"Do Nothing Method"...
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"Do Nothing Method" - The Sensation You Are Looking For

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So, since my last session where I had my first orgasms with the Helix, I haven't had time to have another session.

Until yesterday that is.

If you read my previous thread you will know that on my 6th session I had success with Crimsonwolf's "Confident Boomarang" method where I just relaxed and let my body do what it wanted to do.

But, despite that success my ego dropped in and I began to get worried about not having a successful next session.

So yesterday I finally got some time to myself so had a morning session. Upon insertion I got some involuntary contractions and had a mini-O but thanks to my worry about not having a good session I ended up forcing it and spent the entire morning just not having any success.

About midday I took it out and started some work, a bit pissed off because I knew exactly what I had done wrong - I'd been so focused on getting the end result I had stopped my body doing the work naturally - hence no results.

So after a few hours of work I re-inserted the Helix and lay on my side on the bed with my legs curled up towards my chest and did nothing but breath, relax and just keep my attention focused on the sensations in my ass.

Lo and behold I had several orgasms including one (the first one actually) where I actually had a definite peak of orgasm followed by a drop off like a traditional before rolling into more orgasms.

It was so powerful that one with the peak that I actually SAW the peak in my minds eye like a graph. Very wierd.

It was during that session that I realised the sensation that you need to focus on when doing "nothing".

The Key Sensation

Most of you have already experienced this sensation before I believe when you first used your aneros product but you dismissed it because, well, it was uncomfortable.

You see its not the twitching that gets you to orgasm, and thats why a lot of people have said that they don't experience much pleasure from those involuntary twitches.

Of course what gets you there is the pressure of the aneros against your prostate. And that's the sensation you are looking for. That's the sensation to focus on and look for. From there you just focus on that sensation and it grows as it comes back in waves.

But I don't feel it I hear you cry.

Bet you have, but you have mis-interpreted it.

You see, it's actually an "aching" slightly "painful/uncomfortable" feeling.

It's like a dull ache inside your back/anus.

When you first experience it you might worry that the aneros is hurting you/damaging you.

But it is not.

NOTE - this isn't a sharp horrible pain. If you experience that then for gods sake take it out and go see a doctor.

The sensation is a dull ache that you would normally interpret as painful.

But, if you focus on that sensation without worrying about it then it suddenly turns pleasurable.

That's the aneros against your prostate.

It might disappear for a while, but just keep breathing deeply and relaxing and it will come back.

And each time you feel it, it will feel "achy" like you've got a sore point up inside you. But within a few seconds it will transform into pleasure.

You'll quickly learn how to hold your aneros against that point until you begin to orgasm.

Yes, it's very exciting when your asshole begins to pulse, or when you can feel the tab pressing against your perinium. But don't lose focus on that sensation in your ass. That slightly "sore" or "aching" sensation.

It's focusing on that sensation and NOT the others that will get you to orgasm.

Don't worry if you feel it and it disappears. Keep breathing deeply and calmly, keep relaxed and just wait without worry for it to come back. Because it will.

On the build up to orgasm it will ebb and flow. Its normal for it to go away for a while.

Trust your body. It knows what it is doing.

The reason you interpret that sensation as pain at first is because you are stimulating nerves very intensely. It's like being ticklish - it "hurts" a little when you are tickled because the sensation is so "intense".

It's the same with the prostate.

Quick note on "focus"

When I say "focus on the sensation in your ass" I DON'T mean "visualise" what's happening in your ass.

ALL visualisations are doing are taking you away from direct experience with the sensation.

You DON'T want to create an abstraction in your mind and focus on that because then the sensations are secondary and the visualisation is primary.

The sensation of "aching" is so subtle that you need your full attention in "the moment".

Don't think, don't try to "picture" what it going on down there because you'll be dragged out of sensory experience and into your mind of abstraction.

Just "feel".

Just keep your awareness on that area and wait for the aching sensation. In the meantime just breath and relax.

I find staring out of the window or against the wall in a "thousand yard stare" way helps to shut off the mind.

So thats it.

Just get relaxed and breath deeply into your stomach and keep your attention on your ass - waiting for that subtle aching feeling as the aneros presses against your prostate.

Focus on that sensation and if it disappears just wait for it to come back - which it will.

It's that sensation that will build and build until you start to feel that normal "about to cum" sensation. A few seconds later you'll start having orgasms without ejaculating and voila welcome to bliss 🙂

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Please be careful when making posts about your experiences as 'fact'. That's great for you but remember its unique to you, maybe you should state that this is something people *might* find or something you can try out. Be careful giving advice when these sensations, even the mindset, is probably unique to your own body/sessions.

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@inhope, i hope you are joking.

@aneros_user139955, great post, great thinking.


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Well written and very insightful. Wishing you (and us all) continued success and discovery and wishing those who are sceptics or feel "let down" open minds and open eyes to appreciate what's in this experience.

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@inhope, i hope you are joking.


Sorry but what? I'm serious! those that post as something that is 'matter of fact', something individual and precious to their own experience that does not transfer to anothers experience without the very least a hint that its something that *might work* rather than *will work* is going to cause those that heed certain parts of this post to stray from their own path!

If this had been a 'try this method' or 'try this way to focus', less of a strict verbatim guide which is great for this poster at least, it would better. I have nothing against the poster at all, on the contrary, he has made great progress and developed his own great technique, so that i can commend.

Having said all that there are some very salient points made here, it just needs a different way of the information being presented. Many people are guilty of this though, heck even i am! it need just need to be reined in a little, and a little more care taken when disseminating such techniques as fact especially when this whole experience is totally unique to the individual.

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aneros_user113955, Good observations!

@inhope, What part of his opening capitalized, bold type, introductory disclaimer sentences did you NOT understand?

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aneros_user113955, Good observations!

@inhope, What part of his opening capitalized, bold type, introductory disclaimer sentences did you NOT understand?

the part where he edited his post to add that part in 😛

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Yep to be fair to inhope I did add that in after his comment.

Perhaps the "nitpickers" comment was a little snidy but hey ho 😉

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Yep to be fair to inhope I did add that in after his comment.

Perhaps the "nitpickers" comment was a little snidy but hey ho 😉

you wound me sir! heh, no worries, i just wanted to give you a heads up, I've been in your position before and had my head bitten off, chewed and spit out. ;;)

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I think we're converging here on a good positive attitude.

aneros_user113955 took the time to compose what he thought was a helpful message. I think it is clear to all, even without the notice up top, that he was just sharing his observations, regardless of how he couched them.

people are just trying to figure things out, and post their thoughts. if this forum veers towards a culture of criticizing posts it will be a great loss, as people will stop sharing.

if something similar has happened to you, i am sorry.


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The head post of this thread is insightful and sounds very similar to some of my experiences.

YOUR mileage may vary.

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I have had my Vice, pro jr., and Helix syn for about a year. Whats frustrating for me was I had super strong prostate feelings early on but after each time I used them I would get less and less magic. I'd say out of 100 only the first 5 produced p-waves. It's almost like I started from the top and dropped to the bottom. Last night I tried what you said and it was the first time I have had any feeling -self twitching- from the helix. Before if I tried the do nothing 95% of the time i would just fall asleep. Normaly I would have to be super horny for the vice to do the trick. I had strange feelings nothing of what others described.

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Thanks for this post. I realize as I am reading it that I often feel a discomfort similar to what you are referring to and adjust myself. I had been thinking that maybe I shouldn't be adjusting, and this post confirms it. I will be giving this a try.

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@neros, thank you, thank you, thank you! Your description of that ache and what to do with it REALLY unlocked something for me!

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Glad I could help 🙂

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One thing I should have said as well, I can't ever say I've had that ache, the one you say you might interpret as painful.

I'm not sure others do, seems there is some that do, I would love to know how you are creating these aches from the do nothing approach.

I do have prostate sensations and Sone intense ones indeed, not sure they're orgasms, but great sessions indeed. I do not experience pain or the ache, except once, which involved lots of aggressive clenches which isn't the right way is it?

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For me, when the device is pressed against my prostrate, I feel a sensation that I would describe as an "ache" or a "tickle". It's not really "painful"... and it doesn't feel particularly good... but it's just right on the cusp of being pleasant. It DOES feel DIFFERENT than every other location. Before I read @neros advice, I would just note it and continue with voluntary movements (on my back, knees bent, subtly flexing my legs). I have gotten to super-Os with this method before, but they were rare enough that I was a little frustrated that they weren't more reliable. They just seemed kind of random.

What helped me was @neros advice that I should pay a lot of attention to that ache. So, the next time I felt it, I just held the position without motion... like pressing and holding a button. I wouldn't move, and I would strive to relax while maintaining that aching sensation. After a while... amazingly... that sensation began to grow (and I would have some involuntary muscle twitching)... I would just keep pressing that button until it turned into an orgasm. Incredible! Once the sensation grew, I would add some voluntary movements that seemed to help.

Now, I have not failed to have an orgasm using this technique (so far).... it really woke something up in me! Last night for example, I wore my helix to bed. Before, I've never had anything happen, and I've worn it many nights. But THIS time, about 4am i was woken up by that sensation, and since I did not want to wake my SO, I stayed absolutely still... I just held that position to sustain that ache. I could FEEL little micro-movements... my pulse... my breathing... subtle twitches. That ache reached an inflection point and turned into a mighty orgasm... and I didn't budge. What a pleasure! I think it was orgasmic for almost an hour. That's never happened. AND... I could do it in almost ANY position... on back, side, stomach... that's new too.

So, I've become a believer in "do-nothing". I really discounted it before, but now that I recognize the sensation and what I should do with it, I just hold it, and it will grow reliably to orgasm. So far, it has not failed to deliver.

Your milage may vary...

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@krissive awesome! Very happy for you and honoured that my little post helped you get there!


Sometimes the ache doesn't come for some time. As krissive said, it may not be an "ache" for you personally but it will feel different when it happens.

Do you remember my first post "6th session and thanks Crimsonwolf"?

I said that you should just let your body take over and flex and contract when it wants.

That's what you need to do.

Basically just forget about "doing things correctly" and just let go and enjoy.

By that I mean you may have read that you need to "stay relaxed" but your body may want you to tense up.

So allow your body to tense up it wants too.

If you have the urge to suck the aneros in hard when you insert it then do that, and if your body wants to relax after a few seconds then let it.

For example, this is how it happens for me....

I insert my Helix, I groan and smile as it goes in cos it feels nice.

I just enjoy the pleasant sensations as my anus twitches and I do whatever my body urges me to do - that sometimes entails clenching tight on the Helix and holding for a minute until it wants to relax.

Then I just lie there and enjoy the pleasant sensations. I find if I focus on the "mechanics" of breathing and waiting for sensations then I don't go anywhere, so I focus on how pleasant it feels to have it inside me.

After a while (anything from a couple of minutes to maybe 30 minutes) of enjoying the feelings I suddenly feel my a funny aching inside me (usually to the left side of my ass and back).

My body tenses up (not painfully - its like the skeletal muscle just tenses to keep me still) and I guess my rectum does too because the Helix presses on that point constantly. This then brings me to orgasm.

Sometimes (like the other day) whilst this is happening, instead of the Helix staying pulled up inside me, the sphicter muscles can't hold it and they want to relax so I let them relax and that too then sends me into orgasm.

The KEY to the whole thing is just letting your body do what it wants. Forget about "staying relaxed" or how you are "supposed to react". If your body wants to be tense then let it be tense.

You can force yourself to relax when you are tensed up BUT this will generally lead to a drop off and non-orgasm because there is a reason your body wants you to tense up - it KNOWS how to get you there.

Again, listen to your body's signals. Your body tells you what to do via urges - similar to wanting to scratch an itch.

Just get out of the way of your body! You'll let it tense and relax when it wants and all of a sudden you'll feel a "funny feeling" spot inside you. Whatever that feeling is. You may also get goosebumps and hot flushes as it builds into an orgasm.

The only urge to ignore is the urge you might get to grab your cock and masturbate as obviously that's going to lead to an ejaculatory orgasm.

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Ok it's worth a punt, so I gave this a try today.

I used the mgx and I was already experiencing p waves before the session, it had been a long while since a session so I was ready for it.

What struck me as odd was that throughout the whole session I felt no pleasure in my prostate, what I did experience is quaking and shivering like I've never known, sometimes violent. But inexplicably no prostate pleasure. Occasionally it was rise in some way and I would feel it, which then coincided with my penis becoming hard.

And then the realisation that it's more likely my penis went hard and that caused the pleasureable feelings in my prostate. I did however feel a sort of continual loop of something building, each time the quaking increasing intensity. But again, prostate was out of the picture , it's my first session in years that I've said those words, "body reacts but prostate does not"

After a while it stopped, even though I remained aroused, focused, happy and not taking control.

So here is my theory about all this;

This only works once your fully rewired, when your body is ready and knows what to do (yeah yeah, it already knows, whatever) but I do feel there is something there, but it's incredibly contradictory some of the advice here. 'Do nothing except you're not doing nothing' krissive for example is by the sounds of it, actively holding a minor contraction, not doing nothing. I also bet that you guys have had dry orgasms from other methods whereas I have not, so again I feel that this method works for those that have success already in place.

I did not really experience the ache you mention, not even after 30 mins.

One thing that It would be helpful to know is what devices you all use for this? I find lately the eupho and smaller devices have stopped working altogether for me, yet the helix is now much better, but it's SO hit and miss even with that. I wonder if a larger sized device that makes constant contact on the prostate is better suited to this method.

So what are you guys using?

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Hi inhope,

I'm using the Helix, that's the only one I've used.

I'm by no means fully rewired - I barely get to use the Helix once a week and I'm still finding new and different orgasms each time.

Never had a dry orgasm before except for mini pleasure waves when I used to use Mantak Chia's techniques 6 or so years ago.

I "only" (I know, boo fucking hoo) experienced an orgasm 6 sessions in which I know is super fast BUT before that session I was experiencing pleasure like you are now. So you are more "re-wired" than you think you are.

Did you get urges to contract your PC muscles or rectum? Did you allow it?

When you said you realised you were getting prostate pleasure cos your cock got hard did you notice that during the session and then dismiss it as the "not the right way"?

As I said, allow whatever happens to happen.

Also the point that takes me to "pleasure" is when my body stiffens up and I become very still - I'm barely breathing deeply and I'm very aware of the toy inside me.

Because of the tension in my body my sphincter isn't totally relaxed and so it's holding the toy inside me. Again I don't control that, it's where it is by instinct.

THEN the achy feeling hits me, then the pleasure starts to build and then I have the orgasms.

What I've done before if the "first session" of the day doesn't work out is take it out, leave it an hour and put it back in.

That's what I did the other day when I had a null first session in the morning - took it out and put it in later, just keeping in mind to enjoy whatever sensations come up and then let my PC muscles and rectum contract and relax how they want.

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@neros, funny you mention scratching a itch to illustrate. The other day I rode my eupho to bed and woke up in the morning feeling very good. I was just lying there and started to scratch an itch. Each time I scratched and felt relief, the sensations turned into full pleasure waves! This happened consistently anywhere I scratched. First time this has happened to me.

BTW I know that achy sensation you describe. It happens reliably at the beginning of a session recently. I noticed it but didn't give it much thought. I'm experimenting with it now as you suggest. It develops into pleasure sensations if I let it. I get a slight tension in my lower body as if I were about to move but it goes away if I do. It's accomplished by sensuous feelings in my glutes and thighs. Then I go on from there.

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Thanks @neros. first off let me say sorry for being an ass earlier, I'm just a little frustrated (which makes a nice difference from being alot frustrated)

I will have another go at this, i will use the helix as well as it seems to be the device thats working well lately. I find if a session is a dud i think "thats it, its over" but it gives me hope that leaving it an hour and trying later sounds good.

I didn't get the urge to contract no, i never really i have.... i don't think? i will be sure to look out for it next time. I probably mentally decided my cock getting hard was a negative not and yes it could have ended the session.


-Do nothing
-Focus on the ache
-let my body tell me what to do and go with it
-if the first session is going nowhere then try again in a hour/later
-stay with one device for now, the helix in my case

Seem like a good place to start?

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Hello, everybody.

As neros and others above in this thread have made clear, the "Do Nothing Method" is a misnomer. About the only thing we can say for sure about this technique is that it does not include strong voluntary contractions. The "holding" and "stillness" aspects require serious effort and concentration. Maybe rumel or Mayfield will edit the Wiki to point this out. Otherwise, guys trying Aneros and doing nothing will just fall asleep more often than not.



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A little over two years ago I posted the thread "Do Nothing" What does that mean?. I think you have added some refining information for not only the "Do Nothing" method but for the more "Actve" methods as well. Tuning in on the subtle sensations and exploring them with your mental focus is certainly a practice which will yield rewards in ones practice, including easing the pathways into orgasm.

@ten_s_nut, I'll try to supplement the WIKI with a little more clarification about this.
Good Vibes to You !

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I want to say, I think @neros has made a really great contribution. I also think that @convinced, in this thread https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/comment/71671 has as well. And they are complimentary.

Here is what i did to explore @neros's now famous "ache" sensation. I deployed my Crystal Wand (now re-branded here: http://www.therawand.com/product/premium-therawand/). I did so because, unlike the Aneros, I can use my hand to control where it sits inside me.

I think the therawand might be just the tool for newbies who are having trouble getting sensation from their prostate... because it allows very gentle and precise manually controlled exploration and stimulation. This combined with @nero's method may be a significant accelerator.

I slowly inserted the therawand's handle side, letting the rounded beads stimulate my hole to the point of eagerness. My position was on side/stomach, with top knee bent, and my hand holding the wand from around back. In this position, the wand's middle segment is stimulating my kundalini spot (ass crack). I could really explore placement of the handle in my rectum, and different pressures. I found a spot that layed it on the prostate, and waited... until I felt that ache. I could minutely adjust it so it felt like just the right spot. Then I turned off my brain, and let my body do what it wanted.

For newbies, I think they could use it to map out their rectum, and explore the sensations available on all the walls, and depths, etc. Even if they just get the faintest of pleasure signals, they'll be able to come back the next time and explore it again, leading to amplification.

I discovered that the therawand is an extremely fine instrument. It is like an aneros and peridise combined in one, but is somehow softer than both. My rectum, hole, crack and prostate commenced to make love to it. Woah. I went totally hands free with the wand, and had a really excellent aneros-like ride, but gentler.

I then turned the wand around, and laid on my back, still hands free. now the handle was against my p-spot. It hit it just right, and the ride commenced. The wand makes the p-spot easy to find because it stimulates the whole perineum.

Finally, I removed my therawand lover, and put in my black ice progasm jr, with, as @convinced suggests, a medicine dropper bulb on its p-tab to soften it, and make it stay exactly where i want it. (I got the bulb from an old bottle of infant tylenol). Having primed with the wand, the progasm jr. hit all the same spots, but even more intensely. You know the rest of the story.

Hope this helps some struggling newbies.


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A major point for me is also this, the position I use is causing a big distraction! Lying on my back and legs on bed (feet on bed) knees bent. After 20 mins my legs require serious effort to say there, it ruins my sessions as its a distraction!

If I lie them flat to the bed I feel nothing? Is there a special way or position that works?

Also great to hear that the do nothing approach requires that you actually do something! I knew it!

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I'm going to try and refine this as much as possible for you now both in mental attitude terms and the actual mechanics of what I'm doing.

First - mental attitude.

When I started I was prepared for the long haul. I would enjoy whatever sensations the session threw up for me.

I think that's a big part of it - an "it's ALL good" mentality.

Secondly (and this is where I sometimes fall down, leading me to have to restart the session later) is that it's easy to forget that this is a SEXUAL thing.

By that I mean that it's easy to get focused on the mechanics of doing something and forget to just enjoy it in a sexual way.

I mean, imagine wanking normally and analysing each up and down movement!

So get turned on by the fact that you are inserting something in your ass. It's a little kinky and, dare I say it - taboo!

I get the sense, because of your understandable frustration, that you are focusing more on "getting to the orgasm" as opposed to just enjoying being penetrated by the aneros.

Now, onto the physical mechanics:

Positioning: I insert aneros whilst squatting because it turns me on to do so. I then lie on my side with both knees slightly bent up in a position I find comfortable.

I then lie VERY STILL.

Imagine you heard a voice in your house when you are the only one there. You'd stop all movement and listen intently.

It's like that, but instead of listening intently I'm focusing on the feeling of the Helix inside my ass. The feeling of a foreign object up there.

Don't focus on your breathing - focus on feeling inside your ass.

Your breathing might stop or become very shallow. It's all good. You don't need to be breathing deeply. And if you feel the need to take a deeper breath then do it. Let your body tell you what to do.

When I tell you to focus on the sensation in your ass, focus on the FEELING of the Aneros in your ass. I sometimes find it helps to imagine at the beginning of the session that it's the fingers of a woman - you can use whatever imagery you want, if you find you are more turned on by imagining it's a cock or a tentacle or whatever then do it! It's your personal fantasy.

Remember, everything I tell you here is to help you enjoy the SENSATIONS. When I say use imagery or fantasy, it's a tool to connect you to the feeling of the aneros inside you. So therefore it's best to focus on a imagery of having something penetrating your ass.

If you fantasise about something else (like penetrating someone yourself) then you create a disconnect between what you are feeling and the fantasy and that can cause you to focus more on the fantasy than the sensations.

And DON'T WORRY if you can't sustain a fantasy. Remember the goal is to focus on the feeling and how good it feels. And you aren't really going to be fantasising - you are just adding a twist to the sensaiton of the aneros already inside you.

Hell, if the thought of the aneros alone is enough to do it for you then great.

Now, you are going to be focusing on the aneros and the feeling of it inside you.

Forget about looking for an "achy" feeling for now. In fact just forget about what feeling you are "supposed" to be feeling and just enjoy feeling it in your ass.

What can you feel? A sensation of the aneros inside you, does your PC muscle twitch? Does the aneros get pushed out slightly or pulled in slightly?

When you imagine that the aneros is (whatever object you are imagining) what happens?

Whatever happens just enjoy.

Your arousal will wax and wane and your cock will get hard and soft.

Remember - whatever happens is all good.

Does your butt buzz?

Does it twitch?

Let out a groan - forget about what you are supposed to do, just let go and enjoy the sensation of having the object inside your ass.

Do you enjoy getting a blowjob? Do you cum straight away? No probably not. But you enjoy the sensation of a mouth on your cock.

Forget about looking for an ache.

Maybe the sensation for you is a sudden electricity that shoots up your spine, making your body jerk tensely.

Whatever it is you will feel something.

Keep really fucking still. Don't try to "relax" or anything. Just keep really still and focus your attention the aneros in your ass.

What happens if you imagine the aneros is a finger that strokes your prostate? Do you get a sudden jolt of electricity? Or aching? Or funny feelings in your stomach?

Or maybe nothing. That's okay. It still feels nice. Perhaps all that happens is you get more turned on. GREAT!

As you notice sensations that feel good you are going to get excited and your heart will start pounding.


Keep very fucking still - don't move and don't "try to relax". You'll probably find your body is very tense and your asshole is at full contraction.

Good. Don't let that tension go.

Unless. Your asshole can't hold it anymore and your "forced" to relax it a bit.

That's absolutely fine. Just remember to keep your body still even if you asshole relaxes and the aneros slides out bit.

You might find that sends pleasure through you as well.

Keep still, keep feeling the sensation of the aneros inside you.

Keep enjoying the sensations in your body.

Keep still. You will find your body is tense but not in a painful way.

Maybe your breathing gets heavier or more shallow.

Again. It's all good.

Just focus on the feeling of it inside you.

Perhaps now you can't keep imagining it's (whatever object you thought of at the beggining). That's fine. As long as you can still keep your focus on the feelings generated inside your butt then it's not a problem.

Again, your body stays really still and you just enjoy the sensations in your ass.

Maybe you start feeling waves of electricity running through your body. Keep fucking still and enjoy it. Forget about everything else except for keeping still and enjoying it.

Holy shit your so tense it feels like you are going to explode. Suddenly there's a throbbing inside your ass, your breathing becomes really shallow. Maybe you feel an ache or your not sure but now it's pleasurable.

Maybe you feel like you are about to ejaculate and then suddenly you cum but without ejaculating.

Perhaps you feel waves of pleasure rush over you for minutes at a time before subsiding.

Perhaps you feel you are about to come but then your body can't hold the aneros in anymore and the muscle tension in your asshole relaxes (but not your body, keep that shit still) and it slides out which then triggers a full body wave of pleasure and a calm seas full body orgasm.

Every orgasm is different.


This is SEXUAL. Enjoy the sexual sensations.

Adopt an "it's all good" mentality and enjoy being penetrated by the aneros.

Lie on your side with your knees bent to whatever position is most comfortable to you.

Forget about everything (including your breathing) - KEEP REALLY STILL and focus on feeling the aneros inside you. This induces good muscle tension and will enable you to focus on the sensations.

Try imagining the aneros as a finger/cock/tentacle/whatever turns you on.

Imagine it stroking the front wall of your anus. Does this generate a reaction physically? Don't need to keep it up, it's just to show your that your body will react to the object.

Keep still and just enjoy the sensations. Forget about looking for an "ache" as it clearly isn't helping you right now. To use an Eastern analogy - that's just the finger pointing to the moon, not the moon itself.

And that's it. Forget about EVERTHING except keeping still and focusing your attention on enjoying the feeling of the object in your ass.

Moan, enjoy, tell yourself that what you are feeling feels good. Vocalising your pleasure actually builds pleasure so do it - even if the sensations you are feeling aren't especially arousing.


If you need to scratch an itch then please do. Just remember to return to stillness after you've done so.

If you want to relax your anus then do.

If you get the urge to violently contract your anus and suck that aneros inside your asshole then do! If you are aroused you'll probably get that urge. Much like the urge you get when a certain arousal is reached to tense your pelvis and "go for ejaculation" when you wank normally.

Hope this helps. Remember, just throw out the "shoulds and musts" of what you think you "should be feeling" and just keep still and focus on enjoying the sensation of it inside you - this is a SEXUAL activity and should be approached from a sexual attitude. Enjoy the fact that this is the one form of sexual pleasure that men can enjoy without having to hold back ejaculation so LET GO INTO PLEASURE!

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I agree. It's a state of "passive perception". You are opening yourself up to the needs and wants of your body. It will reward you.

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It's interesting to me that you brought this "ache" up in a thread. I have had my Helix Syn now for a few months and I have always sort of "focused" on that ache feeling and being able to bring it to a state of pleasure. I had always thought it was already generally known by all and never thought to bring it forward.

I'm glad you did so now others may benefit from the knowledge / approach. It has worked for me....

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A quick pseudo-survey! How tall are you ?

I'm about 203cm tall (7ft 8in). I've never had any issues inserting Helix or even Progasm. In fact, even Progasm feels a bit small inside me.

Despite starting each session with 15 minutes of rest (aneros inside), I've never experienced any major feelings via "do nothing" method. I feel a fairly pleasant tingling and my legs may be shaking slightly (that's with 0 contractions), but it's fickle and never got me far. After those 15 minutes, I proceed with a standard session, contracting, and having a great time.

So my theory is... maybe "do nothing" works best for shorter guys ? Because for them, Aneros is pressing against prostate harder, because they're tighter inside ?

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