonderful daughters. I've no sexual interest in other men... but I also feel that I have absolutely no right telling others that how they live is "unnatural", "evil", or "against nature". As long as they aren't hurting me or others, what they choose to do with their own bodies is their business, & none of mine.

I've personally found prostate massage helps relieve BPH symptoms (which BTW truly suck), with the benefit of feeling really, really great. If that makes me evil or gay or unnatural in your eyes... well, I guess I'll have to live with that!

Following your logic, yep I've jerked myself off in the past (pleasured a dude... Myself), so I must be queer. I use an Aneros device, so I must be doing something inherently evil or against nature.

These are my interpretation to your words, how far off am I?

I'll state it again... I hope you figure things out, & become less conflicted about your feelings with regard to prostate massage & human sexuality.

I really mean it, I wish you well.

As far as response, I'll respectfully read your reply, but I'm done with contributing to this conversation.

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@imp , @Rob92755 , @JohnHope & @Panoguy , Guys, I appreciate your sincerity in trying to help but you're only feeding the troll and dissipating your own energy. Let's help those guys who are truly on their quest for self discovery and not suffering from confirmation bias issues.
Good Vibes to You !

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@BigGlansDC I still have the question to you though, what are some negatives you have experienced during the time you have been using Aneros?

For me i have had two negatives and one of those is quite severe and as far as i am aware i am the only one experiencing such negative issues with disscovering the aneros.

1. I forced the devices to work back in the early days around 2005 when there was little literature on the usage of devices and i ended up causing prostate damage which took years to heal.

2. I have found that psychologically the aneros and desire for super o's (which i have had) became and obsession and it has all but destroyed me mentally, at least for a decade or so and i think it has had lasting damage. Also anger at those that experience of suoer o's easily etc

i do wish sadly that i had not discovered the aneros at all, ignorance is bliss etc

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For me i have had two negatives and one of those is quite severe and as far as i am aware i am the only one experiencing such negative issues with disscovering the aneros.

1. I forced the devices to work back in the early days around 2005 when there was little literature on the usage of devices and i ended up causing prostate damage which took years to heal.

2. I have found that psychologically the aneros and desire for super o's (which i have had) became and obsession and it has all but destroyed me mentally, at least for a decade or so and i think it has had lasting damage. Also anger at those that experience of suoer o's easily etc

i do wish sadly that i had not discovered the aneros at all, ignorance is bliss etc

Thank you for sharing and I hope you feel better now.

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