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Diet, Fish Oil and the Super-O

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I discovered a series of posts on this site by Zaneblue, who happens to be the author of The Orgasm Diet. She has a BLOG at that’s filled with lots of good suggestions for diet and other techniques for women and men who are on the path to orgasmic awareness.

Originally written for women, who want to become multi-orgasmic, I’ve found that the suggestions in her book can apply to men also. It’s interesting to note that the fish oil (with high concentrates of DHA, and EPA), combined with dark chocolate, a good diet and the reduction or elimination of stimulants like coffee – greatly heighten the prostates sensitivity. Personally, I haven’t had a Super-O yet, but a couple of days ago, during an Aneros session, I had an amazing altered state of awareness – something akin to a meditative session, except it was highly sensual. I was buzzing - a very unique experience.

I’ve been on the fish oil for about two weeks. In that time, I’ve noticed increased prostate and perineum sensitivity. I think I’m at the cusp of reaching the Super-O. I’ve been using the Helix for about 6 months now (I also own the Progasm, and MGX), with slow and frustrating results. I think body chemistry could have been at the root of my inability to reach the higher states or arousal. Triggering a prostate orgasm takes place when the organ is sensitized and reactive to stimulation. It seems logical that food and beverage consumption are critical components to our sexuality (at least in the higher multi-orgasmic states.)

I think body chemistry is at the core for many of us who are seeking the p-orgasm. It’s a component of the re-wiring processes and a critical element for the multi-orgasmic male. I think it important to watch what you consume.


p.s. I'll let you know what happens as I progress with Zane's suggestion.

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Thanks. I went back into the piece and corrected the URL for Zaneblue's BLOG site.


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By the way - if you're like me, and looking to get over the top to a Super-O, Zaneblue is very receptive to your questions on her BLOG. Amping up your prostate's sensitivity level can bring all types of additional pleasure and hopefully, with enough practice, the dry orgasm you're seeking.


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Now, now, don't overpromise! You haven't gotten there yet. Time will tell.

I really am very curious on getting more data on this though. It should work, given the physiological similarities between the G-spot and the P-spot and the rest of the biochemistry men and women share.

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Wow! I started taking two 1g Health-From-the-Sea pure fish oil capsules with each meal. I couldn't imagine having more intense sustained orgasmic pleasure than I was already having, but it seems there is no limit to it getting better and better.

It makes me think that fish must have the most awesome orgasms! I know squid do because I watched the Jacques Cousteau documentary "The night of the squid" thirty-some years ago, and those things glow while having sex - all night long. Reminds me of the Cylons in Battlestar Galactica with red light pulsating through their bodies as they orgasm.

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How much EPA and DHA per capsule? It should say on the label.

Also, is it specifically helping the Super-O ability? I'm very curious about that.

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Hello Zaneblue,

180mg EPA and 120mg DHA per softgel.

Maybe I'm overdoing it and should drop back to one with each meal. I wouldn't want to suffer the same fate as the squid which pass on into eternity the following day !

"Super-O" to me means a profound whole-body and soul orgasmic state that just goes on and on, but cycles through different phases of excruciating pleasure and excitement and more relaxed periods with waves of pure bliss, and at all times more deeply pleasurable and satisfying than "conventional" male orgasms ever were. The experience can go on for an hour or so, and be repeated all over again after only a few moments rest, and again and again all through the night, as long as one doesn't "spend" himself. Only problem is that one then needs to sleep till noon !

So, yes, my "super-O" experience is better than ever. I have said before it is awesome beyond words; now it is even more so. I haven't read your book, I've only seen this thread, but thank you Zaneblue for bringing this wonderful news to our attention. May God bless you,


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Actually, according to my diet that's probably about half of what I recommend, depending on your weight. That brand is a really low-grade brand. I don't recommend doubling using that brand, you might get digestive discomfort. If you get a more concentrated brand you can take more. Make sure to also take a good multivitamin any time you take lots of fish oil.

And of course, check with your doctor, particularly about drug interactions, don't take before surgery, check for drug interactions, particularly with blood-thinning drugs, etc. see medical disclaimers in other thread and/or in my book.

And thanks for the feedback and blessings and all! 🙂

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Jeez, Grand Tiger is taking 2 or these tablets with every meal (180mg EPA and 120mg DHA per softgel) and you say that is about half of what you recommend? I am doing 3 of these tablets PER DAY! Now maybe they are the cheaper stuff (Sam's Club) but any more than that and I can't stand the "fish kickback" that I get. This is a big-ass bottle so it will take me some time to get through it.

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Zaneblue, Buster,

I had been taking (2) capsules of fish oil as recommended by my doctor for about seven months now as well as a daily multi-vitamin (which also has zinc). After reading Zaneblue’s posts, I decided to try the higher dosage level to see if it would help generate a super-O. I’ve been on the fish oil supplement regime for one month now. I have been taking (3) softgel capsules (3) times a day.
and have not noticed any difference in arousal level or orgasmic response potential. The only differences I have noticed are looser stools.
I guess this diet may not work with my body chemistry, but I’ll give it a while longer at this dosage to see if things improve. I doubt that this dosage will do me any harm as it was originally suggested by my doctor to help lower my triglyceride levels.
I have not done the 1 oz. of chocolate intake however, and I do have a cup of coffee in the mornings and usually 4-5 cups of tea (green, black or herbal depending on my mood) during the day. I’m wondering if the caffeine is negating any effects.
Maybe this supplement regime only works for a certain percentage of individuals.

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Weight 130 pounds -- EPA 1700 mg DHA 1300 mg
170 pounds--EPA 2500 mg DHA 2000 mg
230 pounds--EPA 3400 mg DHA 2600 mg

If you aren't taking approximately those dosages, you probably won't see any effect on libido. That's what I recommend in my book, PLEASE see the medical disclaimers I've posted a bunch of times already on the forum and make sure to take with a multivitamin.

If you take that dosage with yucky 180 mg EPA 120 mg DHA per capsule you will probably get digestive problems including fishy burps, so don't go that high. There are lots of more concentrated brands out there where you can take less capsules and it's easier on your tummy, I recommend a brand that has at least EPA+DHA >500 mg per one one-gram capsule.

So don't judge my diet unless you are taking close to what I recommend. Of course some people respond with less, but the general populace needs about that much.

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Oh, also take time to work up to the full dosage. I say a two week period gradually increasing works best for people.

I'm telling people to take VERY HIGH DOSAGES of fish oil. This is about as much EPA and DHA a 130-pound person would get eating a salmon steak twice a day (which you can't do nowadays because of mercury contamination).

My editor will shoot me if she ever sees this forum! 😆 Something about free milk and the cow.

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Thanks Zaneblue. Maybe then it is the placebo effect in my case. I know the placebo effect can be very strong, especially in relation to subjective things such as pleasure and pain.

I'm about 130 lb and I also take Enzymatic Therapies Dr's Choice over 50 formula as well as a bunch of things such as hawthorn, CoQ10, horny goat weed, tribulus, cayenne, lecithin granules, etc., all things that are good for the heart are also good for libido!

I'm inclined not to advance on the fish oil because, as I said, the squid all drop dead after having sex all night, and the sustained pleasure is already so intense, if it were to increase any more I may die of orgasmic overload! Even now I feel as if I'm transcending higher dimensions than the familiar three I've been used too. If I go too far I may not come back!

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If you are only 130 pounds you probably are feeling the fish oil, some people are more sensitive. Trust your instincts on that. And enjoy!

I'm just saying, someone shouldn't write off my diet until they try the full dosage.

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GrandTiger -

I'm curious as to when you started developing your Super-O experiences. How long did it take you to begin having P-Orgasms? Also, which Aneros products have you found to be most effective during a session? Finally, do you combine other practices (or products) in your sessions?



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Good advice Zaneblue. As your diet is obviously very healthy, no harm in someone starting out at the maximum dose of fish oil to get a kick start, and then perhaps reducing the dose to a lower maintenance level according to their needs.

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HI Zane and ALL!

I have been on Fish Oil for years now and a multi, Zink, C, E, Minerals, etc., so I plan to up my dosage over the next 2 weeks . . .

I calculate with EPA of my caps at about 440 each, and I am at about 250 lbs. (my current intake of 2/day will have to increase to 9/day)

I'll let you know if i can tell any marked difference in libido or not! (anything else I should monitor, etc.?)

Thanks, Hlaser

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Men usually can see a result within two weeks at the full dose, so if you don't notice a change in libido or ease of erections, don't bother continuing with it.

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Thanks Zane!

I'll Give it a try!


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