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Can Aneros Turn You Bisexual or Gay?

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As a gay man I use aneros for the sole purpose of reaching a orgasm and filling the void of not having a partner at the time. I am a full time bottom (someone who only takes dick) and aneros gives me the orgasm and experience of almost being with someone but still reaching my sexual peak. But as I read here many straight men feel the same way. I see that they just use the products to achieve orgasms in a different way. But other guys feel so free and it makes there mind wonder to ideas of what a penis can do for there prostate. It's a major leap for hey aneros makes us all think so differently. I was talking to a buddy of mine a few weeks ago and he was saying how his girlfriend start to lick around his taint as she sucked on his balls. He said it felt great. Then she just dove her tongue right in. He said he was so relaxed that he didn't bother her doing the act on him. His legs reached back further so she could go deeper and he reached a orgasm just from rimming. As we talked i saw the excitement and joy as he explained his experience. He said he loved it and wanted more. I told him about different anal toys and he asked me to go with him to price some.

We went and they had butt plugs and dildo's and prostate messagers. They had a eupho and he got it. He said he wanted to show his girl how advanced he was so he wanted to practice with me. With him being so open with me he cleaned out, stripped down and hopped in my bed. In my mind I'm saying is this a dream is one of my hottest straight friends about to dig in his ass in my bed. So I threw him some lube and he slide it in. I got comfortable so i took off my shorts an sat on the bed. He asked me why wasn't it doing anything and I told him to just relaxed and breathe in softly in and out. He layed flat down and tried to control his breathing. within a few minutes his belly began to tremble. He closed his eyes and began to moan. I started to get exited but didnt want to ruin his mood. He asked me to slide closer to him so i did. I laid right next too him an he grabbed my hand. His energy ran through my arm and i instantly got a hard on. He began to moan louder and even moaned my name a few times. I ended up just having a a-less ride but i rolled on my side. He followed suit and held on to me. Were both in the fetal position and were moaning and i can feel his dick on my back. He's moaning my name as were now ricking from side to side. As I'm having a super orgasm he is having a wet on and i can feel the juices on my back. As he comes down from his high he begans to kiss the back of my head. He reaches for my nipples and I am in pure xstacy.

After we were down he just rolled back on his back with a smile on his face. I'm so anticipating what he is thinking or going to say. He just looked at me and said thank you. I just smiled. As i was driving him he asked more about anal play and has it always felt that good. I said yes and that if he likes it maybe he can get his girl to try more stuff with him. He got quiet and said maybe. He loved it a lot but the idea of having that bliss with another guy really turned him on. I think he got turned on more than he expected. He has wanted to ride with me again but I have been busy. I think hes bi now or maybe hes just free with me. But do you think anal play and aneros can turn anyone out or bring out there gay thoughts?

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I think hes bi now or maybe hes just free with me. But do you think anal play and aneros can turn anyone out or bring out there gay thoughts?

Interesting story and in response to your question, IMHO, NO the Aneros did not 'turn him out'. It is obvious he feels very comfortable and trusting of you as a friend, this has little to do with sexual orientation and more to do with friendship. He may in fact be bi-sexual but this is something which can be discussed at a future meeting, it may be erroneous to make any assumptions at this point in time.
It takes a man with an open mind to explore his own sexuality and break through social taboos regarding anal play. If he finds enjoyment as a result of his experimentation then he finds it and if he doesn't find enjoyment there then he doesn't, I don't think his body's reaction is any indication of his sexual orientation one way or another. Whatever thoughts your friend has regarding his sexuality were formed long before he tried using an Aneros massager. However, successful Aneros use does require a man to become more attuned to himself in an honest manner, the thoughts and feelings he may have been silent about for some time may now become more easily vocalized and open for discussion. You can certainly play a role (as you already have) in helping him to arrive at a more open understanding of his own sexual reality. Good Vibes to You !

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I honestly don't think so.It's all about attraction.

You are only homosexual when you are genuinely attracted by the same sex.

If I was to have sex with a man, I'm pretty sure that I'll enjoy it, yet I have never been attracted by a man. That pretty much make me a pure heterosexual. Yet I don't deny that I wouldn't enjoy some fun.

He might have enjoyed the act, the fact that it's new, the fact that it's you, yet not be attracted to men.
He may be bi and have denied it till now, but that wouldn't be a prostate massager doing.


"Whatever thoughts your friend has regarding his sexuality were formed long before he tried using an Aneros massager"

Some people don't "notice" or accept themselves as gay or bi till late in their life due to a lot of reason all more valid one another. The world is changing, but acceptance is sadly still far...

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After reading that I kind of wish I had a gay friend that I could at least discuss anal play and pleasure with! Atleast I have all my fellow aneros users 🙂

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I was bi before the aneros and I am still bi. 50 shades of gay.

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I just like having stuff stuck up my ass...

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Can the device itself turn a straight man bi or gay? Everyone knows the answer to that. No.
What if we rephrase the question. Can time spent Anerosing turn a straight man bi or gay? The answer here for many I think is a qualified yes.

The hours spent in true relaxation and sexual meditation with anal pleasure can tilt a straight man bisexual, but in the same exact way that most straight women experience bisexuality.

Women spend their whole lives surrounded by images of sexualized women, and there is much less stigma in same-sex play among them. Because of this, most straight women who desire relationships with men are comfortable at least with the notion that - given the right circumstances - they could play with and enjoy other women sexually.

Men, on the other hand, are taught by culture that a single sexual act performed with another man must make them at least a little gay. That makes it so that there is intense pressure in the mind of the common man to avoid ever thinking about a sexual act with a man, lest their whole identity be at risk.

When one begins to take time out from such thinking, often with age and often with the help of some Aneros sessions, then that taboo is weakened and a man may allow himself to start considering that parts of the male anatomy are arousing. Curiosity about new types of sex acts is natural in all humans.

That's how it often happens, I think. None of what I said here is universal. I am putting forward a theory of sexuality for men that is essentially parallel to that of women when the influence of culture is weakened.

It does not account for a million other things that can happen. Some gay and bisexual men who thought they were straight may, through Aneros practice, suddenly realize they could love men and desire a relationhship with one. Some truly straight men will continue to have not a bisexual thought even in the midst of Anerosing.

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@HopefulMMOer Yes i have been rewired for a a while now and even though I havent had many sexual partners ately it has made me more eased when I am bottom. Not that i resisted the hard cock going in my hole its just I accept it a lot differently now. Oh and i see more than stars. I feel as if theres no gravity and on floating and cumming everywhere. lol

@Gregor great points man.I think that time riding does have a effect on men. It makes there ind wonder i suppose. How much more will they take on.

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I guess I'll the morality prick here:
Better find yourself a partner that is single. What were you thinking? You want to ruin your friend's relationship or what?

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@Canacan I hear ya, but, perhaps @BigOluver 's friend is coming to terms with being poly as well as being bi.

My other thought is it's an awfully big leap from having feelings to having a sexual experience with someone in unknown territory. Total mind fuck in hindsight.

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@theplaything When the girlfriend is unknowing, poly is just another word for cheating. Why the hell, do we always need new words for the unchanged thing, while indeed changing things keep the same word (e.g. "film", who ceased to exist in fact or "movies" that also became talkies long ago but we keep these words for cinema nonetheless... But cheating needs new names).

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@theplaything, you have something with the idea of 'poly' though I agree with @Canacan about new words. It has been a surprise that in nature where birds pair that recently some one decided to check the DNA in the chicks that they were fathered by another bird. It suggested that many folk are as you suggest. We are not able to deal with this idea of a partnership. (Though heaps of males pop off to brothels as a matter of course).
Off topic but an interesting aside.
P.S, some children in groups of married fighter pilots in WW2 had different fathers. A study suggested it was to give the children the best after care if some of the men died as the others would care for 'their' children.

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To add to the discussion...of course aneros doesn't turn anybody. To be honest I've almost gotten to a point where I realize most guys are so horny they will literally do sexual acts with just about anything. They live in these fantasies that oh no i'm not bi or gay and they know they are. Especially when people help them stay hidden instead of giving them a place to just be themselves honestly.

Now on to this guy has a girlfriend...being a woman who has been on the other end of that kind of deception before...don't do that again. Do not condone him. I am not saying he cant figure (there probably is no figuring guys have made him aroused before i'd put my life on it guys only tell the truth about that here...not out in public for obvious reasons) out who he is. Anybody who knows me knows i'm the first to say...hey be honest with yourself and be honest with the people you are involved with. Let them make the decision if they want to be with a bi or gay man...don't say well i'll help him be underhanded. You have a role to play in that and it can and possibly will bite you in the ass.

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"To be honest I've almost gotten to a point where I realize most guys are so horny they will literally do sexual acts with just about anything". How perceptive!
@devajones, great to see you posting.

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@devajones i hear you loud and clear and even though I'm not physically attracted to him the time together did feel weird but good. But I value our friendship way to much. It just all happened so fast. He has hit me emails asking more about anal play and i nicely just sent him websites from here and information that will best suit him. I don't want to distance my self from him but i don't want him to think what we did will happen again.

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@BigOluver...good choice. You are a wise man. I don't want to see you like some other gay guys i'm friends with....some of these guys....well they are users (not saying he is or isn't but one has to be careful), some guys are screwing around with guys but will NEVER EVER associate themselves with being bi or gay, then often times look down on it and talk negatively of it when they are really not comfortable with themselves (hiding it from friends family etc...). I don't want anybody to subject themselves to such torment its just not a good way to treat people and I don't condone railroading of any kind nor bigotry.

I also read back a bit....ummm I want to make this point real quick. I see lots here saying all of this bi curious and all of this stuff....look heres the deal....there is no gray area. I know I just pissed off about 2389473024 people here but I really don't care. There is no way to be kind of straight or kind of gay. The gay guys probably will attest to...they more than likely don't fantisize about women if they do they NEVER say anything about it here....has anybody else noticed that but me???? but the "straight" guys ohhh yea they are having hfwo's to gay porn....yea you're straight)....just as straight people don't fantasize about the same sex. Now lets be totally transparent, i'm not talking appreciation of the same sex form. For instance I can see another woman and say wow she has nice legs or even a nice rack. I have even patterned some of my body (though working out) to look similar to women who I do find to be attractive, but thats not what most guys here are talking about. They are talking about ass twitching ball swelling erection inducing cum leaking type things. Thats not simple adoration....that's full on attraction and arousal. Never do I say oh she looks nice...damn now i'm wet, or my clit is buzzing, or i want to suck some part of her anatomy. Soooo with all of that being said look at it like this. gay and straight are two ends of a spectrum....anything between and you are bi. if you are aroused (doesn't mean you have had sexual contact etc....aroused means you are attracted) by both genders I have news....YOU'RE BI welcome to that club...own it and stop hiding or being self conscious. If you are honest with yourself...its hard to lie to others.

I also want people to pay close attention to what gregor said about the stigma of bisexual women being lowered. Yes it is the porn industry has brainwashed the vast majority of the society leave it up to a male based industry to do that. Also know that the same brainwashing is happening to men now that the women have been conquered...always be careful of what you allow yourself to be around influenced by. Its only been recently that I've seen so many men who are actively seeking out men who are with women but who are weak minded or just bi & gay and finally brave enough to allow themselves that truth only to destroy them and their family. Not saying all gay or bi men as i'm friends with penty of them...but lets be frank and honest...there will always be bad apples regardless of sexual orientation. Lots of guys fall prey to that crap due to selfishness, resentment, or the saying goes curiosity killed the cat. be honest with yourselves how many of you have allowed yourself to come here feel comfortable then say and or do things you know damn well your spouse would not agree with. Can your significant other read ALL of your conversations you have here and be totally ok with it??? Influence is always rampant keep your eyes peeled...and your awareness keen.

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Greetings all, longtime no post for me!

I can say that at least one thing Aneros has taught me is that we spent too much time trying to categorize and label people and our experiences. My wife will tell you 125% I am still the man I was before I started without a bi or gay molecule in my body, but that my tolerance of others and their preferences is much higher. Life is the pursuit of pleasure in whatever form you find it. If you do find it, stop over analyzing it and enjoy the ride.

Most men are Neanderthals in the bedroom and really don't know how to treat a women and for some, this alone is the reason many women seek out other females, who by nature are more nurturing and gentle... But most would still prefer ending the night with a man... You can think of it like this. You might be a dog person, just because you pet the neighbors cat doesn't make you a cat person

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Good times, @BigOluver. I haven't read all the replies to your topic but could it be that the transforming ingredient in your friendship was you yourself, not the aneros? You have a unique and powerful personality that shows through in your writing. Just something to consider.

I love riding with other men. I don't ask them what their sexual orientation is, I assume gay, bi or curious (these are usually through the sensual massage meetup so we don't know each other before meeting). Also like to talk to men who are "curious" about sex with men. Very satisfying.

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The aneros journey can be a rather lonely one at times...don't ya think?

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No, the aneros won't turn you gay if you are a hetrosexual. However I think if you have an inkling of bisexual tendancies or on the fence with your sexuality, the aneros might open up those thoughts in your head. I am a hetrosexual and I Haven't had a super o yet but I would think even the extreme pleasure of a super o won't change your sexual orientation

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Absolutely nothing can 'make' a person gay, any more than something can make a person 'straight'. You are born with your sexuality just like you are born with any other of your personal attributes. To think otherwise leads to all kinds of bigotries, prejudices and intolerances. As a gay man yourself I would have hoped you would already be aware of this.
If your friend enjoyed his night with you it only made him a happier person. A happier 'Bi' person, I'm inclined to think. I do, however, think you should consider the fact that he has a partner.
I've been following this forum everyday for almost five years and have, until now, resisted the temptation to respond to anything I've read.

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... Aside from two small previous contributions that had, apparently, slipped my mind.

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