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Countdown to orgasm. . . (and a side-note on ostrich feathers)

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Here is something I enjoy doing to bring on a prostate orgasm with my aneros inserted: I count down from 10 to 0, out loud and very slowly. Between each number I say something out loud to an imaginary partner (you are so **qualifier expressing sublime beauty**; please **transitive verb expressing penetration** me in the **bodily orifice of choice**; I want to **transitive verb of titillating intent** your **body part** and make you **verb expressing vocalization**; etc.). I allow the time to moan as well as to feel the new sensations coming from the mounting tension, and perhaps (optional, for masochists) to add a clothespin to my nipples, chest, armpits, flanks, or ass, before going on to the next number. By the time I get to 1 I can hardly speak anymore, and the number 0 is really just a mind-shattering super-0. Afterwards I am as limp and quivering as a bed sheet hung up to dry (and considering the clothespins involved, I probably look like one).

I do this countdown with female partners as well, while fingering/licking them, and it is always a provider of outrageously loud shaking orgasms for them. It creates a psychological element of imminent arrival, and if done slowly enough with enough proper psychological and physical stimulation, the orgasm is already ready to happen well before the end of the countdown (true for my solo countdowns as well). Thus the last bit of the countdown is actually just holding back from orgasming, which makes the arrival so much more intense!

Anyone else do this or something similar? Otherwise, if you are inspired to give it a try, post your experience here!

Also, just a side note, nothing to do with the rest of this post: I just bought an ostrich feather. Best 10 euros I've ever spent (countdown the euros?)! It provides airy gentle stimulation of all body parts, even those hard to reach ones (the toes and shins), with minimal effort. It is also great for dreamy silken partner play! Just make sure you lock your cat out of the room, otherwise it becomes cactus attack time.

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Hey @divine_oblivion ,

Anyone else do this or something similar?

Well, countdowns are a common tool in erotic hypnosis and they work for me. 🙂 Never thought of implementing them in my aneros session and I'm not sure if it would work for me. In session, I'm so far on the receiving end, mentally wise, that I would find it hard to give myself commands. Autosuggestion is a powerfull tool though.

I do this countdown with female partners as well, while fingering/licking them

This is a very cool idea. But I guess, you would have to train that a bit with your partner - respectively incorporate it into a domination/submission roleplay of some kind.

Thus the last bit of the countdown is actually just holding back from orgasming, which makes the arrival so much more intense!

That totally resonates with me. I love being counted down to orgasm in a hypnosis.

Cheers, Unfug

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Hey @divine_oblivion ,

Well, countdowns are a common tool in erotic hypnosis and they work for me. 🙂

Erotic hypnosis is a concept I've seen come up several times, and pushed it off for later (there are so many new things I am trying all the time these days!). I think I am ready to know more about it... Any suggestions of forum threads or other online literature to get me started on it?

Hey @divine_oblivion ,

This is a very cool idea. But I guess, you would have to train that a bit with your partner - respectively incorporate it into a domination/submission roleplay of some kind.

I learned about it online, and like most things I read on the net, I seriously doubted the veracity of what I was reading. I tried it anyways, and was blown away by how fun it is. I actually didn't believe much of anything on the Aneros forum 6 months ago, and now I am ready to believe absolutely everything I read here, even before trying it! But I digress...

It helps to already be very in touch with your partner, to know how to help them to orgasm and to be very aware of their needs (how long it will take for them to orgasm, and what movements/techniques to use to help them over the edge). The counting just adds another layer, like you say, in a domination sort of way. Of course it can be done with much love and adulation (heaping praise and words of love and encouragement between the numbers), or with sweetness and laughter, or with insults for those who enjoy that.

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Erotic hypnosis is a concept I've seen come up several times, and pushed it off for later. I think I am ready to know more about it... Any suggestions of forum threads or other online literature to get me started on it?

I invite you to sample my "HypnAerosession" guided Anerosession, (also available through the Aneros Web Site). Here are a couple of threads which provide some history and information -> Hlaser99 . . . on the “HypnAerosession” & HypnAerosession subliminal messages.

Additionally you can view a minor listing of hypno-artists in the thread Muse Music - Aneros Aural Accompaniment. For trance inducing music/audio you may wish to check out these threads -> The Aneros Audio Experiment & The Erotic Audio Challenge.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks @rumel . I will check all this out!

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