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Aneros Crash Course (my final plea)

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I don't use drugs, period. My best results with the aneros sgx have been using it not very often. Use it once, take a couple weeks off, did that for several months. Now I try it every few days and the results are improving more and more. It didn't work when I tried "contractions". For me it works best to just lube up, insert. Lay on my side for a couple minutes, and then roll onto my stomach and take deep breaths.

You use it all the time, read about it, trying the audio cd's. I think your problem is using it too much, and thinking about it too much... If you lay down to go to sleep and you keep thinking "I want to sleep, I want to sleep", you won't.... Take a month off from it. Have sex, or use your hand or whatever... Then when you come back, try it out for half an hour, then put it away for a week. If you go all out 100% when you just start, you probably will fail... It's better to start small, and go from there. Good luck.

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After some consideration I think this thread is concerned with the implied suitability for favorable outcomes in glossy/glitzy advertising. I've got a fair piece of experience in that realm. When comes to tools, I'm a bit of a 'test guy' so am always anxious to try something new.

I figure that, over the years I've "invested" about $ 18,000 in golf clubs, shoes and golf balls. Those have been highly advertised. Yet, my results haven't come close to what the ad writers implied.

I could blame the equipment designers, manufacturers, marketers and copy writers of the advertisements. Since I've not graduated from the "duffer/hacker" category the claims of the ads were at the least, "over optimistic."

So, I look in the mirror and ask what I can do to improve my game. Cuz, "it's been all good and I hope to keep it that way."

OTOH, I could blame the tools.


However, has your golf game improved or was it just as crappy as it was when you bought the products? This is my point. My results have not gotten better, even though I have consistently used the product and gave many different approaches a try.

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However, has your golf game improved or was it just as crappy as it was when you bought the products? This is my point. My results have not gotten better, even though I have consistently used the product and gave many different approaches a try.

Improved? Certainly yes, when compared to my skills as a raw beginner many decades ago.

How could it be better? By spending as much, or more, on formal lessons as was spent on gear. By better studying and capitalizing on the suggestions of friends.

Why didn't that happen? Because I derive more pleasure from being on the course and socializing than I do when I make meager gains during a rigorous practice session.

I "keep up." I cover up my shortcomings on the fairway with a passable short game. I spend on nice shiny, well advertised toys. However, I'm careful to never 'damn' my tools.

Make sense?

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Actually it doesnt...

I still fee completely cheated here..

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as you have been using the forum for 3 years i wont advise on technique as you probably know more than me but here are some thoughts that help me i almost allways smoke a little weed before a session i have found this to be very important i have had very few good sessions without it watching some decent porn helps me too although some forum members say the oposite and a quick douche if needed helps no end and finnaly use water based lube to pre lube your ass and lube the devise with a silcon or oil based lube the old oil and water technique and refrain from over use leave a few days minimum between sessions good luck

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Try selling the models you don't like on Ebay, maybe you will feel better about your whole rotten experience.

A little Chlorox and water rinse, dishwaser scrub and these products will probably be sanitary enough to move along.

Why do I say this (unspeakable thought)? Because I too have a model that I would like to upgrade to and a moel that I I feel is okay but not quite right. I want a Maximus or Eupho with ribs like the MGX. How about a custom Aneros shop? Why not? There are custom pyrex crafts-people out there.

There are pyrex "toys" out there that you can wash with the dishes and they have to be safe after a good hot rinse with chems. Chlorox is a superb cleaning agent, doctors and dentists use it all the time. One tablespoon will sanitize 100 gallons of water.

After you sell them, maybe you'll feel better.

BTW, weed is not legal (except in some places, which it is, but barely). Stay away from any thing that could jepordize your record, if for nothing else, future employment considerations. Couple the illegality with the amount of violent cartel action going on down on the Mex border and the bleed over into the U.S., the use of weed only fuels the carnage.

If anyone needs to alter their state of mind, try something else.... wine, bourbon, etc... I have heard that a wine enema actually if quite effective in acheiving a buzz, and it only take a small amount to absorb in the rectum. Don't agree? Well, with some folks using other natural butters and oils, why not wine as a precurser.

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While I know you mean well, in an effort to alleviate member 'Nat's frustration, I differ with your opinion regarding one of your suggested actions.

IMHO, it is not a good idea to perform a 'wine enema'. As has been frequently noted on this Forum the rectum's ability to absorb chemicals directly into the bloodstream should be a concern to all of us. There has even been a recorded death due to alcohol poisoning via enema 'cocktails'. Further, while alcohol does has psychotropic effects, it is also a nervous system depressant with anesthetizing effects. Putting our prostates to sleep is one of the last things we should be doing in our journey toward the Super-O. The use of natural oils and butters as lubricants has evolved partially out of this concern for the intake of chemical additives.

The use of various psychotropic substances to alter ones state of consciousness has been taking place from the beginning of time. While cultures and governments try to ban and/or control their usage, this usage is likely to continue far into the future. The legality of some of these substances changes over time as political ideologies and hysteria waxes and wanes.

The use of THC (the psychoactive chemical found in cannabis) has provided positive benefits for some members in their quest for the Super-O experience, regardless of its local legal status.

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IMHO, it is not a good idea to perform a 'wine enema'. As has been frequently noted on this Forum the rectum's ability to absorb chemicals directly into the bloodstream should be a concern to all of us.

I'm really not an advocate, and I did say a "little." by that I wouldn't recommend much over 10 to 15 cc's. Distilled spirits would probably be a harmful and painful undertaking.

And futher answer your mail... years and years (and years) ago using controlled substances, drinking and driving etc... was considered "having fun." Of course we all now understand that those behaviors are in reality very harmful to self and others. I wouldn't suggest that it's not any more or less fun now, but law enforcement techniques and computer access to historical data on an individual's behavior are tecnologically advanced to the point that any data out there is easily accessed and could have adverse effects on anyone's future, especially when looking for employment.

We all need to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.

Past indescretions can induce a heavy levy when the ability to search and pull records from a mulititude of sources can haunt someone the rest of their life.

Which is why I would advise anyone to stay legal. Enjoy natural enhancements to ones self, like exercise, yoga, martial arts or other forms of movement which use the body to naturally attain the state which would induce and enhance the use of products developed to stimulate naturally, rather than artificially. BTW I feel that Aneros products stimulate naturally. Or rather provide the bus to attain those heights of enjoyment naturally.

On another note and getting back to entities pulling data on individuals; I wouldn't use social networking to advertise personal behaviors either. HR departments are all over doing their own background checks on individuals. Just as an initial tool to sift through the job application process before selecting the candidates for interview. If you must use social networking to let everyone know about yourself and your behaviors, employ the use of an alias and don't publicate photos.

Seriously folks.

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I just find it funny that people are saying that in order to get a product to work you need to take part in illegal behavior. Like I said, I have been known to smoke on and off. But if something such as weed is needed to get a jump start on what this product supposedly does, dont you think I shouldnt be the only one sitting here saying that the product needs to be reevaluated?

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Who said

... you need to take part in illegal behavior.

You don't need an Aneros to get your rocks off, good old Rosy Palm will work just fine.
Get over it, you and Aneros ain't a good match, move on to something else.

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good old Rosy Palm will work just fine

I concur, but check with local authorities first as it might be illegal in some states

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Who said ?
You don't need an Aneros to get your rocks off, good old Rosy Palm will work just fine.
Get over it, you and Aneros ain't a good match, move on to something else.

Excuse me, but would you like to refund my money? Then with all due respect, shut up and stop acting like this is no big deal.

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Hi Nat

Sorry that you are feeling stalled again after having some sensations begin to develop. I have been unable to be here for extended periods lately and haven't been able to reply or even read your whole thread here yet. What I am about to suggest may have already been covered.

Due to similar history of serious back/neck injuries and related trauma, Pan and I both have used muscle memory training in our early days to get the most we could back then from aneros and the personal mixes of complementary practices we have each used. We had a long conversation about this last year and I have preserved the key section on this technique in my blog at this specific post: Muscle Memory and Fantasy/Imagery as Orgasmic Triggers - Aneros Blog Entry

I would be happy to chat with you about muscle memory training doing what I called Polishing the Knob, the tip of my MGX with my prostate reaching out using my rectal muscle wall as the polishing cloth!

all the best Nat and all grinders as you seek the combination that will unlock and awaken your prostate for you all


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Thanks Art, I will read the blog in a bit.

Just by chance I did smoke the other night. Because I was home early enough, I decided to put the Eupho in. Honesty, it gave a lot more buzzing, but thats it. So the weed theory doesnt seem to work all that well.

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Perhaps you can elaborate. What do you normally feel when you smoke? Does it make you horny?Does it increase your bodyawareness/sensitivity?

If not I just wonder what you were actually smoking coz that's what it generally does. Anyway smoking might make you too scatterbrained to focus which will inhibit you getting anywhere.
As you can see in the link above I'm talking about eating it, not smoking it. Try what I recommend in a months time and if that doesn't work then all I can say is that I feel truely sorry for you. But I'm convinced it will work though! Good luck!

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I wasnt taking it for aneros use. I was taking it while hanging out with a friend. Pot is pot no matter which way you take it. I just figured I would let you know that I did stumble on doing so. And no, it doesnt make me anymore horny.

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I disagree and as you seem to be evading my question I presume you're the type that wouldn't even inhale

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Hey Nat,

Sorry to hear of your frustrations, many of which I have shared (and sometimes still do share).
From a totally consumer standpoint, I agree with you; three years of dedicated effort and very limited results - it's time to throw in the towel. From my own experience, I can relate. More than once I have come away from a three-hour session and thought - "I paid $70 for this plastic piece of #%$* ?!?!?" I was quite close to throwing them all away also. My only real advice is: don't discard them. I put my toys away for almost 6 months.... then one day I felt like trying a session, and was glad I had kept them; however...... I won't sit here and tell you that I proceeded to have 10 Super-O's and subsequently had to call out of work the next day due to exhaustion; far from it. At the time, I was just glad I didn't trash them. Because they are small and relatively easy to put 'out of sight/mind', I would say hang on to them, just in case.
At the very least, hopefully you have gained some of the health benefits even if, to date, the promised 'pleasure' has not materialized.
Continued Aneros use or not, I wish you good luck.

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