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Can someone talk me through this?

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Hey gang. Is there someone here who would be willing to chat with me on the phone and sort of coach me, live, on the aneros? I'm close to a super-O, I think, but I can't quite get there. Maybe someone more experienced can help. Thanks!

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Haha could you imagine an Aneros helpline, that would be interesting xD

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Well I guess with there being Personal Fitness trainers, might make for an interesting career change.

You would be a Personal Aneros INstructor, or PAIN for short.

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@Monk would that make me a PAIN in the Arse?

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Is there someone here who would be willing to chat with me on the phone and sort of coach me, live, on the aneros?

An Aneros users 'Hot Line' might be an interesting 'pay per minute' revenue opportunity for the Aneros company but I doubt they'd do it. You might try joining the Aneros Skype session interest list, I don't know what or when Skype sessions are being held but you can probably PM @LPW for more information.

When the new Chat software becomes active you can get live, on-line coaching/advice there, it's been done in the past so I imagine it will happen in the future as well.

Finally, here's a little self-serving, crass commercialism, I invite you to sample my "HypnAerosession" recording, (also available through the Aneros Web Site), as far as I know this is the only coaching/guiding recording specifically targeting Aneros users. It just might help propel you through the door to the Super-O zone.
Good Vibes to You !

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When the new Chat software becomes active you can get live, on-line coaching/advice there, it's been done in the past so I imagine it will happen in the future as well.

I really hope so.
With the most recent chat system, it seemed there was not a lot of advice going on, probably because not a lot of people seemed to go in there.
On the older chat, more advice seemed to happen. I remember Canacan talking to me, telling me how to relax. I think the current chat system caused people to lose interest and that's a real shame. Hopefully the new chat will be better and will attract more Anerosians.

Finally, here's a little self-serving, crass commercialism, I invite you to sample my "HypnAerosession" recording, (also available through the Aneros Web Site), as far as I know this is the only coaching/guiding recording specifically targeting Aneros users.

The Aneros HypnAerosession CD is good (I personally think she sounds a bit too old for me, but that could also work to your advantage if you have MILF related fantasies :o:rolleyes: ), and seems to work for quite a few Anerosians from what I remember. So +1 for that recommendation.

There's also ShibbySays on Reddit:
The wiki for her page has some prostate related content. A lot of her content goes towards light femdom. She's wonderful though (I love her voice! ;)) and releases new content every week or so.

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There's also ShibbySays on Reddit:
The wiki for her page has some prostate related content. A lot of her content goes towards light femdom. She's wonderful though (I love her voice! ;)) and releases new content every week or so.

Very interesting !

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There's also ShibbySays on Reddit:
The wiki for her page has some prostate related content. A lot of her content goes towards light femdom. She's wonderful though (I love her voice! ;)) and releases new content every week or so.

I admit, I too am fataly attracted to her voice. 😮
After having started - as recommended for setting and confirming the triggers for deeper hypnotic trance - with the Good Boy Series and any of the Indoctrination series that really clicks with you, you can listen to any of the Individual Files that your desire leads you to! Easily to find for free at (NSFW! of course!)
