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Braingasms - Appreciate further guidance

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Hello friends,

I have been presented with a strange phenomenon occurring for the last month or so. I have been using aneros for last few years, and being a Vipassana meditation follower, I almost always approached aneros as a tool to soothe the bodily cravings so that I can conserve energy for meditation and uplift the spirit. It worked out very well. I would insert the aneros and do meditation, and I soon went into a state where one part of me (the higher self?) kept on meditating inspite of all the pleasure being received (by the lower self?). Being into spiritual practices, I rarely consciously indulged in penile stimulation.

Anyway, about an year ago I found that I did not need to insert aneros, and even if I just kegelled lightly for some time, the prostate orgasm would happen automatically. On seeing any erotica which excited me sexually, I found that the prostate would pulse on it's own and orgasm lightly. (Not the deep long ones but the 5-10 second full body orgasm). The prostate slowly became a fully free pulsing machine beating like a heart. (the second heart?) Then on it would beat most of the time at a very slow unnoticeable pace of say 20-30 beats per second which is ignorable, and when excited it would pulse at 80-120 beats per minute. It was then that I found that profound changes have come into me. I tried watching porn and it was sheer devastation (:-(), it pulsed and beat uncontrollably as I sat there excitedly watching and it finally ejaculated after 20 minutes of wild pulsing (no hands, no mental focus, no intention). It's become like an a beast with it's own life. It seemed it has become freed from the brain. But that was a problem - this auto pulsing started generating sexual thoughts all the time. (Which was a big pain thankz to spiritual practices, I was able to contain it and ignore it).

If this was not enough, then the next thing that has happened in the last few months has left me bewildered and shocked. My Vipassana practices continued, now without an aneros for last many many months, and I found that the deeper I went into meditation, the prostate would unleash similar energy which automatically went up the spine and to the head as if saying "I want to cum from the head". Didn't know what to do, and Vipassana being a path of surrender, I let it do what it wanted to do. And folks, hold your breath, I came from the head top, the brain. I had a brain orgasm. As if there was a penis in the brain. It felt it shot it's load out from the fontanelle like a fountain for several minutes, and then then fountain drowned me in about 50+ full body orgasms. (Orginating from the brain.) There was something pulsing in the brain, sending out waves and waves of orgasms DOWN the body. This was 4 months ago.

Then onwards, I would have 2 sets of independent orgasms. One the prostate orgasm, liberating itself and the fluid from the organ, and then, it would rush up the spine and be followed by a head fontanelle orgasm.

There are times now when prostate orgasm does not happen, and only the brain gasm happens during meditation. And as long as I continue meditation, I keep having brain gasms. Now brain gasms have divided themselves into 2 places - one from the fontanelle and the other from the front of the forehead, in the center.

In fact, I found that whichever area of body I put my mental focus on, after some minutes orgasms. E.g. Heart, navel, throat, anus, hips - just lie down and put a focus to any of these areas. The prostate auto pulsing would direct the orgasmic energy to that area, and after some focus of say 10 mins, I feel the orgasm in that area, and not only orgasm but the area would feel as if pulsing and throwing out load from there. I have had beautiful navel and heart gasms too, as if energy ejaculated from there.

The last month, I had another advanced experience, that made me break my silent self indulgence and present myself as a questioner on this forum (I had been a reader of this forum fora year, but shied away from being an active user). I was practicing meditation, and beautiful brain gasms were happening, and I started clenching my jaw (as an aneros), the more I press my jaws, the more the ecstasy in the brain. The ecstasy shot up and up, and I FELT I WAS ON DRUGS of some kind. The pleasure was 10 times the ecstasy of sex. I just lay there clenching my jaws slowly, and the drug effect went on and on. I tried repeating it the next day as the pleasure was profound, but could not. Then after a week it happened again. It means that it happens unconsciously, but cannot be reproduced consciously. But that feeling in unexplainable. As if the soul was being touched and loved.

What is happening? Does someone have any clue? The meditation forums will fire me as "bad karma" if I explained and shared my story there. How does spirituality and sex meet up, they'd ask. So my only hope is here.

I think I have found some answers but I may be wrong. So I ask the masters. Have you heard or seen anything like this in your life? Where will all this lead to? Is there some guidance? Please help and guide. Is there a right way? The ascended masters who subtly put me on this path told me once - "Seek and ye will find." I had been bathed in the holy spirit during these experiences (let the meditation-wise understand), but I lack guidance on how to proceed further.



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Sounds like a head fuck! LOLWish i could do that.

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It's been a while, but I have read similar accounts on this forum, ie moving the "energy" to various parts of the body. You would be in the top 1% of the advanced Aneros users to be able to do this. Try searching "chakras" and "Kundalini" in the forum.

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Great nickname 🙂

Just trust your own body to guide you - there seem to be various stimulation feedback loops we can set off within our bodies by certain breathing methods, body exercises, mental visualisation triggers etc that can result in these phenomenon - if you want some other viewpoints from a Western culture perspective /interpretation, try these authors.

"Prometheus Arising" Robert Anton Wilson
based on "8 Circuit Model of Consciousness" Tim Leary and work of Christopher Hyatt
"Tickle Your Amygdala" Neil Slade

I've had a couple of experiences as you detail above and not quite sure how they occurred, the authors suggested offered for me a framework to understand them to some extent. You have consistency which is great, it is your journey, you can stop if you want - as I get older I feel we all have to take responsibility that each of us is our own best guide.

Enjoy what you have discovered, you do not need to measure it against anyone else or strive for something 'more'. If on balance you feel comfortable and able to integrate your experiences, most teachings seem to suggest the experiences themselves become their own guidance at the place you've opened to.

You do have a great descriptive talent and would be wonderful if you continued to share your experiences here.

All the best 🙂

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@braineros I ditto what @hapticbear said at the end. Please continue to share. You are way out there... My first reaction to your story was holy sh**, wow! But then I'm also thinking that what you have experienced .... could it get dangerous? Could you "short circuit" your brain or nervous system and do permanent damage to yourself? Are you able to live a normal life?

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@braineros - I have experienced something similar to what you describe. My process involved use of marijuana and meditation. I would smoke, then meditate on the sensations in my body - not necessarily to feel or increase pleasure, but it would usually go in that direction. MJ really opens me up and allows me to feel my body deeply. It also makes me intractably horny.

Anyway, I would meditate like this for an hour or two and the sensations in my prostate would grow and I would eventually start having full body orgasms, a-less. I'd usually insert the Aneros at some point and things would grow even further. These orgasms would rack my body and brain. During one particular session, I felt the energy moving all over my body, up my spine, up to my brain. I felt the pulsing in my brain and the cascading fountain effect (though I can't say I've really felt the energy shooting out of my body). I had orgasms in my teeth, in my brain, the crown of my head, my tongue, pretty much everywhere. It was like once the floodgates opened, I was flooded with orgasms all over and in distinct parts of my body. Eventually, I learned I could control things by focusing.

Writing about this now, it feels a little nonchalant, but at the time and when I enter those states now, it's a mind-blowing, spiritual experience. These orgasms feel life-changing. Like, there's no taking them back.

It is the experience of no-self. There is just the energy field of my body. And it's not even "my" body. Just pure pleasure. Gratitude that such a thing would even exist. Gratitude for connection to the source of this power. My mind may still be moving at times, but it is no issue. In fact, in this state, I've realized that mind and body are one continuous whole. And, actually, everything is one continuous whole, one continuous motion. Though, in day-to-day life, it doesn't always feel this way 🙂

I've spent a large amounts of time in these states - I'm talking 4+ hour sessions a day for weeks at a time. It's deeply therapeutic and spiritual. For me, spirituality and sex are not separate.

The process was actually quite terrifying at first, but having read a lot of these forums, and of Taoist practices and Tantra and Kundalini, I had a basic understanding, or at least some language, for what I was experiencing, so I was able to allow myself to relax into the experience. I am also in therapy and have talked about it there as well, though not necessarily in terms of spirituality.

So to answer your question, I would say that what is happening is that you are becoming fully aware of the body and the energy systems that move within it....and that, perhaps, the you that is focusing the energy is inseparable from the energy itself. It's a glorious thing.

As far as what this leads to...for me, deep introspection, peace, peak experiences, self-actualization, confrontation of deep-seated issues, meeting "God," pure love, connection with all there is. And by that I mean it's a continuous process. There is no end point, nowhere to get to, ultimately. And don't get me wrong, things are not all sunshine and rainbows day-to-day. I struggle with what my therapist has diagnosed as complex PTSD. But these experiences have helped and are helping me integrate some deep seated traumas. And the more that happens, the more free I am to live and respond to life from my truest, deepest, highest self.

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Here I am, with a pleasurable tension floating between my back, groin, buttocks lower front teeth, back of the neck and dick. It's been with me much of the day when sitting and is stronger now when laying down. I've been this way for months now, after a progression of aneros skill development.

For a long time, I wondered what the super o was supposed to be all about. Early, I had discovered a way of cheek spreading and relaxing that often lead to a mind-blowing auto-fuck and eventual HFO. How could anything be more amazing than that. Then, I had a super O and understood.

This ever present tension has resulted in comments from my wife about having a frown. The terjnsion pulls the corners of my mouth down. Little does she know.

At times I wonder where this will lead? That Kundalini thing is real! But when I'm stuck on a long plane ride, and can spend directing waves of pleasure, it all seems well worth it.

Some have suggested abstinence as a way to bring this under control. Hasn't worked for me. I've instead founding some relief from a long aneros session. Eupho, Helix Syn and Maximus are all my favorites. Progasm not so much so. In the midst of each session, easily lasting 2-3 hours, nipple stim becomes an intense part of the ack.

I would love an evolutionary biologist to come up with an explanation for this....The wiring for the female orgasm MUST be part of it....

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I have begun to experience some pretty interesting controled movement of energy around my torso and up my spine. I was on Thunder's Place the other day investigating my experience and happened on this thread.

It sounds like you've gotten into perhaps crown-charkra orgasms. Someone said that the energy may get trapped in the brain and could lead to psychological issues. Enjoy, but investigate and proceed with caution.

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Regarding trapped energies, focus the attention from your head and feel the senses of the skin down to the abdomen. Draw your focus and it will travel the energy to your abdomen to be absorbed and diffused through the body.

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I had a crown orgasm once or twice. They are a rare beast. It felt to me like I was being sacrificed to the gods. I couldn't imagine any adverse side effects. I felt more connected with the universe.


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@braineros I had one of these head orgasms on my third go with the aneros, didn't quite experience it as you have though probably because I didn't let it go the whole way. Didn't have a clue what it was and stopped it thinking I was going to have a stroke. I then had a scary 2 weeks of a Kundalini Syndrome and it took me a few days to work out what was going on. This stuff is real, as you know.

I just wish I could do what you do. I don't think it's dangerous, and a bit like Kundalini there doesn't seem to be any consensus regarding what it's really all about. I delved into Buddhism in my quest to find out more and learnt about Jhana which from what I read is an orgasmic state but no-one talks about it!! I believe the Buddha himself forbade his followers from discussing it to prevent jealousy from those that had not yet achieved it.

Sex and spirituality are closely woven. I would ask on a meditation/spirituality forum I've seen similar things discussed on them quite seriously. DaoBums (or something like that) would be appropriate.

You are one lucky guy.

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