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any progress?but is it correct that no more prostate sensations?

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After know some dopamine mechanic from rumel,in my session today,I forgot to check prostate sensations,trying to relax as I can.I'm sure the deeper melt into pleasure brings me more wave of sensations,almost 8 or 9 times the feeling went up during 2 hours(always only one or 4 times climb up in a session before). 4th wave is strongest one,even failed to get an orgasm,still have a release pleasure.
Is it a progress?

But I find my sensitive of prostate is declining,the general pleasure may become higher,hard to feel something on my prostate area.
Even sometimes can not feel something in my anus in recent sessions.
Can not find where have pleasure,but the pleasure really exist.....
Is it correct?

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Don't worry about where your pleasure is coming from or if this is progress at this point @ScarletV. Just relax as much as you can and enjoy what comes your way. That's what I do...

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