Hi @all,
as nearly everywhere in the world we have severe problems here in Germany too. Our government also has been too poor-spirited in the beginning of the crisis, why we now have a big problem.
Superfluously people are too stupid to understand the simple problem
+++ why I ask you to help that this video goes viral +++ (see 2nd picture below)
and a few idiots even celebrate "Corona-Parties" here, as if it all would be a joke.
Actually we count a double rate of infections every three days. Around 14,000 22.672 (+3,000 ??? last 24h) infections and 30 86 deaths are already (2020-MAR-23) registered, but the infection time of six days until first symptoms become noticable lets assume a much higher estimated number of unknown cases.
The Bavarian Prime Minister finally announced a curfew beginning at midnight and too slowly some other states in Germany follow.
Gladly we have a lot understanding and helping people too, who keep things going and support each other.
Let's hope for the best.
Take care!
"angesteckt"=infected, "Tage"=days, "Jetzt"=now, "weniger"=less, "eine"=one
Hi @all,
Actually we count a double rate of infections every three days. Around 14,000 (+3,000/last 24h) infections and 30 deaths are already registered, but the infection time of six days until first symptoms become noticable lets assume a much higher estimated number of unknown cases.
Thank you! @sowithoutaneros for the reminder!
To protect ourselves, our loved ones, the members in our community and beyond, "social distancing" is one of the key actions we could and must take! It is now everyone's responsibility.
WASH hands with Soap for at least 20 sec and wash often.
The only thing we might keep close to our bodies and in our bodies is aneros.
Please stay SAFE & HEALTHY!
Gulliver Plus
A good explainer video from the team at Kurzgesagt.
All reported cases - 240k - all reported deaths - 10k!
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control:
I have been practicing social distancing astutely since last weekend, and even more so this weekend. That is what the management of my apartment building wish for us tenants. Earlier today they put out a directive to use the elevator (three floors) sparingly these days. Also washing my hands with soap and water several times a day actually feels really good, even sexual.
Here in California, we've been practicing social distancing all week and will be for the next few weeks at least. On Wednesday, I had to line up at the grocery store to get in (everyone 6 feet apart) because they were only letting in 40-50 people at a time. Lots of things closed including bars and restaurants--except for take-out. Let's hope it'll stop the virus. It's a new world!
11 times more infections in US than estimated.
Measures are necessary!
Don‘t wait any longer!
The number of cases in Canada is just over 1,000 according to this morning's news. I suspect this is only what's known and what we don't know could be a lot worst than the published information. This is most likely the same across the globe.
While staying at home, there may be some opportunities to indulge in a few more sessions and if so, it's a nice way to escape thinking and worrying about the pandemic.
Good luck to everyone and stay safe!
At the 7 Eleven a couple blocks from my apartment, I saw a sign that read "ten people in the store at one time." Our city government has put out a directive this weekend to stay home and practice social distancing as much as possible to prevent the spread of the corona virus.
Here is a link to another video that makes the math regarding pandemics easy to understand:
Stay safe and healthy.
Here is an interesting (2020, 0319) analysis "The Hammer and the Dance" by Thomas Pueyo
Lessons from Singapore & S Korea
Practice social distancing at home: Masturbate.
Or among this crowd, anerbate. So to speak.
Here is an interesting (2020, 0319) analysis "The Hammer and the Dance" by Thomas Pueyo
Only now I understand, why this "medical thing" is too much to understand for a single president.
This model / tool https://covidactnow.org/
is making a very dire assessment. (Sorry! the model covers the States only.)
For example, New York https://covidactnow.org/state/NY
State of California https://covidactnow.org/state/CA
Please stay SAFE!
What is happening in New Orleans should serve as a cautionary tale!
In US sixty percent content with CORONA crisis management -
while sadly approaching the darkest imaginable "America First".
"The Damage That ‘America First’ Has Done"
"America has dominated the international order for the past seven decades because, although it has been self-interested, it has not been solely self-interested. America First strips away the goodness of America’s international engagement, leaving only the self-interest. Being different and better than that has made us safer and more prosperous. Trump’s foreign policy during this pandemic is revealing the high cost of America alone."
(by Kori Shake, The Atlantic)
Even if he doesn't at all, nevertheless please take care yourself!
Btw, every single case helps the virus to mutate!
Cheers, Mart
SAD NEWS! I still hoped this would at least take the weekend, not one day! But ...
No comment.
Only the truly cynical idea, why somebody lately wanted to buy Greenland ...
... and the pressing question, how worse the problem first shall become?
A Tampa Bay Pastor Arrested For Hosting Service During "Safer At Home" Order (2020, Mar 30)
This is, as you know, NOT the ONLY case of such a kind ... ...
Gulliver Plus
A Tampa Bay Pastor Arrested For Hosting Service During "Safer At Home" Order (2020, Mar 30)
Guess what! We have a sudden "hot spot" of cases nearby ... in the next village ... among wedding guests!
US' cases now double China's (lately more and more disbelieved) numbers:
What The New York Times has written ...
Trump’s Briefings Are a Ratings Hit. Should Networks Cover Them Live?
The president’s viewership has rivaled the audiences for hit reality shows and prime-time football. But some worry about misinformation.
[...] And the audience is expanding even as Mr. Trump has repeatedly delivered information that doctors and public health officials have called ill informed, misleading or downright wrong.
The president has suggested that the coronavirus is comparable to influenza, which is far less lethal, and has invoked the death toll of car accidents. He has also encouraged the use of medications that have yet to be proved effective against the virus; on Monday, a man in Arizona died after he and his wife consumed a form of chloroquine, a drug that Mr. Trump has promoted on the air.
... and what has been the answer.
What The New York Times has written ...
Trump’s Briefings Are a Ratings Hit. Should Networks Cover Them Live?
But some worry about misinformation.
[...] He has also encouraged the use of medications that have yet to be proved effective against the virus; on Monday, a man in Arizona died after he and his wife consumed a form of chloroquine, a drug that Mr. Trump has promoted on the air.
Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) pointed out:
"Every nation gets the government it deserves."
"False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing."
This happens all the time ... ... rather sad!
Gulliver Plus
After a Practice, 45 of 60 Choir Singers Test Positive for COVID-19; 2 Dead (3/31)
The "asymptomatic" people could already carry and spread the deadly virus.
Doctors have not ruled out the possibility that "recovered" people might get it again...!
Please stay SAFE!
Gulliver Plus
As many of you know from my Aneros blog and posts, I live in the Georgetown neighborhood here in Washington, DC. Our mayor a day or so ago put a directive for everyone to maintain strict distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. Yes, the disease is spreading here too. Trump is making the situation much worse through his daily press conferences, lying, and spreading false information.
Now Trump has a real rival:
Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko, who led a crowd playing hocky...together without masks distancing
Lukashenko also claimed: "It's better to be a dictator than gay!"
'I can forgive lesbians but not gay men', says Lukashenko
Gulliver Plus
@sowithoutaneros NEVER a good idea to self medicate with something you purchased at a hardware store.A can of furniture polish might list lemon as an ingredient.These kind of people are the reason we need 15 safe use rules on a step ladder.
1st million.
"While Americans across the country grapple with the harsh reality of sickness and death, job losses and isolation, beach goers in Florida over the weekend seemed to be having a great time.
As the tweet explains, the image captures the difference between two Florida counties: St. Johns, where the beaches remained open on Saturday, and Duval, which had closed the coastline."
MarketWatch.com - Home - Economy & Politics - The Margin
"Dr. Fauci: ‘I Don’t Understand’ Why The Entire Country Isn’t Under Stay-At-Home Orders"