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Breathing troubles, burning sensation

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Hey guys,6-year aneros user here with a question for the experts.

On my joruney I've learned and discovered many new interesting feelings, but there's one big hurdle for me. By now I've come to the conclusion that effective relaxation is always key to a successful session, but most of the time (maybe 80% of all sessions) my body just won't let me.

To elaborate, I often use aural guides to get relaxin', but when it comes to deep breathing I very often experience tension and a slight burning sensation in my abdomen with every 4-5th breath, which then spreads out to my upper body like a cold unpleasant wave. I thought the purpose of deep breathing was to counter stress, not to amplify it.

I've already talked to my physician about it, but he was pretty clueless and couldn't give me any advice, except for noticing my slighly distored spine.

I'm at my wits end, so I hope you guys know more about that burning feeling and how to quench it.

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Have you talked to an expert chiropractor about your spine?

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I have had tension in my lower abdomen for some time which I notice when I'm trying to relax. I don't know what is causing it. I assocciated it with emotional tension. I've been working on it by massaging my belly, sometimes deeply, sometimes just holding it while I ride. I do a breathing exercise described in my blog too. It feels good, kind of arousing but more like I'm releasing muscular tension. I'll have a professional masseuse do this for me sometimes to see if that helps. I've gotten some relief doing this but I don't know if it will help you. My abdominal sensations are mostly tightness. I can send warmth from my heart as I breathe which helps.

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Have you talked to an expert chiropractor about your spine?

Not yet, maybe I should give it a shot, or a professional massage.I've been working on it by massaging my belly, sometimes deeply, sometimes just holding it while I ride.

Ah yes, now I remember that gently massaging my solar plexus releases some of the tension, but I always forget those techinques during my rides.
Another sensation that occurs sometimes besides tension and burning is some sort of growing or bubbling in the stomache area.

I guess there are plenty of different factors in play such as emotional stress, fear of letting go, diet and other physical owies. I also used to have a constricted nasal septum which hindered my breathing, but that one's just been surgically operated and is off the list now.

I don't suppose there's an easy fix for all of it, so I'm basically seeking advice about what I can do myself and where I should seek professional help.

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@The Splash - I think it's possible you might be experiencing some effects of hyperventilation. It can be sometimes be easy to unconsciously do this when deep breathing because you are taking longer and deeper breaths. Try either slowing down how often you take breaths or ditch the deep breathing regiment. See the following link:

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@The_Splash, a few thoughts.
1. It is good that you checked out with a doctor - so no obvious medical problem.
2. As most posts have suggested the discomfort seems to be stress related and as @AneRico says the stress can be as a deep subconscious level. So it is not just simply relaxing that will make it go away. There is a massive amount of stress around today bombarding us in every direction. But there is also a lot of personal inner stress. A lot of folk have panic attacks, breathlessness, digestive dysfunction etc all stress related.

Inner conflict is often over looked. I think if most of our energy is managing external stresses we don't have the energy to deal with the inner conflicts. It comes to mind that your Aneros anal play may be in conflict with you upbringing and childhood 'peer manipulation - play ground stuff. It may also come with a conflict in you sexual preferences.
It may be beneficial to check out some of these ideas. It may also be beneficial to approach your relaxation as a self healing process making it chakra based using these affirmations in the relaxation. from the base to the crown. I have added colour
Very basic:
1. The powerful red. I am safe, I am secure. Relax in these thoughts.
2. The colour orange. I trust my feelings, I trust my sexuality. I deserve pleasure. Relax etc.
3. The colour yellow. I appreciate who I am. My self esteem is increasing. Relax etc.
4. The colour green. I love who I am. I love myself. I am loving and love able. Relax etc
5. The colour blue. I create my reality. I create who I am. I can express myself. Relax etc
6. The colour indigo. I can see clearly. I see through illusions. I expand myself. Relax etc
7. The colour white. I am one with all. I merge into my truth. I let light and love permeate my whole being. I bring wholeness and harmany to my body. I allow myself to bask in this love.

I find this type of self guided meditative healing has been very helpful to me. You can invent your own wording, even record your own wording with music and be guided by it. The purpose is to get below the surface of life to the mechanics of the subconscious and change it. Go slowly with it.
This my way and hopefully some of it may be of general use. If it is not helpful just bin it.

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Thanks for the great advice so far guys, appreciate it 🙂 I'll go over them when I feel prepared.

oh yeah. need someone who is intuitive and can 'look' into what is going on with you. I think this would be your very best step.

yep, you nailed it. Finding professional help that can connect with you on a deeper level than just how showing to function in life. I've been to several psychiatrist and now a career coach that helped me overcome my social issues somewhat, but when it came to myself and my passions (such as gaming and internet entertainment), they just look at me with a confused face...It's not easy to find people who you can trust and fully understand you where I live. But I also have myself to blame cause I never fully trust anyone 100%.

I should also mention that I suffered from depression for almost a decade. I now take medication that keep me stable, but never fully recovered.

So I guess we can narrow it down to physical and mental health. Keep the medical advice coming. As for the mind stuff, would anyone be willing to discuss this by PM?

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Quoting "I should also mention that I suffered from depression for almost a decade. I now take medication that keep me stable, but never fully recovered."
This may be relevant. For some It seems as if anti depressant medication works to block that part of consciousness that is used in deep relaxation and meditation which is part of the Aneros journey. I have no proof of this and I only go on what folk on anti depressants tell me. So the problem may be a conflict between the medication and the journey. I am sure there is a work around so both can work together.

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For some It seems as if anti depressant medication works to block that part of consciousness that is used in deep relaxation and meditation which is part of the Aneros journey. I have no proof of this and I only go on what folk on anti depressants tell me. So the problem may be a conflict between the medication and the journey. I am sure there is a work around so both can work together.

That might be true, but I'm pretty sure without the pills I'd have even more trouble relaxing. Again, the doctors couln't exatly pin down the cause of my suffering, it was basically a mild case of depression, social anxiety and nagging thoughts of self doubt and hatred. I'll take the pills over going back to that life any day 😛

But even now, it's pretty hard to get my mind to shut up for a while during my sessions. I'm a pretty reclusive guy, so when I'm alone my mind is in constant "THINKTHINKTHINK!"-mode...

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The Splash,
Have you considered consulting with a Hatha Yoga instructor to learn better breath control techniques? It might help with the discomfort and aid in relaxation.

Thanks for the link. I loved the last lines she spoke "... in the end it is everyone’s personal choice. Choosing becomes a practice too."
Good Vibes to You !

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The Splash,
Have you considered consulting with a Hatha Yoga instructor to learn better breath control techniques? It might help with the discomfort and aid in relaxation.Like said, I have considered going to a professional masseuse or Yoga instructor already, but I the opportunities are vast and I dunno where to start. Also, money is tight at the moment and I'm not sure if my health insurance will cover those.

Anyway, I have another question for you guys:
Once in a while I experience an odd state of mind and body. You probably know the feeling, like when your whole body feels like a nice warm blob and every muscle is directly connected to the prostate (or at least I think it does). I want to know more about this feeling. Is this the state of total relaxation I should be working towards, and is there an "official" term for it in Aneros lingo?

If so, I wish I knew how to achieve it more often, longer and more consciously, because it only happens at random once in a blue moon, like once ever 2-3 months. I even used to have it years before I started using Aneros, even sometimes during a fever period when I had a cold as a kid. Back then it felt like I'd start walking on the ceiling any moment... nowadays I try to savor it whenever it happens, but it usually starts to dim out after maybe 30 minutes.

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