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Aneros too deep to hit prostrate sweet spot?

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I have a Helix model I'm using and I've begun to question if it's hitting the base of my bladder above, more than the prostate. I feel as though the helix is irritating my bladder area (a feeling of having been bruised, a day or two after use) and maybe it's not hitting the correct spot. Is it possible that for some users their prostrate is not as deep? I would imagine we aren't all built the same... Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you modify the aneros, or have you found a shorter model?

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I am now using the High Island Health's (HIH) Model 950 exclusively. It is shorter than the Helix (similar I think to the SGX) and is not as aggressive on my prostate. It still hits all the "right spots". I have not had any issues with it yet. You may want to try a shorter model.

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I am now using the High Island Health's (HIH) Model 950 exclusively. It is shorter than the Helix (similar I think to the SGX) and is not as aggressive on my prostate. It still hits all the "right spots". I have not had any issues with it yet. You may want to try a shorter model.

See i want teh HIH 950 but they dont accept my card for sone reason plus im in the UK which makes it hard to get. Unless somone is willing to order it for me, if pay them?

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@The_Fury I'm in the UK too. I presume it's because they don't accept our debit cards? Maybe they will accept credit cards, could be worth trying if you have one.

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Thanks for the HIH 950 info. I just checked it out and think I'll give it a try. Appreciate the suggestion.

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Hey @Dexter ,

Is it possible that for some users their prostrate is not as deep? I would imagine we aren't all built the same... Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you modify the aneros, or have you found a shorter model?

Encountered this particular problem? I guess so, this is a common newbie-issue. Actually identifying a somewhat misplaced prostate? Rather not. I'd say it's a "just" a re-wiring problem. That doesn't mean though, that another model wouldn't be worth a try. I struggled with the Helix for like 4 years and then had massive success, just by trying the Eupho-Syn.

I feel as though the helix is irritating my bladder area (a feeling of having been bruised, a day or two after use) and maybe it's not hitting the correct spot.

The Helix is rather aggressive and can get you sore quite easily, that's why it's my least favourite to this day. Are you working your muscles a lot and with force? If yes - you may try the do-nothing approach. Did you inject lube beforehand or did you "just" coat the Helix? Lube protects from soreness, so more is better.

Cheers, Unfug

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See i want teh HIH 950 but they dont accept my card for sone reason plus im in the UK which makes it hard to get. Unless somone is willing to order it for me, if pay them?

Thats correct but i dont want to get a credit card just for this one thing, i try to avoid CC's for other reasons alos. I just need to get one, but there is no other place selling them. if someone cn order one and i can pay them via paypal, will cover any postage fees as well any other costs i would be happy to do so!

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See i want teh HIH 950 but they dont accept my card for sone reason plus im in the UK which makes it hard to get. Unless somone is willing to order it for me, if pay them?

@The_Fury, you should try calling the people at Lovehoney (033 103 6969) to see if they can order it for you as they already sell the Aneros product line, I'm sure they could also get the High Island Health products as well.
Good Vibes to You !

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Hi Unfug. I'm not exactly a newbie...1.5 years...although I guess that's based on who you're comparing to? 😉 That said..."lube inject" yes, lots!, "do nothing approach" that's all I've done. I've laid off the Aneros play for a couple month due to extended soreness and have been reluctant to begin again. Using the Aneros has been an amazing experience and has created "re-wiring" effects in ways I could not have imagined. Many benefits that have extended well beyond it's time of last use (many of the benefits that others on this site have mentioned as part of their process). For those reasons, I'd like to continue with my process, but I'm reluctant to go back to using the Helix or Prograsm because they don't seem to fit my physiology without the issues of extended soreness after use. was enough of an issue that I spoke with my Dr. about the issue.

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Thats correct but i dont want to get a credit card just for this one thing, i try to avoid CC's for other reasons alos. I just need to get one, but there is no other place selling them. if someone cn order one and i can pay them via paypal, will cover any postage fees as well any other costs i would be happy to do so!

Why not get a CC?
You don't have to use it for anything else. Just one purchase for the HIH device and pay it off and that's it.
If if it's your aversion to debt, then I can say it's quire neutral if you just use it for this one purchase and then no more. I've heard of people cutting up their cards so they can't be tempted to spend more. Obviously dont go for the credit cards that have annual charges.

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@Dexter I had great sessions (including Super-Os) with the Helix but now that I use the HIH 950, I feel that the Helix might be too aggressive. When I first got it, I remember that it had an unusual shape (sort of like a finger). But in use, that's exactly what it feels like! I love the feeling! If I do sessions several days in a row now, I don't have to worry about soreness.

@The_Fury & @lonewolf8 I've ordered from Lovehoney (US) and they were very accommodating to my questions. I'm sure you'll have success with them (UK)!

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Hey @Dexter,

I'm not exactly a newbie...1.5 years...although I guess that's based on who you're comparing to? 😉 That said..."lube inject" yes, lots!, "do nothing approach" that's all I've done.

Ok, these were just the ususal suspects. How often do you had your sessions?

For those reasons, I'd like to continue with my process, but I'm reluctant to go back to using the Helix or Prograsm because they don't seem to fit my physiology without the issues of extended soreness after use ...

I think that's the right thing to do then. Since I own no HIH 950 myself, I can only recommend the EuphoSyn and the Peridise. Both are far less agressive with the prostate.

Cheers, Unfug

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Thanks all! I ordered the HIH 950...and will see how that goes. If nothing else, it will add to the mix of what I use and help me determine what works best for me. I appreciate the suggestions/recommendations.

Question for Goldenboy. You mentioned ---

"I had great sessions (including Super-Os) with the Helix but now that I use the HIH 950, I feel that the Helix might be too aggressive...if I do sessions several days in a row now, I don't have to worry about soreness"

... but didn't mention if you had Super -Os while using the 950. Do you? Have you found it's as reliable of a Super-O-ish tool as the Helix? Just wondering since I've gotten close, but no O's yet, and don't want to miss that opportunity. 😉
