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Aneros variations and postions

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As someone relatively new to using the Aneros products (about 5ish months), I'm curious about other peoples experiences and how they go about sessions. Do you use a specific type of Aneros for a specific type of session? do you have preferred positions for different products? I for example prefer to be on my back during a session however it's an awkward position for using the helix syn, while it works wonders when using the Eupho Trident, for the Syn I prefer being on my stomach or side. how often do you vary type usage or do you only stick to one. Do you use multiple products during a session?

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@Number2Pencil I'd be glad to share some thoughts with you.

Selection: No rigid rule here; I just select what massager I think my prostate would like during a session. Just this morning, I selected the HIH 950 and was greatly rewarded with it (see my blog).

Positions: I usually start out on my side, but invariably during the session, I will move-around to my other side, my stomach and even on my back. Again, there is no hard-and-fast rule here; just move-around based on what you are feeling. Don't even think about it, just move!

Multiples: No, most times it is 'one-and-done' for my prostate massage session. Very rarely, I will select another Aneros or other toy, but those sessions are rather rare for me now.

Good luck in your journey!

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I use multiple models almost every session... sometimes 6 or 7 I start small and work my way to the largest.
I found early in my journey that the most intense feeling came shortly after insertion and would last for perhaps 15-20 minutes then fade away and not come back. By changing models I get a new round of p-waves. Maybe this isn't the best path but it has worked well for me.
As far as positions go- I try many but the bulk of my time during a session is flat on my back with my knees bent.

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I have one position flat on my back I rotate my knees one way back the other half way.Latley Im getting a lot of pleasure with both knees ahead about a ft off the bed.As for on my side or face down I get nothing zip zero nada,wish it weren't so but it is.I have kinda stopped using different models in same sesion because it just feels so good I cant switch:eek:
