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Any men here who are on testosterone replacement?

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I have been on TRT for 6 months now. I get shots every 2 weeks.
I just been to the urologist he checked my prostate, everything fine.
However I also had a spermiogram done. And my sperm count is ZERO!
2 years ago my sperm count was fine. I assume this is caused by the TRT.
My LH hormone is also 0.
But does this really happen that fast? I mean it's only been 6 months and I am basically
infertile. This is kinda shocking to me. I dont want children so I dont really care but
I really did not think that it would happen that fast.
My balls have also shrunk a lot which also sucks.
I wish I could add HCG but I'm in Europe and doctors dont use HCG in men which is ridiculous.
In America they do it but not there in fucking Europe.

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@ dunz,
Info might be useful, but only if you want.
Why are you having TRT?
Free testosterone?
Do you use an Aneros. If so has there been any change in the results?

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@dunz, I'm on HCG for 3 weeks now for low testosterone. I had to go to nan endocrinologist and he measured my TSH which was high. I've been trying to get my testosterone up with aneros for 2 years, taking herbs, zinc, magnesium baths for DHEA, Vit D3, nothing made a significant difference. This is why I got involved in aneros initially.

At first I went to a urologist for low libido and he gave me a hard-on pill which worked but I still didn't have the stamina I wanted for sex. Then I pleaded for TRT gel which he reluctantly gave me after reading the warning label so I couldn't sue him LOL. The script got lost in our wonderful insurance system, the best in the world they tell me. So I got so frustrated I sought a second opinion from the endocrinologist. That's when I got the HCG script. It's too soon to see a difference. I'll have to have a repeat T level in a month. I imagined that I was being filled with liquid gold yesterday morning on awakening, which I associated with T production. I don't know if I'm imagining this but had a feeling of immense well-being.

That's what I want from this treatment. A stable high level of mood, energy, strength and general good health. If the HCG doesn't work, I'll try a procedure on my varicoceles in my testes which @Armon-Neat has developed. If nothing works, I'll have to get the TRT. I believe It's so important for men to have a certain level of T through our lives. I've read The Testosterone Syndrome by Dr Eugene Shippen, which is a wealth of information.

Why are you getting TRT? Just low T? Did the urologist warn you about the effects? That's too bad that you can't get HCG in Germany. Maybe over the internet? It's on off-label use here and is generic so they haven't done any testing on men. I had some initial discomfort at first. The only side effects are related to women like menstrual problems LOL. So far I'm good 🙂

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hello! i have secondary hypogonadism which means low LH. i always had it. dont know what causes it. HCG would be the best solution but doctors dont use it here on men which is simply a joke.

PSA and prostate are okay. i simply seem to be out of sperm due to the testosterone.

how much HCG do you use? and where do you inject it? and does the HCG need to be kept in a fridge after mixing it with the injection water? i read that it's pretty complicated to store.

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I made a mistake, @dunz. I take clomiphene citrate, not HCG. I thought they were the same thing. I don't know anything about preparing HCG. Here's info on clomiphene citrate: Sorry.

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I was put on Androgel for my extreme tiredness. I would take naps 3 times a day. my numbers weren't too bad at 149, but the gel really helped me stay awake. the only problem is that my balls shrunk to about the size of green olives. I weaned myself off the gel hoping to regrow them, but of course my tiredness has come back. my only option now is to see a urologist and get my dose right

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I was sleepy and depressed. I get a 1 Mil shot once a month. My wife is a nurse and can give me the shot. Much cheaper than the gels. They can hurt though. The medicine is thick. My wife can tell when I dont have it but I dont think I change that much. Maybe a little more tired.

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@euphemistic I'd take the clomiphene and skip the testosterone. The doc will want you to take both of course, but the clomiphene will make your body produce testosterone. ...I had the same problems as you for a long time. It took serious effort and research, but I finally grew my balls back (the modern world is a minefield and everything is aimed at your balls). It's not too late for you. If you want to talk, pm me and I'll give you my email.

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I'm so sorry @dunz. ...I have a little panic attack every time I hear about somebody starting TRT. Nobody should need it at all. But our world is full of endochrine disruptors and other testicle poisons. You can avoid them and have healthy natural testosterone levels, but it takes a complete lifestyle change, and a paranoid attitude towards every ingredient in everything you eat, drink and wash with lol.

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@Wandering_Smoke, I'm on the clomiphene for several weeks and looking forward to the results. Thanks for the warning about TRT. I was so anxious to feel normal again I briefly ignored the warnings. Are you on clomiphene too? If so, what's your experience with it?

@dunz, is clomiphene citrate available in Germany? It might be an option for you. I had to get a second opinion from an endocrinologist to find out about it. It's inexpensive and will work as long as your testes are working.

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hello, no clomiphen like HCG is NOT used for men in fucking germany.
only women get it.
i would have to buy it on the black market and from what i read clomid can have many side effects like depression or eye damages which sounds pretty scary. i would rather inject hcg than take clomid.

@ forgeman

ball shrinkage will happen. you cannot adjust to a dose where you get no shrinkage. it's not possible. your LH will go to zero when you're on TRT and then your balls will shrink. it sucks.

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Interesting comments. I am on TRT and have found no reduction in the size of my testes. I use a rub in cream. I understand large doses would put the testes out of action. Having been alerted to the possibility I am most attentive. I also find massaging the testicles in the shower helpful.
FWIW my Free Testostrone is 410 pmoI/L, I am not sure what the 149 refers to but on my scale it would be low.

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@dunz, visual symptoms are 1.5 percent and depression less than 1%.

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