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Discomfort in "deep"?

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I've had an MGX for about 4 months and more recently got a Helix Syn. I've used the MGX around 20 times and the Helix just a couple so far.

My issue is, with both of those, (but mostly the MGX as that's the one I've used more) my sessions start out very comfortable but after 30 minutes to an hour, an uncomfortable feeling develops. It's like a pressure deep inside the rectum, as if the "end" of the device is pressing the back of my rectum. Contractions amplify the feeling. It's almost like a weird "hot sauce on the tounge feeling". A sort of mild burning or irritating feeling. It's usually enough to make me give up on a session. Not entirely painfull, but not a great feeling either. I'm using coconut oil, KY and Shea butter, or some combination thereof.

So my question is, had anyone else experienced something like this? My instinct tells me that the devices are just scraping the back of my rectum and I need something smaller, but I don't want to go buy something smaller if this sensation is just something normal or something that will pass.

As a side note, I have had very little success with either device. I've tried the recommended exercises etc but just don't feel anything out of the ordinary. I'm to the point where it at least feels "nice" to have it in, but beyond that, no p-waves or anything. I've done the "nothing" some and also done various contractions. I know from reading the forums that this is "cliche" but I feel like it's not hitting my prostate. Well, once I had a strange feeling, I was just relaxing and doing nothing and there was a sort of "falling" feeling centered in my pelvis. But it was so quick that I'm not even sure it happened.

Any ideas about my question, or tips in general are appreciated.


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No-one has any input for me? 🙂

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The feeling of the tool pressing against the back of the rectum should be quite pleasurable. The burning feeling could be down to the type of lube. If you use just usb then I am pretty sure that it isn't that. The tools should be smooth as well. I would recommend using more lube (I mean lots more). Start your session relaxing for about 10 minutes then relube (just usb) and see how you go.

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What specifically are we talking about with the USB? (Shea butter I assume) Ive inserted a chunk about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp in size. Then coated the tool with USB then coated that with coconut oil. So how much is lots more USB? 1tsp? 1tbsp? 2 tbsp?

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Aneros use should never be painful, with adequate lubrication there should be no discomfort either. New users may sometimes confuse the strange new sensations being generated by their massager as painful or discomforting but I don't think that is the case from your description of usage. Two things come to mind from reading your post as possible reasons for your discomfort.

First, you may be having a mild allergic reaction to one of the lubricants your are using. I'd suggest you try to find out which one(s) may be the culprit by using only one type of lube at a time in subsequent sessions. After a couple of sessions with each lube separately, you will know if there is a lube problem. If you are still having the problem with each lube type after this then you may have the second problem.

The second possibility is that you may have an internal hemorrhoid or polyp in your rectum which is being irritated from Aneros movement. The only way to find this out would be to have your doctor scope it out for you. If there is a polyp or hemorrhoid, it can be removed fairly easily but you would need to avoid Aneros use until the wound heals as directed by your doctor. As embarrassing as it may be, seeing a doctor about it is the right thing to do, it could even save your life if they found and removed a precancerous polyp. Please do get it checked out. Aneros use should be fun and enjoyable.
Good Vibes to You !

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What specifically are we talking about with the USB? (Shea butter I assume) Ive inserted a chunk about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp in size. Then coated the tool with USB then coated that with coconut oil. So how much is lots more USB? 1tsp? 1tbsp? 2 tbsp?

In my case, I had an uncomfortable reaction to water based lube! Never using it again made a big difference in my comfort level!

I hope you figure it out successfully without the doctor, but better to get it checked if the discomfort continues even after the lube change/test recommended by Rumel!


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