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aneros long time wearing

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Hi to all, I am new here and to say the truth i don't own an aneros yet. But its a long time I am contemplating to buy one, and monday I will make my order 🙂
I will buy a helix as from what I understand it is the best for beginners right?
I am no newbie to anal play, I am kind of a veteran in facto anal play... but I am fairly new to prostate massage and I am completly new to aneros and its famous super-o's.

My question is the following. From what I understand it takes lot of practice and time to acieve something with this toy. But I am married and altough my wife is open to anal play she wouldn't like it to know that I play with myself ... and I myself don't necessarly want her to know. So I was thinking of wearing it under my undies when I am at home, maybe even outside, like when I am in my office or so.

I read of people making slight modifications for using it over an extended frame of time. What I am asking is, can I acieve the super O by training in this way or has it to be on the bed by myself concentrated and so on. As for that I have not the time and not enough privacy.

As I am new here I don't know if it is ok to open a new thread like this. If its not I am sorry and feel free to delete this post.

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I also am also new to this yet no stranger to butt plugs etc.

I have the HypnAerosession audio. It's good, but relaxation and breathing exercises are clearly critical components. This would be impossible for me if I weren't deliberately taking time alone for an hour or 2 in a quiet room twice a week. Family, dog, and phone have already taken on a new level of frustration (counter-productive to the "anerobjective")

I am hoping to get proficient enough to be able to park the car somewhere quiet for a quick Super-o. But I am already sure this is going to require months of training.

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Welcome new member 🙂
I will buy a helix as from what I understand it is the best for beginners right?In regards to choosing a first Aneros model, I recommend you first read the following : The Best Aneros model is...I am no newbie to anal play, I am kind of a veteran in facto anal play... but I am fairly new to prostate massage and I am completly new to aneros and its famous super-o's.If you are familiar with anal play then you have probably already experienced at least some minimal prostate stimulation, this experience should aid your learning journey as the sensations will not be entirely unfamiliar, just try not to have expectations of a time frame for gaining proficiency.My question is the following. From what I understand it takes lot of practice and time to acieve something with this toy. But I am married and altough my wife is open to anal play she wouldn't like it to know that I play with myself ... and I myself don't necessarly want her to know.The Aneros learning journey is predominantly a mental process/practice involving a paradigm shift in thought about what constitutes an orgasm. I would strongly recommend you not exclude your wife from the process. While early learning may best be accomplished in solo sessions where you learn to listen to your own inner body language of sensual awakening, excluding your wife may lead to hurt feelings of neglect for her and guilt feelings of selfishness for you. This could become a divisive situation for your relationship and a psychological blockage to growth in your journey. Integrating your Aneros use into your relationship may actually intensify your level of intimacy and amplify your pleasure level as you transition beyond traditional ejaculatory orgasms as the focus of making love.So I was thinking of wearing it under my undies when I am at home, maybe even outside, like when I am in my office or so. I read of people making slight modifications for using it over an extended frame of time. What I am asking is, can I acieve the super O by training in this way or has it to be on the bed by myself concentrated and so on.While making modifications (such as removing the tail/handle) to your Aneros may make using it more feasible during normal daily activities, I doubt such use will be substantially effective in advancing your learning or providing much pleasure. Most Aneros users find they need to be in a very relaxed and focused mental state to optimize their Aneros pleasure.
It is important to have sufficient time and privacy for you to be able to truly relax both your mind and body. Your chosen location to have Anerosessions does not necessarily have to take place in a bed, any place you can get into comfortable body positions will work.
Good Vibes to You !

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Listen to Rumel advice he knows what he is on about.My first learning toy was helix classic. it suited my height and it was middle of the range. I had barely any anal play experience. The helix still works for me even after 4 years but now is not my favorite Just occasional use now. I have moved on to maximus and progasm but trained with helix for about 1 year.

My helix has had the tail cut off completely and is wearable any where but like Rumel said to get a good session you will need to be laying down quietly somewhere and relaxed.
In saying that though it can be fun to wear while walking. I have heard running is great but i can not run ever due to injury 🙁
With the tail gone no one can see the aneros easily unless they look up from underneath.
So you can wear it while having sex with your wife and she wont even know unless she goes down on you. Its great when you blow your load in her with the helix in.
It has taken 4 years but now my ejaculation take heaps longer during sex as I can control the feeling way more due to aneros regular use.
No harm in getting one and every no and then having a session. At least it is there ready for you at a moments notice.
The largest Peridise can be good too. insert it with vaseline covering it while on the toilet wear it for as many hours as you want and the take out clean with paper and put in your pocket until you can wash it correctly. Very easy to conceal and use concealed. Not tail helix classic is about the same for concealment but is bigger so the bigger the device the harder to conceal.
I have always wanted to try ridding a bike with a no tail maximus but not sure how it would go with the seat being there.
Good luck, go for it and have fun!

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Thanks to all for the nice and useful advices! @ rumel i wouldbt leave my wife out of the proces of couse... I mean we already enjoy lots of anal play (on me) so i have no problem and would be happy to let her get down on me with the new toy. But i guess, as i know her, it' s better she doesn' know about the solo sessions. I make the training without knowing her... I guess that shouldnt be that bad. So i was wondering if the helix is good for long time wearing.... As im afraid due to his agressivness maybe it would be better to get another model for that purpose... And the next practical question is... When you wear it in public dont do have like involuntar emissions... That would stain your pants ... How do you solve that problem... Im sure in the forum here somebody can give me some advice on this.. About the concealibg part... Of course i have to try but even without mods the aneros helix doesnt look very hard to conceal... Looks like everything would hide just fine between the buttcheeks 🙂 i guess the modification (cutting away the curly part) are just made to make sitting more confortable and not for concealing...

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Hi @hellothere,
Helix Classic and Syn are great for long sessions. I have actually had a Helix Syn session for most of the day at work behind a desk in my office. It is not a comfort or concealment issue as much as a relaxation problem. My best sessions are always when well rested, guaranteed privacy and mostly "do nothing approach". So, although tried a few times, walking around with a device never gets me anywhere. It's not uncomfortable, it just never really feels that great, thus I don't do it anymore.

It is always good to experiment in order to find out what works for you! As many others here will agree, as you progress with this journey, you will likely find that "less is more". You may find that the most subtle little feelings are the ones to follow. So, I'm not saying don't try it....I'm just saying don't expect super O's in mid stride as you walk through the park! Then again "no expectations" is key. So who knows! Good luck!

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@hellothere. Listen to the advice you have been given from the guys above, it's right on the mark. Starting out, whether you have or don't have anal experience , I think you should ease your body/prostate/anus into the very intense sensations by doing them while maximally relaxed. Down the road, you will find your comfort zone about long term wearing . Like G-Force, I have rarely found walking around with any device to be a 'hoot'. It may be interesting, but I've never been hit over the head by an O with a device in. Several of the anerosers (most recently inhope) have had A-less experiences hit them out of the blue. and that IS something that might happen, but probably not right away. Don't rush it (especially if you are young--and it sounds that way). Give the experience its time. You will never regret being patient here.

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