is it nessasary for the operation of the prostate massager for the user to lay on his side? is it possible to lay on one's back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor (bed)in front of your butt?
also, is it possible/pleasurable to combine aneros with heterosexual intercourse? and if so which positions work best?
is it possible to manually manipulate the aneros once inserted either with you or a partner stroking it into you?
I suggest you read the the various info sections at the top of this section. Do not manually manipulate the aneros, it is meant to be sphincter driven not hand operated, impatience is the biggest enemy you have with this device, given time it will provide you with sensations you never thought existed, I suggest you get used to what the aners can do for you as an individual, then moce on to use it during intercourse otherwise you will not get full benifit from its box of tricks !!!!