Aneros doesnt work
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Aneros doesnt work

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Hello everyone.
After patiently trying during a year since I got a Helix, I have to categorically state that aneros doesnt work(at least for me). I now have a very dark cloud of doubt over other testimonials that claim that it works.
Im very dissapointed to have spent 70buck on a device that, even when following all directions given in the wikis, forum, etc, wont deliver what is been advertised

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Hi gauntman
It might be helpful to clarify where you are -
Some of the questions may seem silly, however they are helpful to see what may not be working for you.
Are you aware of the helix when it is in place?
Are you feeling sexually aroused before or after using the Helix?
Are you getting a contact between the Aneros and the prostate?
Are you getting any prostate response to the Aneros? (Perhaps a swelling or tightness)
At other times have you tried Kegel exercises to strengthen the PC muscles?

It took me several months before I could even feel the pressure on my prostate at all.
I am only a beginner or as I like to think Stage 1 of 3.

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Really? Not at all? I'm sure you must feel some sort of pleasure from it, logically speaking, it is a prostate stimulator and prostate stimulation should be a source of pleasure for most any male. When you refer to the testimonials I wonder if you are expecting the eye rolling, body convulsing, psychedelic sounding, out of reality experiences that some people describe when talking about the super-o.

Over three years of enthusiastic aneros use and I have achieved nothing like that. I have however achieved wonderful orgasms and periods of intense prolonged pleasure that can be hard to describe and definitely surpass anything I've experienced before. I like to think of it as another form of masturbation, one that requires more time and subtlety to master.

Not trying to discredit your claims to difficulties but I can see how one can be sort of misled or let down by what a few have posted on the forums. I was very drawn in by what I was reading with a slight bit of skepticism at the grandiosity of the claims. After the years of my personal experience and experimentation with the device, I am in no way disappointed.

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Keep trying, it's worth it!

Make sure you are very hard before you start. Work on making muscle contractions to move the Aneros around. You might also respond to very light pushing or pulling on the handles and tabs with your fingers.

Don't expect anything, just experience whatever you feel.

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