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Enema: how to...

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Hi... I'm using the aneros for some while and it's incredibly good. But sometimes it feels a little painfull and I believe this is due to the fact that at that time my rectum is not empty. I have read things about an enema to empty the rectum, but never tried it and also a little afraid to do this. How must I proceed to do an enema the first time ?? What liquid must be used... just some warm water ?? How much do I have to inject ?? (2 ml.. 5 ml... sorry, but these are metric units) Can I use a syringue to do it ?? Is it not dangerous ?? I want to specify that I'm not interested in the enema itself, it's just a step to make better use of the aneros.
Thanks for the help.

B Mayfield
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I must confess, on this one my knowledge is somewhat rudimentary. I'm sure there are those who have a great deal more information on it (and I certainly hope that they will post here for the both of us). Here's what I've learned so far. The overall idea is to do an evacuation of the rectum only, without involving the entire bowel if possible. To accomplish this, one must try to avoid doing anything that will get peristalsis (the rhythmic bowel contraction) started. If the bowel becomes irritated and starts contracting, you're more or less committed to clearing out your entire system, which is not pleasant. To avoid this I use water ONLY, being careful to keep it as close to "body temperature" as possible . In terms of the amount that I use, I find that 4 fluid ounces (120 ml) is sufficient. Again, the idea is not to completely fill the rectum with fluid, but to loosen and help flush out any material that's present. I always lubricate my anus and the enema nozzle to fascilitate insertion. I find sitting on the toilet the most convenient place for the cleansing itself. A second application can be made if necessary. But you don't want to over do it. Ordinarily, I will follow this with a nice hot shower to get cleaned up and relaxed at the same time.

Hope this helps

B Mayfield

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Thanks for the information... I hope others, with experience in the field, will also help.
But 120 ml... it's a lot... I don't have enema nozzles, etc. How should I do it ? When you do it the first time, is it not better to start with a smaller amount ? Can I use a syringue ?

Cheers, Nico.

B Mayfield
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Start with any amount that you're comfortable with. Keep in mind though that most syringes ( the type with the plunger etc.) hold very small amounts 2 to 10cc's/ml's maximum, which is insufficient for any kind of irrigation. 120ml (4fl.oz) is really not a lot of fluid, it's equivalent to a third of the volume of an average soft drink can. But again, if you think that it's too much, start with a smaller amount. In so far as the equipment for this, you can find bulb syringe type enemas or the "fountain type" at your drugstore. The latter is really just a hot water bottle that has one end cut off. You just fill and hang the bag, gravity drives the liquid through a tube to a nozzle. The tube has a shut off clip so you can control the flow. Perhaps the fountain type might be the best way for you to go, in that you can control the amount that you take in depending on your level of comfort. Again, all that's necessary is enough fluid to facsilitate the evaculation of your rectum, so start small and see what happens. If you do decide on the "fountain" type, you should know that they usually come with a douche nozzle as well, (which I wouldn't attempt to use for this purpose). Make sure to use the enema tip which is short and smooth. Also be certain that the tube is free of any kinks before you start, and that you bleed the line of any air by making sure that water runs free through the tube, then stop the flow with the clip. After lubricating the tip and your anus you're ready to go!

Just remember to wash all the equipment well before AND after use and make sure everything dries completely before storage (this to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold). In so far as the safety of enemas are concerned, they have been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians for health purposes. It is said that they started the practice after seeing an Ibis (a bird with a long thin bill), take in water and expel it into their hindquarters. So long as one keeps the practice occasional, and is careful to limit the amount fluid that you take in, there shouldn't be any problem. Of course I'm no doctor, and if you have any particular health concerns you might want to consult with your doctor first.

I know this all sounds like a lot of work, but it's really a snap after the first time.

Hope this helps,

B Mayfield

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Hi people,

I thoroughly recommend enemas before using the Aneros (great toy which I just discovered in January).

You can buy all the kit from the simple to the complex at all the usual shops and on web sex shops, especially BDSM/medical. Personally I prefer the steel shower douche attachment type as its easy to clean, sterile, completely reusable and you control the flow. As an experienced enema player I can take very large enemas. It gives you incredibly sexy feelings and of course you are much less likely to get bowel cancer if you take enemas regularly. I prefer two or three before using the aneros/enemagra as you can be confident you will be clean as a whistle. This will disinhibit and relax you.

Then I prefer to use a penis expansion pump to exercise/pump the cock and get it in the mood. After that I insert the Aneros/Enemagra, using virgin olive oil injected via a plastic syringe in the anus and coat the Aneros with either ID Glide or KY Jelly. The olive oil does not dry up and is also very handy if you want to proceed to electrosex sessions afterwards ( I am also an estim/electrosex player). I have followed the instructions on this web site and am graduallly getting the hang of the Aneros and have come very close to the Super O within three weeks of purchase: its a practice makes perfect and relax thing. As I have also used anal toys for years I am very accepting of the Aneros and love being penetrated by it!

Of late I have used it in electrosex sessions using the ET312 power box and PES electrodes attached to the cock, balls and urethral inserts with the aneros in position. This has led to some outstanding sessions lasting for up to eight hours and stupendous orgasms at the end. All HighIsland have to do now is bring out a conductive electrode version of the Aneros (either a stainless steel version, acrylic or flexisilicon ) and then you can have electrically assisted super-Os! I also think a version for the ladies would be an instant commercial hit.

For me my sessions are now enemas, expansion, enemagra , and electrics. I will be in seventh heaven if the Aneros is electrified and note that it is a patented design. Hint to designers...

A very interesting, useful and friendly forum.


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Originally Posted By: mrdtv
Hi people,

I thoroughly recommend enemas before using the Aneros (great toy which I just discovered in January).

You can buy all the kit from the simple to the complex at all the usual shops and on web sex shops, especially BDSM/medical. Personally I prefer the steel shower douche attachment type as its easy to clean, sterile, completely reusable and you control the flow. As an experienced enema player I can take very large enemas. It gives you incredibly sexy feelings and of course you are much less likely to get bowel cancer if you take enemas regularly. I prefer two or three before using the aneros/enemagra as you can be confident you will be clean as a whistle. This will disinhibit and relax you.

Then I prefer to use a penis expansion pump to exercise/pump the cock and get it in the mood. After that I insert the Aneros/Enemagra, using virgin olive oil injected via a plastic syringe in the anus and coat the Aneros with either ID Glide or KY Jelly. The olive oil does not dry up and is also very handy if you want to proceed to electrosex sessions afterwards ( I am also an estim/electrosex player). I have followed the instructions on this web site and am graduallly getting the hang of the Aneros and have come very close to the Super O within three weeks of purchase: its a practice makes perfect and relax thing. As I have also used anal toys for years I am very accepting of the Aneros and love being penetrated by it!

Of late I have used it in electrosex sessions using the ET312 power box and PES electrodes attached to the cock, balls and urethral inserts with the aneros in position. This has led to some outstanding sessions lasting for up to eight hours and stupendous orgasms at the end. All HighIsland have to do now is bring out a conductive electrode version of the Aneros (either a stainless steel version, acrylic or flexisilicon ) and then you can have electrically assisted super-Os! I also think a version for the ladies would be an instant commercial hit.

For me my sessions are now enemas, expansion, enemagra , and electrics. I will be in seventh heaven if the Aneros is electrified and note that it is a patented design. Hint to designers...

A very interesting, useful and friendly forum.


Firstly, don't give yourself an enema unless you are totally confident with what to do otherwise you will casue damage. Using a pint of warmish water with some rehydrating salts added should be sufficient and it is better to give two smaller enemas than one large one if you are new. The equipment mentioned by B Mayfield is good and will do. Don't insert the tube far into the anus, just enough to stop flowback. Take your time and relax, anything up to two hours. Be prepred for cramps and an urge to expel everything. Resist this and gently massage your stomach area and feel the fluid move through the intestinal tract. Be ready for expelling the enema by keeping the area around the toilet clear and be prepared for unplesantness. I find that an enema is a priority when experimenting with the Aneros or any other anal work, particularly where my wife is present and/or the timescale if long. But do not (and I mean this) involve anyone else in the enema - they are not particualrly pleasant and best done alone. For shorter spells of using the Aneros then a brief sluice of the rectum as B Mayfield suggests should do since stools will not moved into the empty rectum that quickly and if any did then it can be dealt with more easily if youare on your own. Finally, whatever you do, eat live organic yoghurt ort other culture to restore bacteria to the intestine. You should aslo pay attention to diet - lots of fibre helps keep bowels open allowing easier insertion of the Aneros and fasting for 12 hours before will ensure little stool is left to be flushed out. At least that is my experience. Hope this helps.

B Mayfield
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Thanks for all of the info. Curious, you mentioned "re-hydrating salts", what are they, are they irritating, where do you get them? Your comments regarding the fiber were on the mark. I would add that having a lot fiber in your diet can also give consistency to your regularity, so you retain less in the bowel, (move waste more quickly through your system) As a result you may come to actually count on being empty at certain times!

I have heard it said that that are people whose systems are so finely tuned from high fiber consumption, proper diet (restricted ) and exercise that they are able to process food through their systems within 1 to 2 hours of consumption! It's a real "life style" thing to be sure, but it does give you indication of what the human body is capable of under the proper set of circumstances. For me, I've got 2 of those factors going, the high fiber and the exercise, and it's good enough for me to only need the enema occassionally. Most often now, I use them prior to a session with my wife. It's just nice to be confident down there, it allows you to be uninhibited.


B Mayfield

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These salts are widely available for use after stomach upsets and simply maintain the body's chemical balance. you should e able to get them from your local pharmacy - only difference is that they are going up instead of down but the gut can absorb things like this easily, which is why the French use suppositories to deliver medicines rather than the traditional swallowing method. I have seen other enema solutions recommended but have no experience of them and consider some to be "unusual".

You are right about the regularity issue and the role that fibre plays. Good balanced meals, fruit and vegetable juices, and avoiding dairy produce all help. I certainly believe that anyone contemplating use of the Aneros should condition themselves to eat a lot of fibre and pace their meals at regular intervals - over time they will become like clockwork and this will make the experience that much easier to plan and the resistance from the sphincter that some users experience will disappear.

Some users may find an alternative in colonioc irrigation where the colon is flushed by an expert using specially designed equipment that pushes water along the intestinal tract and draws it back out. This can be more efective where waste has built up. But it must be used in conjunction with diet etc if it is to be of any value to Aneros users.

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