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Do you have stimulant-drug-like experiences with aneros or a-less?

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At the risk of hijacking The two-week mark of Semen Retention decided to post a new thread.

So, lately I've been doing Semen Retention (I have to reset my counter [13 days] due to wet dream). At a certain point, I find cum in urine a few times day. What a waste! If my body is going to release cum, I want it to be an orgasmic experience ffs!!! So, I'm happy to report that I may be experiencing that now. I've been trying to make this happen for years!

First time it happened was a few days ago. I was having A-less orgasms all night and in the morning my body was so pent up with arousal it released cum (this is not an ejaculatory climax, it's simply a draining of semen). Last night while using Aneros it happened again, and I want to describe the experience while it's fresh in my mind:

The cum drain experience is unique in that it feels like what I imagine getting a shot of meth would feel like: It comes on suddenly, heart starts pounding, my eyes want to widen, short breaths, body is trembling, heat in belly and chest, a feeling of intense arousal and horniness, and a bit of a pleasurable euphoria felt in the body followed by the tickle of the prostate and the silky pleasurable sensation of fluid running through my cock, which is stiff and throbbing. This is not at all what I experience in a traditional ejaculation orgasm (T-gasm). My T-gasms just kinda suck.

Yesterday I had another curious event. During the day I took a short nap and suddenly I noticed similar feelings as cum drain while mostly limp. I sat up, held my cock and balls in my hand, moaned lightly and there was no cum drain but then I noticed cum in my urine, so it was like an internal version of the above.

So yes, I think my body is learning to make use of excess cum "properly"!

Day 1 of Semen Retention.

It sucks to have to start over, there's a kind of high when you have many days under your belt. But the wet dream was good. I was semi-aware about what was happening. In the dream, I was massaging my testicles and knew I was moving toward ejaculation but it felt so good I couldn't stop myself. I'm glad that the wet dream didn't involve penile stim. I believe wet dreams have a number of functions, they can reinforce a behavior (like feeling pleasure through testicles, which I am working on), be an indication of what is to come, and be a source of guidance inspiration. So, if I'm going to reset my counter, a wet dream is the best case scenario.

I felt sad this morning about having to reset. I still had the Aneros in and I had some time before I had to get out of bed. I relaxed and I was able to have 30 minutes of various pleasurable sensations and light orgasms. It made me feel wayyy better. It's also crazy in general that I could have that experience after recently ejaculating.

Question: Do any of you have stimulant-drug-like experiences with aneros or a-less?

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Your making me want to try and do SR for longer than I am capable to!

there is definitely a feeling of coffee overdose for me when I am having a day of aless (usually the day after a long session or any time after 3-4 days SR). It is good however, unlike the coffee overdose jitters.

I have combined MDMA with sex many times. I have noticed that some of the sensations I get from MDMA, notably that my entire body becomes an electric erogenous zone, are now things I get during any sort of sexual activity especially combined with prostate play, but without the use of MDMA. I attribute this to the heightened sensitivity of my skin thanks to my rewiring. I have yet to combine aneros use and MDMA since acquiring the ability to have super-o’s. I think I might explode if I do.

otherwise after an aneros session I definitely feel drugged, and during I am often so gone that I lose a clear idea of how it played out/specific details. Like what can happen with drug use.

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Your making me want to try and do SR for longer than I am capable to!

Yes! From the beginning when I started my journey of expanding orgasm one big goal I had was allowing my body to regulate itself in terms of ejaculation. So, as long as wet dreams aren't too often and my body has orgasms instead of just urinating out excess semen, I've reached my goal.

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Resetting my semen retention counter again.

I had the weirdest ejaculation. I dozed off with the Aneros in and then I woke up and found myself ejaculating. I think I felt a few contractions. It felt somewhat like a full-blown ejaculation. I really thought I was entering refractory period and had to test it my manual stimulation. I almost went over the edge for real because I was so close. I was using the Progasm, serves me right for using a heavy device, lol. Maybe it was a ruined orgasm...?

Strange, my body seems to be ejaculating more from non-penile stimulation these days, this is a new phenomenon for me. It's progress toward something for sure, maybe this is a phase of my journey where I'll be ejaculating a lot and eventually that will fall away and give way to other kinds of orgasms.

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I'm on an SR stretch from New Year's Day, and I've only ever had one semi-aless in that time frame. And the one Aneros O I've had did feel like a whole body high.

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Had a weird but good dream. I dreamt a friend of mine (super hot, but already taken) was trying to seduce me into having sex with her. I knew that any physical contact would result in ejaculation, I could feel myself on the edge just with the thought of having sex. Amazingly, I said "no" in the dream. I was semi-lucid, but that "no" took all my willpower. Hah! Resisting temptation is actually fun! And now I don't have to reset my SR counter.
