belly energy
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belly energy

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Do you guys ever feel like energy or arousal sensation in your belly?

With slow deep shallow breathing through my nose I can feel a energy sensation in my stomach when using the aneros. Can anyone relate to this? And, can you guys give me any tips?

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Interesting observation.

I'm not sure what it's all about but breathing through the nose rather then the mouth does some interesting things. I can often feel the orgasm at the back of my nasal cavity and holding my concentration there can intensify the feelings very nicely. Not sure why but it certainly can be effective.
Mantak Chia talks about breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, and it's recommended to do the same to build an energy orgasm so there must be something in it.

And yes arousal is often centered in the abdomen. Try building it into an abdominal orgasm.

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Do you guys ever feel like energy or arousal sensation in your belly?

With slow deep shallow breathing through my nose I can feel a energy sensation in my stomach when using the aneros. Can anyone relate to this? And, can you guys give me any tips?

Yes, yes and yes.

You can build up arousal in your belly and amplify it until it escalates in an orgasm. One of the sweetest things I ever encountered... like eating some kind of orgasm-candy that explodes in your belly.

The belly is a big nerval cluster like your pelvic region, but even bigger. The approach is similar to the aneros: try to grasp the sensation in your belly and then relax and observe.

You might find KSMO interesting: it's an arousal amplification technique that targets the belly and is widely know and famous around this forum. It's covered in the wiki as well.

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Do you guys ever feel like energy or arousal sensation in your belly?Yeah I get a glowing pleasure sensation in my lower abdomen. About an inch below my navel. It's deeply satisfying, like this is the root and everything else is just connected to it. It's a gentle warming pleasure, deeply orgasmic... low-intensity but high in magnitude.
It took a few years before I noticed this sensation and how concentrated/focused it can be. I think before that, I was focused on some other area... an area that gave me positive feedback early on that I latched onto, to the exclusion of everything else.
Follow the lower abdomen glow and build it, find some way to make the aneros feed it. It's amazing how the most subtle good feelings can build in intensity and become these raging infernos.

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Breathing can lead to a energy orgasm?

I recently bought the aneros eupho syn and feel in love, but now starting to believe the orgasm lies in the breath. I noticed a strong energy sensation all over my body by doing different types of breathing. Changing the breath up during the build up of the aneros feels so good and do any of you guys feel the same about the breath? I know in yoga they talk about how the breath carriers energy, and in Tibetan Buddhism they also believe you breath in chi or qi meaning energy in the body. I know noticed by doing different types of breathing can build energy in the body and possibly lead to energy orgasm.

Belly orgasms?

I was also been thinking about belly orgasms for a while and I thought came to rise. I noticed by viewing porn to help build the arousal in the belly combined with shallow deep breathing through my nose can help the sensation, but the more I thought about belly orgasms and how to expand this energy I ran back into tao practice I once read online that might help expand this energy in the belly. Tell me your thoughts on this subject if find it interesting?

Belly, or lower dan tien meditation

Breathing into the lower dantian involves the centring of your attention in our lower belly area, about 3 fingers width beneath the belly button. Visualize a luminous point of light and energy at this level of your body’s core, about the size of a golf ball. Having found the location of the lower dan tien, the rest of the meditation is spent simply relaxing and trying to gently focus your attention and awareness in this part of your body, and letting go of excess conceptual thought and activity.

If you like you can feel light and energy flowing into the belly area as you breathe in, and flowing out to the surface of your body when you breathe out. However, when you feel as if your mind and body have settled down, the main emphasis should simply to enjoy the state of non-conceptuality and relaxation that arise from focusing your awareness in the lower belly / lower dan tien in this way, and allow your mind and body to find regeneration and healing within this deep, calm space.

Sensations in the belly

There are particular sensations that can be felt at the point where the Dantian is located. It is where you can sometimes feel butterflies in your belly, like when you're in love. Somtimes you can feel a sensation of heat there, like when you need extra energy, or feel stressed.

As there are so many things about your body that you can feel in or from the Dantian, it is so that to be in touch with your body, you need to be in touch with your Dantian.

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