So since the jar of lube I made has been at room temperature for many hours it has softened to about a little lighter viscosity than vasoline. Which should be alright to work with. Although I did notice trying a little bit on my fingers that it melts very quickly from the temperature of my body. I get the feeling that it is not going to apply like a jelly or cream when I use it, because it melts so quickly. It will be more like applying oil.
I'm not sure if increasing the viscosity at room temperature by adding more shea butter will raise the melting point a bit. But I may have to try it depending on how practical the lube is to apply with little mess. I'm going to have a session tonight. So I will know shortly what the results are. I guess I could always try using straight shea butter if this doesn't work out. The other thing that occurs to me is that I'm wondering if refined coconut oil is firmer at room temperature than the extra virgin coconut oil that I used which was still solid, but like the consistency of hard ice cream that has softened in a bowl? Who knows, it's speculation at this point.
Rumel and skeeter_g, how does the lube recipe you use compare? Does it have a very low melting point the way mine appears to be? And is the coconut oil you use firmer than what I have described?
Hi Love-is,
This is a bit interesting, to hear you lube seems to be quite soft.
Mine is very thick, and more the constancy of chilled real butter, but mine is not chilled as I have said previously.
As my lube is very heavy, I need a very little amount to do the same job as a water based lube. You could use more shea butter if you desire, it definitely will thicken up the mixture.
My mixture is a pale yellow color also, that is the Shea Butter.
IMO I believe it actually should be condom safe, there is nothing in the lube to interact that can break down the latex condom.
Hi skeeter_g,
Thanks for replying. It's very helpful for me to compare the differences.
I tried to have a session last night but it was no go. Because a little earlier in the evening I was a little to vigorous in wiping my ass after having bowel movement. I ended up scratching some tender skin around my anus. Ouchy! But in the process of trying to start a session I got to see how the lube applied. It was much like I thought, it melted rather quickly on skin contact. I was laying on my side and found that a fair amount of the lube as it melted just ended up running down the side of my buttock. I have a towel on my bed, but that is just going make an oily smelly mess regardless. The smell of coconut was just too much. Unfortunately for me, the coconut smell at this point has become a deal breaker.
If I'm going to attempt to make this lube again, I'm going to have to get some refined coconut oil which is more solid and doesn't smell of coconut. I'm also starting to think that perhaps the beeswax in Rumel's recipe keeps the lube from melting to much on application. As beeswax has a much higher melting point than shea butter and coconut oil.
What do you think Rumel?
On a good note, I tried a lump of just shea butter between my fingers to see what it's consistency is like before and after melting. It's initially like chilled dairy butter. But as it melts it becomes a good deal thicker than olive oil, and it is mostly odorless . So I'm going to try just shea butter my next session to see how well that works. Wish me luck!
I haven’t tried using pure shea butter as a lube but I have tried coconut oil, olive oil, corn oil, trans fat free margarine, and vegetable oils as natural lubes. I have found they all have a tendency to become very thin and runny at body temperature. They also exhibit a tendency to readily migrate and diffuse themselves over wider and wider areas thus diluting and diminishing their lubricating properties and making clean-up problematical. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I believe the beeswax component in Natural Jelly is the key ingredient to creating this very satisfactory lube. At body temperature the Natural Jelly formula does become thinner and more viscous but it does not become runny nor does it tend to diffuse and migrate like the other oil mixtures. Further the almond oil is relatively odorless and is healthier than other oils due to lower saturated fat content. Additionally, as I’ve also previously mentioned the beeswax containing formula seems to have a particular affinity to the Aneros plastic, that is, even though most of the lube gets ‘squeegeed’ off during insertion a micro thin layer always remains to provide lubrication for hours of use. Natural Jelly also does not tend to dry out like the other natural oils tend to do.
Thank you so much for your reply Rumel.
I apologize if you felt like you were repeating yourself.
But you did provide exactly the answer I was looking for.
And confirmed my suspicions regarding the beeswax.
If using the pure shea butter does not work. I may have to make an exception and try your recipe.
Thanks again.
Hello Everyone,
Just back from an Aneros session tonight!
And the winner is...
100% pure refined shea butter!!!!!
At least for what I have tried so far. Certainly better than my last melty, messy, smelly, concoction that I threw in the compost bin this morning! The shea butter has all of the characteristics I was looking for, and some I didn't expect, but was pleasantly surprised to find. Here's a list of pro's and con's.
It is somewhat slow to melt upon skin contact. Giving you enough time to easily to apply it on and in your anus. I was even able to shove an un-melted chunk of it into my rectum to make sure everything got well lubed.
In it's solid state it is very thick and sticky. It reminds me of vasoline that has hardened quite a bit more. It was very easy to apply a coat to my Helix as it stuck right to it. And since it was cold it did not melt off.
When it is melted it is like a heavy oil in consistency. As it gets used and friction is applied to it, it froths up . I found this out when I finished the session and pulled my Helix out. It was covered in white frothy shea butter. I would assume this also helps it to stay in place rather than drip onto your bed or chair.
It has a very light and inoffensive smell. Not odorless. But you have to have it very close to your nose to smell it.
It required only a very small amount to properly lube me and the Helix. And I think I may have used more than I needed. What I did was grab a teaspoon(the eating kind, not the measurement kind), and scoop some out to keep the container from getting contaminated. I scooped out a layer covering the teaspoon about 3/8 of an inch thick. I ended up using a little more than one quarter of what was on the spoon. So a little goes a long way.
It was so much easier, quicker, and pretty much pain free to insert the Helix. I'm guessing the glycerin based Astroglide I was using before would mostly be squeegeed off by the time it reached the last sphincter muscle before entering the rectum. Which made it difficult, and often times a little painful and uncomfortable to get it in the rest of the way. Not with the shea butter. I was very surprised how quick and easy it inserted. I couldn't believe it! That in itself will shave some time off of my sessions from not having to take the extra time for the anus muscles to stop freaking out from an uncomfortable insertion.
It lasted a 2 and half hour session tonight, and I didn't feel at any point that I needed to apply more lube. And I'm sure I could have continued for much longer without adding more.
Upon insertion I immediately noticed a greater freedom and mobility of the Helix to move around as it obviously keeps things much better lubricated than glycerin based lube. A definite plus!
It's entirely natural and healthy. Where I bought it, It's sold as a hand cream. But it can be used as a cooking oil also as long as it is 100% shea butter with nothing else in it. This makes it food safe and safe for internal use. So perhaps after a little bit of using it, I will have a well moisturized, soft supple anus!
You don't have to cook up a batch like the other natural lube recipes. Just use it straight out of the jar.
It requires several more soap, lather, and rinse cycles to clean off both your anus and Aneros to get them to feel clean and non-greasy.
It still has the potential to leave oily spots on whatever you are laying or sitting on. I think I over lubed this time, and I got a few spots on my bed sheets that were covering me. Although I might be able to get around this by wrapping a towel around my back side and leaving the front open and stretched out.
It's a little bit expensive to purchase. But I suspect that the small amount needed for each session may offset the cost.
If you want to keep the container uncontaminated. You have to use a spoon to scoop out just what you need once. And not dip it back in, or place any unused shea butter back in afterwards. A minor inconvenience assuming you scooped out enough and use it all.
Just for the sake of detail. The brand of shea butter I bought is by a company called "NOW". I paid $10.00 USD for a 7 fluid ounces US container. Here's a link:
And that's it. For myself, the con's are very minor. All the pro's more than make up for it.
My search for healthy lube is over. Yay!
Hello People,
After having used the shea butter for a second time last night, I'm overjoyed with it's success! Because I am now able to insert my Helix easily and with absolutely no discomfort, the relaxation process in the session was sped up immensely. Within minutes of inserting the Helix I was able to start having involuntary contractions. Thus making the whole session shorter at somewhere between 1 to 1.5 hours. Although, perhaps if I had not ejaculated unintentionally the session would have gone on longer. But I don't think it would have been one of my marathon 4 or 5 hour sessions.
I also adjusted my shea butter application technique. Rather than lubing the outside of the anus, thus making for the possibility of extra lube to get on your sheets/towels, I just separately pushed two chunks of shea butter right up my anus into my rectum, then gave my Helix a coating. And that was all I needed. There was no extra amount of lube around my anus and perineum like the previous time. And no spots of lube got on my covers. At the end of the session, my Helix pulled out very easily with no discomfort, and was still very well lubed. Yay!
Hi Love_is,
Glad you have found the proper lube for you!
It is hard to judge how much to use, and as we have said before, each person is different.
I dont see an issue with using nothing but Shea Butter, and it is nice for the skin also.
I have never really placed much of the lube on the outside myself, always lubed with a single finger just inside the anus, then lubed the toy.
Sounds like you have it all figured out for you, and what you like.. Very cool!!
Hey People,
While reading J4's Blog about him trying shea butter. I questioned him about whether he was using refined or unrefined shea butter. And he pointed out that there is a number of articles on the Internet about the health benefits of using unrefined shea butter. So I went and read up about it, and found that the refining of shea butter involves using harsh chemicals that are not good for the body, as I'm sure they leave trace amounts in the shea butter and are unnecessary. But that also the skin healing qualities of the shea butter is removed when it is refined. So when I finish my jar of refined 100% shea butter. I will switch to using the unrefined type. Here's a link:
Love is Peace
Hey People,
I'm just going to post a link in here of a similar thread on lubes so we can keep related information grouped together for easy reference.
After my exploration of Probe thick and rich I also tried J-lube because I still wanted something even thicker.
I like J-lube because:
#1 It's from a local company here in Colorado.
#2 I can buy a 284 gram bottle from the feed store two blocks from my house for $13.00.
#3 284 grams of the powder can produce several GALLONS of lube.
#4 I can mix to whatever consistency I want.
#5 It lasts a very long time before any reapplication is needed.
#6 It washes easily including dry stains.
I mix a master batch in a condiment bottle then use glue bottles which, with their precision, twist to close tip, are perfect for dispensing this type of lube. And the small "school glue" bottles are perfect for travel.
For more information check out the J-lube FAQ:
(A service to the unlubricated masses.)
Hey Love_Is!
I bought some Shea Butter today--thought I'd try it out. Man, this stuff is expensive here in Vancouver, B.C. and hard to find!
Hi Scorch,
If it works for you, that's great!
And it certainly is inexpensive.
For myself I prefer to go the natural ingredient route.
Today while I was at the health food store, I remembered to stop and try the tester of unrefined 100% shea butter. The stuff I tried was bright yellow in color. And it's definitely stronger smelling. But not terrible, or un-barebly strong the way the unrefined coconut oil was. It's definitely more expensive though at $14.00 USD for 4 fluid onces US. Which I don't understand, as it's had less things done to it than refined shea butter. It was a bit grainy on application on my fingers, but it soon melted smooth. From what I've read, the unrefined shea butter seems to be more prone to crystalizing, and thus being grainy in texture than the refined. Which is a result of changes in ambient temperature over time. But it is easily taken care of by slowly heating it up till it all melts and stirring it. Then when it solidifies, it should be smooth again. This will be my next purchase when I finish my current container of refined shea butter.
But one good thing I noticed about the refined shea butter I am using (link in previous post), is that it says:
Contains no: chemical preservatives or artificial colors. No solvents are used during extraction.
This product is guaranteed to be 100% Natural. Hexane-Free.
Which from what I've read is very atypical for a refined oil. Making this healthier than I initially thought, as no leftover toxic solvents are floating around in it. Although, all the good healing stuff is still removed in the refining process. I guess I don't feel as bad about using it. As it performs very, very well.
Love is Peace
Hi Flipflyer!
I hope you like it and it works well for you. Yeah it's definitely a specialty item. You do have to find the right place to buy it locally. I've found the price of both unrefined and refined shea butter to vary quite a bit. Where I buy it at the health food store there are some that are twice as much per fluid ounce US, as others. The refined stuff I'm using now, and the unrefined one I mentioned in my prior post, were the least expensive ones at the health food store. As a side note, you can also order shea butter online. There is a bunch of places that sell it. Just type in shea butter into your favorite search engine and you will get a bunch of results.
Love is Peace
Yes, it was at a health store that I found mine. And, for whatever its worth, it's fair trade!
OMFG, this is ending up to be a very expensive habit ...
Hi flipflyer,
Let us know how you like the shea butter.
On a side note...
A while back I figured out how to reduce the amount of washings needed to get my Aneros prostrate massager's completely squeaky clean. Run your hands and the Aneros under water that is warm, or preferably hotter before attempting to wash it. It will melt off all of the excess shea butter leaving only a very thin oily sheen that only requires two washes at the most. I know it sounds obvious. But I didn't figure this out immediately.
Love is Peace
Quick question about the shea butter.
So I went to the health food store and picked up a jar of fair trade unrefined natural shea butter with no additives but on the box it say "for external use only".
Now I'm pretty sure I got the right thing so I'm just curious as to whether it says this on the packaging that you guys are getting it from? Should I be concerned? Does it maybe mean jut not to be eaten? I'm just kind of leery to put it inside me when the box says not to. I almost picked something else up instead but after reading LoveIs posts I really wanted to give this simple lube approach a try.
The 'Fair Trade' hand crafted, unrefined, unscented 100% Shea Butter I am using by Alaffia does not have a "for external use" warning on it but it is sold as a skin/hair cream. I picked it up at a Whole Foods store. There is a lot of literature on the web concerning Shea Butter and it is used for cooking also. My product includes a 1-800 number to call.
In addition, in listening to my body, I can tell you the following has been my experience: One type of liquid lube I used actually stings a little bit when I inject it. Shea Butter has never led to gastronomical upset, like the other lubes I have used - even the glycerin free water based ones. Shea Butter lasts the longest of any of the lubes I've tried. Shea Butter leaves my behind feeling as good or better than it did before my session started.
It is messier to apply and takes a little longer to 'warm up'. I’ve been using it for about a month.
The 'for external use only' warning is on a lot of lube products. Heck, even tooth paste has a 'harmful if swallowed' warning on it.
As with everything you put in your body, keep asking questions and do your due diligence on the internet.
Thank you for your reply. Very helpful. I bought the same exact brand and type of shea butter as you but on the bottom of the box I got it in it said "for external use only" so it's good to hear that it's safe. Just wanted to make sure I got the right stuff before using.
Yea the main reason why I want to use shea butter after reading about it here is that the glycerin free water based lubes give me that gastronomical upset problem which really kills the sessions plus I was looking for something that lasts alot longer without having to relube and this sounds like the perfect solution and seems more safe than other lubes.
Thanks again.
One thing to keep in mind when buying unrefined 100% shea butter at your local store. Because it is generally sold as a hand or skin moisturizer in the cosmetics section, some of the brands have additional ingredients in them which may not be desirable. Generally they are either additional moisturizing and/or perfume ingredients. Neither of which are necessary.
Love is Peace
Well I used the shea butter for the first time last night and this morning and it works great. Lasts a long time and doesn't upset the stomach.
For now definitely my lube of choice!
Wow, I just went back and looked at some of your posting history – you have been involved in some of the all time classic discussions on this forum! The body ball, Anonicos, Man’s Man, OBE’s, etc… that’s quite a history there.
I was interested in your note on the Alaffia product since it may have said on the box ‘for external use only’ but not on the jar. I can’t read the small print like I used too! So I went to the Alaffia website and looked up there ingredients. I must change the line from ‘100% Shea Butter’ to ‘100% Natural Ingredients’. This knowledge doesn’t dissuade me using this specific product, but it probably means I’ll continue searching until I find one that is 100% Shea Butter. I’m sure we all have our tactics for talking to women in health food stores about products that we are using in ways that may not be recommended by the manufacturer!
As you probably realize by now, we are the guinea pigs for this process. There is no more research on this product now than when you started. I recently emailed aneros support about research/MRI’s of brains on their product and they said that all their research efforts are aimed at the FDA approval process for the therapeutic properties on the prostate – not the pleasure.
Oh well, the journey continues…
Hey J4,
Ya I'm off and on with my aneros use which is the reason why I'm an off and on poster here
Ya the box of my shea butter said 'for external use only' but the actual jar doesn't say anything here either. But considering it's working well and I have a whole jar of it I too feel comfortable using the rest of it then try to find the pure stuff if this isn't it.
LOL I felt like being blunt at the health store about what I was going to use it for but decided not too haha.
The guinea pigs for sure. Awhile back I remember being involved in a thread about lube and felt like maybe we could be damaging ourselves with the frequent use of it so it's nice to for the mind to think that maybe we're finding better things for lube but still got to keep making sure it's safe however we can.
I'm hoping this time around I keep at it with the aneros use. I really want to experience the higher levels of super O's. I've had decent success but know there's much more to achieve.
And so the Journey continues
Is shea butter scented?
anyway, I just dropped by to add my two cents that Probe is the most amazing stuff ever. Far superior to the ID Glide stuff that the Aneros came with... Probe FTW big time.
Thanks for this suggestion! (And sorry for this grotesque bump)
Hello nob.noob.ody,
Unrefined 100% shea butter does have it's own scent. According to a user here named J4, in his Blog he describes it as very tolerable and light. See the following link.
Keep in mind that some companies have different lines of unrefined shea butter that have added scents and moisturizers. My preference is to stay away from those, as you never know how they will react to your skin and internals. Plus I don't like scents in general.
I'm glad the Probe lube works for you. I'll stay with unrefined 100% shea butter myself. As prefer to use natural ingredients in my body.
No worries about the thread bump. This is how we exchange information.
Hello People,
I finally finished my jar of refined 100% shea butter, and purchased a jar of unrefined 100% shea butter. I ended up purchasing Skye Botanical African Gold Shea Butter.
It cost me about $14.00 USD for a 4 ounce jar. It was the least expensive of the three unrefined types they had at my local health food store. They had testers of this one and the Alaffia brand that other users here have used. So I was able to compare them. The Skye Botanicals shea butter is dark yellow in color, and stronger smelling than the Alaffia brand. The smell is hard to describe. Kind of musty plant like is the best I can do. Fortunately the smell is not so strong as to make it unpleasant to use. Once it was applied, and I washed my hands, I could hardly smell it.
Unfortunately, the consistency is a little disappointing. It's not as goopy/waxy as the Alaffia, or my prior Now Foods refined shea butter that I used. It's kind of dry and crumbly, and doesn't stay or stick together all that well. So it makes application a lot more challenging as it is difficult to make it stay rolled into a ball shape for insertion in the anus and rectum. And also when you apply it to the Aneros, you have to watch for pieces of shea butter falling off it as you are spreading it on.
At the end of my first Aneros session using this unrefined 100% shea butter, inspecting my Progasm after pulling it out, it was still lubed, but not as much as I would have been with my prior refined shea butter I was using. And the melted consistency is lighter. Which implies that I will have to use more per application/session.
Also the consistency is kind of grainy until it all melts. Which from what I understand, means I need to heat it up some and stir it to make it smooth again. I'm hoping this will make it not so dry and crumbly. But I will have to wait until I use up some more to try this, as they filled it right to the rim of the container.
In hind sight, I should have purchased the Alaffia brand unrefined 100% shea butter. As the consistency is more like the Now Foods refined shea butter I was previously using. Which besides the fact that is was refined, was a fantastic lube to use. Live and learn.
So i'v been in a lot of Walgreens and when I go back to the lube and condom section I have never found the Probe Lube. Am I looking in the wrong spot?
So i'v been in a lot of Walgreens and when I go back to the lube and condom section I have never found the Probe Lube. Am I looking in the wrong spot?
Thats where I found it. Good luck finding it. it is totally worth it.
So the best healthy options are Probe or one of the make-it-yourself recipies in this thread?
How does Sylk measure up?
Sounds like it has quite similar ingredients to Probe.
Regarding this (helpful) thread, natural extracts aren't necessarily safe. And those that have not been analyzed or tested on living beings can't be assumed as safe. Further, even if derived from a known source, such as kiwi berries or whatever, doesn't mean that an otherwise innocuous component has not been thereby concentrated and become problematic. Just to note.