Having not yet done any research on that topic here at the forum, I'd only like to share some thoughts about digestion and bowel movements.
An eupepsy, everyone could be glad about, is fine, if it would be that easy to deal with concerning Aneros usage. Sticking a stirring spoon up our bum must induce some intestinal activities, even an maybe „embarrassing“ urge for a bowel movement. Exercising a bit restraint concerning nutrition half a day before an Aneros session can already help a lot. One member here argued against rectal flushing for clean up the Aneros‘ „playground“ because it would kill the healthy bacteria population (more bacterias there than people on earth) and made me stop this preparation at once. What is to say against a bowel movement after half an hour and go on with your session afterwards? Sometimes I even had to interrupt my Aless session for that issue to find out that the bowel movement then happened very easily and complete. Perhaps these mentioned issues already are the reasons why I love my Tempo so much. It‘s polished metal finish is so easy to clean and it doesn‘t care much about any rest of bowel content.
But this wouldn't have been enough to initiate this post of mine. Not wanting to do any flushing anymore, I've been eagerly searching for any other help for a quite complete bowel movement and found these two methods.
One is massaging my perineum in circles. It's as funny as simple, but it's indeed supporting a thorough evacuation of my bowels.
Second method is concerning our sitting posture which is straightforwardly stark raving bonkers. Only a little correction already can help a lot.
Elbows to knees, a straight back and a footstool - try these tips to make things a breeze in the loo.
The Continence Foundation of Australia recommends:
Hovering above the toilet seat in a squat can be hard on the pelvic floor muscles, whether you’re doing a number one or number two. So if you’re taking a seat, it’s best to commit to it.
Here you find a very visual and simple explanation about what we do wrong when disregarding the function of our puborectalis muscle: https://www.squattypotty.com/blog/5-...n-your-toilet/
I hope this didn't became to lengthy on that topic, but as it helped me a lot, I wanted to share my findings.
Happiness on the potty!
And best vibes afterwards